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Result 25 2 2022, 7 34 30 PM

A large portion of Atlantic Computers' revenue comes from the sale of servers and other high-tech equipment.
Within the organisation, there are two separate marketplaces. Two distinct markets exist: first, there's the
conventional server sector, in which Atlantic has had a 20 percent interest for the last 30 years via the sale of its
flagship Radia product; and second, there's the fundamental server market.
Ontario, thanks to its Zink server, now has a 50 percent share of the basic server market and is the industry
leader in this rapidly increasing area. It is the intention of new server Tronn from Atlantic to enter and take over
this market. With the aid of Tronn2 and the PESA2 tool, it is possible to get total control over this market. The
performance of the Tronn server has been increased owing to a software solution developed by the Atlantic
called PESA. Through the sale of Tronn and PESA as a package, Atlantic helps Ontario and its server Zink,
resulting in a total economic value assessment of $23,100 per bundle3. It is expected that customers will spend
less money and that office space needs will be decreased; power expenses will be lowered; and labour costs will
be cut, since clients want a proportionally greater number of employees to be assigned to servers, as opposed to
the existing practise. Additional benefits include a decrease in pricing and office space, as well as a reduction in
power and labour expenses, since customers will require a proportionately direct number of employees in
relation to the number of servers they own. The high degree of precision provided by the PESA software tool
will be very beneficial to users of web servers and file-sharing programmes in particular.