Name: 4th CPP _____________ The Periodic Table of the Elements Main Groups Elements 1(1A) 18(8A) Transition Elements 2(2A) 1 13(3A) 14(4A) 15(5A) 16(6A) 17(7A) 2 T 3 4 3 4 Z 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Y 5 X 6 7 Lanthanides and Actinides E 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Keep the boxes where the metals are placed white, shade with a pencil the boxes of the metalloids, and shade the boxes containing non-metals with blue. Number the columns, periods and the main groups. Label the different blocks in the periodic table as, main groups elements, transition metals, and Lanthanides and Actinides. Give the family name for the elements in: a) column 1 Alkali metals(Except H) c) column 18 Noble gases b) column 2 Alkaline Earth metals d) column 17 Halogens Give the column number for elements whose configurations end with : p3column 15, s2 column 2, d2 column 4; p6 column 18, s1 column 1 Place in the above periodic table: a) element X that belongs to column 14, period 5 d) element Z which is the 3rd alkali metal th b) element Y which is the 7 transition element in period 4 e) element T, which is the noble gas in period 2 c) element E which is the first lanthanide.