DIVINE MERCY INTEGRATED ACADEMY OF VILLAREAL FOUNDATION INC. Villareal, Samar School ID: 409263 ESC I.D. No.: 0804081 Be Transformed. Make a Difference! November 26, 2021 Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Regional Office No. VIII Division of Samar Catbalogan Monitoring and Evaluation Tool Portfolio Day School: Divine Mercy Integrated Academy of Villareal Foundation Inc. School Head: Ruperto N. Torrechiva, MAEd District: Villareal I Date: November 26, 2021 Quarter: First Status Activities Done 1. Distribution of Modality Onsite Findings Recommendations / / / / Teachers advised parents who were not able to affix signature on the report cards to visit the school. Teachers will conduct home visitation to monitor learners. / / Some parents did not attend the portfolio day and failed to affix their signatures on the report cards. Teachers highly emphasized the main role of the parents in making this modular learning possible. Some learners did not accomplish the written activities in the module and they did not submit outputs stated in their textbooks by the module and by the teacher. / / To be done Virtual Report Cards 2. Parent-TeacherAdviser Conference and Feedback-giving 3. Display of learners outputs and performances for the quarter 4. School PTA Meeting Issues like the parent doing the outputs or answering the modules instead of Teachers will monitor the learner’s accomplishment of outputs through a home visit. The teachers will also use social media or mobile phones to reach out the parents and for their queries and concerns to be addressed. Parents will motivate the learners to do the module independently. Parents will guide the the learner doing the activities. And also the penmanship that varies. 5. Other Activities / learners at home while studying. The First Quarter Portfolio Day was successfully conducted. / General Findings/Recommendations/Agreements: Teachers and parents will help each other providing a quality education for all learners amidst this pandemic. Conforme: RUPERTO N. TORRECHIVA, MAEd School Principal MYRNA R. MACAPAGAT, PhD Monitor DIVINE MERCY INTEGRATED ACADEMY OF VILLAREAL FOUNDATION INC. Villareal, Samar School ID: 409263 ESC I.D. No.: 0804081 Be Transformed. Make a Difference! 1ST QUARTER PORTFOLIO DAY ACTIVITY COMPLETION REPORT ACTIVITY TITLE: 1st Quarter Portfolio Day IDENTIFYING INFORMATION Date: November 26, 2021 Venue: Divine Mercy Integrated Academy of Villareal Foundation Inc. Gymnasium Participants: Asst. School Administrator, School Principal, DMIAVFI Teaching Staff, Parents and Stakeholders ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Objective/s: To conduct the 1st quarter Portfolio Day To monitor the student’s learning progress and academic achievement To showcase the learners’ performance and outputs To discuss the issues and concerns of both the teachers and the students. HIGHLIGHTS 1. The activity started with a prayer led by Ms. Sheira Mae Quitalig, followed by the preliminaries. 2. The attendance recognition was conducted by Mr. Ernesto L. Oreo. 3. The school guidance designate, Mr. John Rey S. Padoc gave his opening remarks as to welcome the participants in the activity. 4. The GPTA election was facilitated by Mr. Ernesto L. Oreo. 5. The school principal, Mr. Ruperto N. Torrechiva discussed the issues and concerns of both the teachers and students in the new normal learning delivery mode of instruction. 6. The awarding of certificate of appreciation is given to supportive stakeholders. 7. The giving of certificate of recognition was given to the parents of the honor students. 8. Distribution and signing of learner’s progress report/cards. RESULTS Achievement of the Objectives: The objectives were attained. Participant’s Feedback: 1. Design of the Event The activity was done at Divine Mercy Integrated Academy of Villareal Foundation Inc. Gymnasium following the Covid- 19 Health and Safety protocols set by the local IATF. 2. Methodology The activity started with the preliminaries and followed by the election of the GPTA Officers, the discussion of the issues and concerns by the school principal, the awarding of certificates to supportive stakeholders, and the most awaited part of the program, the giving of certificates of recognition to the parents of the honor students for the first quarter. The activity begins at 7:30 am and ended at exactly 12:00 pm. 3. Management of the Activity The activity started with the preliminaries and followed by a dynamic series of events conducted by the facilitators. 4. Resource Person Mr. Ruperto N. Torrechiva, MAEd Mr. John Rey S. Padoc, LPT NEXT STEPS 1. Prepare the documentation Prepared by: LORIELYN H. DUMAHIL Teacher Approved by: RUPERTO N. TORRECHIVA, MAEd School Principal Enclosure No. 02 to the Division Memorandum No. 250, s, 2019 DIVINE MERCY INTEGRATED ACADEMY OF VILLAREAL FOUNDATION INC. Villareal, Samar School ID: 409263 ESC I.D. No.: 0804081 Be Transformed. Make a Difference! PORTFOLIO DAY ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT S.Y. 2021-2022, First Quarter Date of Conduct % of Schools in the Division which conducted the activity Issues and Challenges ( relative to…) 1. Parent-Teacher-Adviser Conference and Feedback Giving Teachers highly emphasized the main role of the parents in making this modular learning possible. 2. Exhibit/display of learner’s outputs and performances Some learners did not accomplish the written activities in the module and they did not submit outputs set by the module and by the teacher. 3. Distribution of learner’s progress report/cards Some parents did not attend the portfolio day and failed to affix their signatures on the report cards. 4. School General PTA Meeting Issues like the parent doing the outputs or answering the modules instead of the learner doing the activities. And also the penmanship that varies. 5. Overall Conduct of the Activity The Third Quarter Portfolio Day was successfully conducted. Prepared by: RUPERTO N. TORRECHIVA, MAEd School Principal November 26, 2021 Resolution(s) Teachers will conduct home visitation to monitor learners. Teachers will monitor the learner’s accomplishment of outputs through a home visit. The teachers will also use social media or mobile phones to reach out the parents and for their queries and concerns to be addressed. Teachers advised parents who were not able to affix signature on the report cards to visit the school. Parents will motivate the learners to do the module independently. Noted: MYRNA R. MACAPAGAT, Ph.D. District In-Charge DIVINE MERCY INTEGRATED ACADEMY OF VILLAREAL FOUNDATION INC. Villareal, Samar School ID: 409263 ESC I.D. No.: 0804081 Be Transformed. Make a Difference! FIRST QUARTER PORTFOLIO DAY A.Y. 2021-2022 School: DIVINE MERCY INTEGRATED ACADEMY OF VILLAREAL FOUNDATION INC. Date Conducted: November 26, 2021 District: VILLAREAL 1 v DIVINE MERCY INTEGRATED ACADEMY OF VILLAREAL FOUNDATION INC. Villareal, Samar School ID: 409263 ESC I.D. No.: 0804081 Be Transformed. Make a Difference! ANALYSIS REPORT ACTIVITY TITLE: FIRST QUARTER PORTFOLIO DAY As mandated by the Department of Education Region VIII that all elementary and secondary schools must conduct a quarterly Portfolio Day. Divine Mercy Integrated Academy of Villareal Foundation Inc. conducted the First Quarter Portfolio Day on November 26, 2021. The analytical view of this activity by the school has come up with the qualitative and quantitative data. Based on the qualitative data, the conduct of the First Quarter Portfolio Day has increased the inclusive and quality education wherein parents, guardians and stakeholders are actively engaged in sustaining the needs of the learners. They became a part of the support system. They monitor the learners’ progress at home and they also guide and help them in accomplishing the performance and written works given by their teachers. This shows that the community itself has a great responsibility in educating a child. And it shows that the community has adjusted to the new normal setting of schooling. When it comes to quantitative data, the school observed that the enrolment increases from time to time. But the number of participating parents and guardians during the conduct of the First Quarter Portfolio Day has not reached the half of the enrolment. This is due to the same schedule provided by the secondary schools in conducting the quarterly portfolio day and the standards set by the local IATF that no parents/ guardians will be allowed to enter the school premises unless fully vaccinated. Perhaps, we should come up with scheduling of this activity. If possible, since it is a private school where we may opt to adapt the guidelines mandated, the conduct of the portfolio day will be the day before the said schedule as stated by the DepEd. The conflict of the schedule is one of the reasons why few parents are attending the activity. Another recommendation, parents/ guardians must also get vaccinated. On the other hand, the conduct of the First Quarter Portfolio Day was a success. The objectives are attained and participants actively engaged in the said activity. Prepared by: LORIELYN H. DUMAHIL Teacher Noted: RUPERTO N. TORRECHIVA, MAEd School Principal