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Evangelism plans

Evangelism plans
- Door-to-door: schedule door-to-door events on weekends emphasizing setting up a “Big
picture of the Bible” Bible study while also inviting them to services with a flyer
o Personally, plan to go door-to-door every Saturday anytime the weather allows
(make it known to the congregation the typical time you intend to do this and
leave from the church building so anyone who has interest in participating and
meet there and join)
o Make sure there is an attractive flyer/handout for this use
o Focus on setting up an actual day/time within the next week or two for a study
while actually at their home
o Focus on requesting them for their phone number if they show interest and
follow up with interested individual with a visit or call
o Keep track of all those who show interest (address, phone number if given—then
follow up)
o Use a map to keep track of the places that have been covered!!!
- Zoom Bible Studies: However long Covid lasts, and whatever other circumstances this
might be applicable, offer individual/personal bible studies online via zoom (or other
platforms) to have a “safe” “socially distanced” option to offer as an alternative way to
study together
o Zoom gives the capacity to use a PowerPoint presentation and is therefore my
- Contact all those who are weak, or are no longer attending a church and see what
relationships and studies can be established
o Go to the homes to visit without a call, if they are difficult to get ahold of
- Be intent on meeting visitors and giving them a visitor card to fill out (contact these
visitors and discuss having a bible study the week that they visit)
o Establish a visitor database to keep track of these visitors and when contacted
(the response that took place)
- MeetUp group Bible studies
o MeetUp is an online platform where one can join or set up groups for various
activities. One way this is used is for spiritual purposes. A Christian group can be
formed with the intent of scheduling Bible studies and spiritual discussions on a
public forum that provides the ability to see profiles and contact through
- Establish and help orchestrate campus groups/studies for college students
o See what involvement can be had with the students from different colleges in
the area (FC, USF, etc.)
- Have an evangelism class taught at the building focusing on equipping others to
evangelize as well as what methods can be used and performed as a group
o Empower others to evangelize and walk them through those efforts
o Demonstrate how there are many roles in evangelism and a variety of ways in
which one can be involved in this effort
- Retirement Home/Assisted Living
o See what studies can be set up at the retirement homes of members from
church (and what involvement those members could provide to having public
studies at their facility)
o There is often an event coordinator that can be contacted that may allow these
opportunities and work with you to set them up!!!
New Residents mailouts
o The library provides a free online database in which one can find out who the
new residents are moving into any particular zip code (the website provides a
wealth of details regarding those who have recently moved)
o This information can be used to send a personalized message with a flyer or
could be used to personally visit (welcoming them to the area, invite to church,
and offer a Bible study)
Personal Interests that are intended to be used for evangelism and edification:
- Have plans for lunch on Sunday that would be appropriate to invite visitors to
o Invite visitors to lunch the day of their visit/request to have lunch with them
after services the next time they visit and schedule this.
- Celebrate different occasion with members of the church by scheduling social events
o Super Bowl party, Holiday get togethers, New Years Eve party/talent show,
Birthdays, etc.
- Use Facebook and YouTube to post videos and messages related to biblical topics and
Evangelism through Relationship building:
- Have different monthly devotionals/studies for different groups (high school/grade
school/college age/ young adult/etc.) that include some kind of activity after (playing
games/cards, etc.)
o Allow different families to hold these in their homes to get involved
o Use this as another opportunity for people to invite friends to
- Get involved in the lives of members and especially children
o Go to ball games that different kids play in
o Participate in FC camp in the summers