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Discuss the current and future macroeconomic challenges

QD1. Discuss the current and future macroeconomic challenges that
healthcare sector is facing and will be facing. Why is a financial manager
important for successfully addressing these challenges?
With the change in macroeconomic factors, every financial and non financial
sector remained infected. The same effect will also have on the health care
sector. There are many current and future macroeconomic challenges which
are being faced currently and will be faced in future by healthcare sectors.
Current macroeconomic issues faced by health care sector
Macroeconomic factors includes uncertainty in populations, budgeted financial
figures, funds allocation by government, populations needs, increasing cost,
greater spending than GDP, economic recessions, demographics changes,
increasing demand, increase life expectance etc (Bodrud-Doza et al., 2020).
As the population increases, the demand for health sectors increase which
leads to give rising trend in budgeted figures for hospitals. Such rise required
additional resources which must be available at hospitals to address the
uncertainty in health budgets. Due to the shortage of financial resources,
hospital and healthcare sectors need to avail the financial lending from the
Government or banking institution to fill the shortage of resources. Finally the
repayment will become the burden on healthcare sector participants.
Government authorities required information related to the needs of public
related to medical need. Collection of the information related to that needs is
challenging for the health care authorities as it required knowledge of each
person’s past history of patient visit of hospital and their medical history.
Such knowledge and need analysis will then become the basis of allocation of
funds to healthcare sector.
After gaining the approximate figures, the most important challenge faced is
the rise of health expenditure as compare to gross domestic product of the
country which is at higher side. It is worthy to mention that any future
economic recessions conditions shall not be ignored while calculating the
health sector budgetary figures.
Future Macroeconomic issues which will be faced by health care sector.
Based on the current issues faced by the health care sector, it is expected that
challenges such as availability of required resources, it easily accessibility,
quality management, technological advancement and availability of technical
staff may be faced by the healthcare sector (Lachman, 2020).
Once the government authorities had budgeted the expenditure related to
healthcare, there are chance that budget fell short of resources due to rising
demand or rises in prices of resources. These challenges need to be faced by
health sector such as in case of pandemic with the demand for ventilators has
been increase many folds.
Even the financial resources are available, there is high probability the
availability of resources such as medical equipments (ventilators, doctors safety
kits) has been fell short. The medical related manufacturing firm may not able
to procedure the desired goods due to covid-19 lock down. These challenges
may be faced in future as well.
Even the firms are manufacturing the desired medical equipments; there are
chances quality of good compromised in wake of fulfillment of desired
equipments. The comprised goods may affect the results of output and may
harm the life of patients which can raise the challenge for manufacturing firms
and medical staff. Availability of technical staff to operate the technological
advanced equipments is itself a challenge as the availability of skill resources is
time taking exercise. For such purpose, it may required to import the desired
resources to fill the gap of resources and challenge.
Current and future Role of financial managers for addressing these
As the macroeconomic factors, financial managers also steps forward to
perform their role in addressing the current and future macroeconomic
challenges. The role of financial manager includes controlling of budgeting
figures, bargaining with vendors for purchase of equipments, matching the
revenue and expenditure items to reduce shortage of funds, contingency
planning, and effective utilization of funds or investing ideal funds, appropriate
cost of services in order to charge the appropriate price to patients (Williams
and Radnor, 2021).
From the current prospective , Financial managers shall control the
expenditures as compare to budgets in order to remain in line with allocated
fund and reduce possibility to avail the interest based funding. In order to
support the working capital requirements, vendors, suppliers and tradesmen
were negotiate on payment term in order to avail the maximum period of credit
period which can used the funds for operating expenses.
Financial managers have to face the challenge of available of medical related
asset at healthcare sector. Important and short equipment such as x-rays
machines and laboratory testing devices shall remain in spare capacity to fulfill
the emergency needed. This type of availability can be covered in strategic
planning which shall be covered by financial manager. The strategic planning
shall be prepared by financial manager to cover the needs and desire of
resources which includes quality medical equipments, contingency planning
and its funding and software use to control these activities.
For the future prospective, one of the most challenging issue need to be faced
by financial manager is charging of pricing to patients who avails the medical
related services. For such purposes, services of cost management accountant
need to be consulted which can calculate or implement the management
information system for calculation of appropriate cost of services and its billing
services to patient. In addition to above challenge, optimum utilization of
resource shall remain the major focus in order to manage the scare resources
in fruitful manner.
1- Bodrud-Doza, M., Shammi, M., Bahlman, L., Islam, A. and Rahman, M.,
2020. Psychosocial and Socio-Economic Crisis in Bangladesh Due to
COVID-19 Pandemic: A Perception-Based Assessment. Frontiers in Public
2- Lachman, P., 2020. Looking to the Future. Textbook of Patient Safety and
3- Williams, S. and Radnor, Z., 2021. Moving from service to sustainable
services: a healthcare case study. International Journal of Productivity and
Performance Management, [online] ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print). Available