Name: Jef E. Joaquin BSIT -2nd Year 1. I agree that our society is intoxicated with technology. Whether one concurs with each of the six symptoms identified in High Tech / High Touch is not really the point—we need look no further than popular attitudes about technological unemployment and global warming to provide convincing evidence that we are intoxicated with technology. In the case of unemployment, the prevailing attitude is that new types of jobs will come from somewhere, regardless of our inability to identify the source. “We’ll invent something…” With global warming, many people ignore the fact that the widespread use of technology is the primary cause of global warming and claim that new technology (yet to be invented or even conceptualized) will allow us to avoid this coming disaster. 2. A company can improve ethical performance by creating a values-based ethics program such as ethics policies or codes, top management commitment, ethics and compliance offices and officers, ethics training programs, ethics reporting mechanisms, and ethics audits. 3. Privatization is having an organization run independently from the government. Privatized organizations can be run as non-profit, not-for-profit, or for profit firms. Federalized organizations are those run by the government. A private organization is any partnership, corporation, person, or agency that is not operated by a profit or a public body. It includes all businesses that are for-profit that are not government owned or operated. ... A company or corporation that is run by the government are run in the public sector. Federalized organizations must be managed by the government, but in return these organizations have much higher oversight and regulations.