Beaconhouse School System Subject: Science Weekly Planner Sheet Class 1 Week 29 Date: 15th - 19th March, 2021 Planned by: Farah Gul HM/SM/SL/IC:__________ Evaluation of the previous week : Days Day 1 Monday 15th March 80 mins 12:30 pm Attainment Targets Identify different sources of light including the Sun. Learning Outcomes By the end of the lesson, students would have: recognised sources of light after watching the video identified different sources of light during the written task Activity Introduction: Watch the video about sources of light JaJTI Talk about sources of light. Ask them how they get light in the class/houses? Light bulb or tube light is one source of light. Ask them that they are camping out in the dark, how will they get light? What can provide light? Lead them to identify torches, light matches, candles, mobile phone, bonfire, sunset, stars and lightening. Assessment Informal assessment Development: Activity: Introduce some natural sources of light such as a firefly, luminous fungi, angler fish or a glow worm. Introduce other uses in daily life such as TV, LED’s, glow-in-the-dark stickers, glowing stick, some toys that give out light (also), lamps etc. Read the textbook page 80 about Sources of light. Discuss Activity 1 on the same page with the students. Written work: Complete the workbook page 44 by ticking the right picture that shows sources of light. Conclusion: Ask students the activity mentioned on ‘Talk partners’ and write their answers on a mini whiteboard. Day 3 Wednesday 40 mins 17th March 1:10 pm Identify different sources of light including the Sun. By the end of the lesson, students would have: identified and recognised different sources of light Introduction: Start the lesson by asking students why we wear sunglasses. Sun is so bright it makes it so difficult for us to see. Ask students what they know of Sun safety. Development: Read the textbook page 81-82 about brightness. Informal assessment differentiated between dim and bright lights during their written task Day 5 Friday 19th March 40 mins 9:10 am Become aware that some things reflect light. By the end of the lesson, students would have: became aware that some light things reflects by going through the slides Talk about brightness (strength) of light. For instance flood lights in the stadium, Sun. talk about some sources of light are weak, such as the night bulb because it gives a dim light. Discuss the Activity 2 of textbook page 81 with the students. Written task: Complete the workbook page 45 about dim and bright lights. Conclusion: Discuss the questions mentioned in the textbook ‘Talk partners’ with the students of textbook page 82. Introduction: Read the textbook pages 83-84 about Reflecting lights and shiny surfaces. Development: VSvCJZNXFWLM9CTaUO2116pJaQzUmUY /edit#slide=id.p7 drawn and labeled the Show the Unit 4 slideshow, slide 7: lights that reflects during Misleading Moon and slide 8: Reflecting the written task light. Bring in a collection of shiny and dull objects. As a class, sort these objects into two groups. In one group collect all shiny objects such as a foil, mirror, tinsel, metal cutlery, a shiny bauble/trinket. In the other group, collect sand paper, sugar paper, Informal assessment cotton cloth, plastic case, leather belt etc. shine a torch on each object. Written work: Complete the workbook page 46 about reflecting lights. Conclusion: Discuss the questions mentioned in the textbook ‘Talk partners’ with the students of textbook page 83.