N. RAVIRAJ Email: ravirajzmr@gmail.com Mobile: +91-9952295196 CAREER OBJECTIVE: To pursue a highly challenging career to enhance my skills and knowledge in the field of ELECTRONICS AND INSTRUMENTATION Infrastructure Management and to create innovative and creative problem-solving methods for mutual growth of self and the company. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Instrumentation Engineer Culture Instruments Private Limited, Bangalore September,2014 Acquired hands on experience in panel wiring for test equipment such as Humidity chamber, BOD chamber, Temperature Furnace. Configuring PID controllers. Machine installation at customer Location. Service of Industrial Lab Equipment. ELECTRO MEC. April,2018 to September,2018 Binding machine assembly department incharge Chemtrols Industries Pvt. Ltd. Maintenance and service of Ambient Air Analyzers, Stack Gas Analyzers, DustAnalyzers Present: Microtec Electronic and Instrumentation Pvt Ltd Site Engineer for Instrumentation Planning IOCL Project Ramnad. I have well known the instrumentation and control system in construction fields supervising, materials follow up and installations works.. As details givens below: 1)Pair and power data Cable checking & laying work. 2) Instrument panel board check and connection work. 3) Cable trays,ladder,roller laying connection work. 4) Control room,Sub station, Ancillary room, Battery room Panel board room and switch gear box room cable connection and maintained. 5) instrument pipe support laying and fittings work. 6) Lighting arrest, Smook detectors, Fire alarm checking and installed work. 7) Honeywell, Sevenseas instrument materials check and connection work. 8) level transmitters, pressure transmitters, differential transmitters checking and connection work. 9) Cable SS /copper/ Aluminium lugs connectors checking and installed work. 10) Cable / Battery terminals checking and connection work.. 11) All Underground armoured cable load check and connection work. 12) PVC & GI Conduit pipes check and Cable laying work.. 13) All type wire cable checking and connection work. Flexible cable roll check and installed. 14) Power cable& Data cable connection work. 15) Instrument Multi Flow meter check and connection work 16) ESD valves checking and connection work. 17) SS delivery tubes connecting to all manifolds and follow up work. 18) All SS ,Aluminium, Brazz Gable gland check and connection work. 19) Cable tremination kit check and connection work. 20)Painted pipe support, angle support arrangement for level transmitter connection work. Following instrument tools and equipments calibration checking and follow up. As details given bellows. 1) Megger 2)Load tester 3) Hydraulic & ordinary Crimping tools 4) Hydraulic & ordinary Cable cutter 5) Clamp meter 6) Ammeter 7) Volt meter 8) Multi meter 9) Insulation tester 10) Cable length checking m/c 11)Cable connector EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor’ s Degree: June,2010 – May,2014 Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering at Sethu Institute of Technology, India CGPA: 64% (Percent) University/Board : Anna University HSC: School: S.N.Hr. Sec.School, mamsapuram CGPA: 57% (Percent) University/Board : State Board April,2010 SSC: School: S.N.Hr. Sec.School, mamsapuram CGPA: 78% (Percent) University/Board : State Board May,2008 TECHNICAL QUALIFICATION: Obtained Post Graduation Diploma in Industrial Automation (PGDIA) from Prolific (IAO Accredited) Bangalore. Obtained DCS & PLC in” YOKOGAWA” technical school. COMPUTER SKILLS Package Operating Systems : MS office : Windows XP, 7, 8 PROFILE: Father’ s Name Gender Date of Birth Languages Known Address : Mr. M.S.S.K. Nagarajan : Male : 12-04-1993 : English and Tamil : S/O M.S.S.K. Nagarajan 1/186 Mainroad III, Mamsapuram-626110 Virudhunagar Tamilnadu DECLARATION: I hereby declare that the above particulars furnished by me are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date: Place: N.RAVIRAJ