Taklimat Semakan Kurikulum Program Pascasiswazah 2019 Disediakan Oleh: Noor Hazarina Hashim, PhD Pengerusi Sekolah Pengajian Siswazah, UTM 1. Apakah itu semakan kurikulum? “proses penambahbaikan sesuatu program akademik yang perlu dilakukan pada tempoh yang tertentu dan dilakukan secara berkala dan bersistematik”. 2. Mengapa Perlu Buat Semakan? UTM adalah UA yang memegang status swa-akreditasi. Kegagalan untuk mentadbir program dengan baik boleh menyebabkan status swa ini terjejas. 3. Dokumen Rujukam Utama Garis Panduan Pembangunan Program Akademik UA, JPT MQF 2.0 Laman web CIDU: http://www.utm.my/office-dvcai/curriculum-innovation-and-development-unit-cidu/ 4. Jenis dan Tahap Kelulusan Semakan Kurikulum Perubahan yang memerlukan pindaan maklumat pada Daftar Kelayakan Malaysia (MQR) Pindaan editorial pada penamaan program, NEC, tempoh pengajian, kredit bergraduat, Perubahan/Penambahan kaedah pengajian. TINDAKAN: Kelulusan Senate, Memohon kelulusan KPM (JPT), pemakluman ke MQA, BPKP dan badan penaja yang berkaitan. Perubahan bersifat STRUKTURAL pada rekabentuk program (kurikulum) yang tidak membawa kepada pertukaran bidang. Memperkenalkan WBL, struktur program (major, minor & pengkhususan, penamaan program, perubahan pada PEO dan PLO, Perubahan kandungan kurikulum bersifat struktural daripada kurikulum asal TINDAKAN: <30%, ≥30% tanpa implikasi kewangan, ≥30% dengan implikasi kewangan, (Garis Panduan Semakan Kurikulum, QRIM, p.15) Perubahan pada reka bentuk program (kurikulum) yang membawa kepada pertukaran bidang pengajian. Perubahan penamaan dan kandungan Program. TINDAKAN: Senate universiti perlu mengakredit program baharu, memohon kelulusan KPM (JPT), pemakluman ke MQA, BPKP dan badan penaja yang berkaitan. Sila rujuk mukasurat 93-99 pada Buku Garis Panduan Pembangunan Kurikulum 2018 Perubahan/penambahan kaedah penyampaian program Perubahan/penambahan kaedah penyampaian program daripada Konvensional kepada Open and Distance Leaming (ODL). TINDAKAN: Senate universiti perlu mengakredit program baharu, pemakluman kepada MQA beserta surat kelulusan mengendalikan program daripada KPM (PT) untuk disenaraikan dalam Senarai Akreditasi Sementara atau didaftarkan dalam MQR. Perubahan/penambahan mod penawaran program Perubahan/penambahan mod penawaran program daripada mod campuran atau mod kerja kursus kepada mod penyelidikan bagi program pascasiswazah. TINDAKAN: Senate universiti perlu mengakredit program baharu, pemakluman kepada MQA beserta surat kelulusan mengendalikan program daripada KPM (PT) untuk disenaraikan dalam Senarai Akreditasi Sementara atau didaftarkan dalam MQR. Lain- lain perubahan a) Perubahan bagi memenuhi keperluan standard program. b) Penyelarasan kandungan kursus dengan penggantian topik selaras dengan perkembangan ilmu semasa. c) Penambahan komponen pembelajaran teradun (blended learning) dalam pengendalian program. d) Perubahan kaedah atau komposisi penilaian formatif dan sumatif. e) Perubahan sinopsis kursus. f) Pengemaskinian bahan rujukan. TINDAKAN: Tidak perlu memaklumkan kepada MQA dan KPM (PT). PPT perlu menyimpan rekod dan bukti-bukti pengesahan untuk semakan semasa penilaian audit pematuhan. 5. Matlamat Semakan Kurikulum 2019 1. Mengemaskini dan merekabentuk kurikulum yang menyokong agenda Kurikulum Tersedia Masa Hadapan/Future-Ready Curriculum. 2. Mengemaskini Program Educational Outcomes yang menyediakan graduan yang memenuhi keperluan industri 4.0. 3. Mengemaskini Program Learning Outcomes selari dengan MQF 2.0 4. Mengemaskini Course Information 5. Mendapatkan kelulusan Senat Universiti bagi pelaksanaan kurikulum selewat-lewatnya pada Sem 1 2020/2021 (September 2020). Ketua Program adakan perbincangan dengan Fakulti untuk cadangan semakan kurikulum Kemukakan permohonan kelulusan cadangan perubahan kurikulum kepada JKA Fakulti Kemukakan permohonan kelulusan cadangan perubahan kurikulum kepada JKKU Kemukakan permohonan kelulusan cadangan perubahan kurikulum kepada JKTS KKA Kemukakan permohonan Kelulusan Senate 5 6. Carta Alir Proses Semakan Kurikulum KPM, MQA 6 Garis Panduan Semakan Kurikulum QRIM, P.10 7. Checklist/ Dokumen yang perlu disediakan 1. Kertas Kerja Semakan Kurikulum 1. Dokumen Lampiran Yang Berkaitan Dengan Kertas Kerja Diatas: • Lampiran 1 – Matriks Objektif Program (PEO) lawan Hasil Pembelajaran Program (PLO) • Lampiran 2 – Matriks Kursus lawan Hasil Pembelajaran Program (PLO) • Lampiran 3 – Matriks Kursus lawan Taksonomi Pembelajaran • Lampiran 4 – Matriks Kursus lawan Kemahiran Insaniah • Lampiran 5 – Kursus Lawan Jam Pembelajaran Pelajar (SLT) • Lampiran xx – Course Information • *Fakulti dan sekolah boleh memasukkan dokumen lain seperti laporan IAP, Exit Survey Note: softcopy/template dokumen-dokumen ini boleh diperolehi dari toolkit SPS dan juga boleh dimuat turun dari laman web CIDU: http://www.utm.my/office-dvcai/curriculum-innovation-and-development-unit-cidu/ 1. Apakah Kurikulum Tersedia Masa Hadapan/Future-Ready Curriculum? 2. Program Educational Objectives PROGRAMME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES PEO PROGRAMME LEARNING OUTCOMES PLO Upon graduation COURSE LEARNING OUTCOME CLO After completing each course UNIT LEARNING OUTCOME ULO 3 to 5 years after graduation After completing each unit What students able to do Level Of Outcomes OUTCOMES Quality graduates in the st 21 Century Program Learning Outcomes (MQF 2.0) “Learning outcomes” is a statement of what a learner knows, understands and is able to do on completion of a learning process, which are defined in terms of knowledge, skills and competence. PLO 2019 No. Outcomes Acronym PLO 1 KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING KW (Technical) PLO 2 COGNITIVE SKILLS CG (Technical) PLO 3 PRACTICAL SKILL PS (Technical) PLO 4 INTERPERSONAL SKILLS IPS (Generic Skill) PLO 5 COMMUNICATION SKILLS CS (Generic Skill) PLO 6 DIGITAL SKILLS DS (Technical/Generic Skill)* Bergantung kepada kesesuaian Program PLO 7 NUMERACY SKILLS NS (Technical/Generic Skill)* Bergantung kepada kesesuaian Program PLO 8 LEADERSHIP, AUTONOMY AND RESPONSIBILITY LAR (Generic Skill) PLO 9 PERSONAL SKILLS PRS (Generic Skill) PLO 10 ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS ENT (Generic Skill) PLO 11 ETHICS AND PROFESSIONALISM SKILLS ETS (Generic Skill) PLO 1: KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING (KW) OPERATIONAL DEFINITION • A systematic understanding of facts, ideas, information, principles, concepts, theories, technical knowledge, regulations, numeracy, practical skills, tools to use, processes and systems. • EXAMPLE OF STATEMENT: Demonstrate comprehensive, systematic, integrated, new, complex and abstract idea of current critical issues in the most advanced frontiers of knowledge of a field of study, discipline or practice. PLO 2: COGNITIVE SKILLS (CG) OPERATIONAL DEFINITION • Thinking or intellectual capabilities and the ability to apply knowledge and skills. • EXAMPLE OF OUTCOMES: • Critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize new, complex and abstract ideas and current critical issues in the most advanced frontiers of knowledge of a field of study/discipline/practice and refine existing concepts and practices. PLO 3: PRACTICAL SKILL (PS) 1. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION • Work skills and operational skills applicable in common employment environment such as planning; organisational skills; selection of tools, material, technology methods and procedures. • It may include study skills and preparations, undertaking procedures, scientific skills, designs, research and so forth. • It also includes specialised skills which are set by specific subject, discipline, technical or occupationrelated work skills and professional practice which enhance professional competence. 2. EXAMPLE OF OUTCOMES: Demonstrate ability to design and implement or adapt highly advanced, specialized research methodologies which is at the forefront of one or more area of specialization. PLO 4: INTERPERSONAL SKILLS (IPS) 1. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION A range of skills which, amongst others, include interactive communications; relationships and collaborative skills in managing relationships in teams and within the organisations; networking with people of different cultures; as well as social skills/etiquette. 2. EXAMPLE OF OUTCOMES: • Work to deal with different people in learning and working communities and other groups and networks, ethically and professionally. • Convey information, insights, ideas, problems and present solutions cogently/coherently to peers, scholarly community and society at large in the field of expertise. PLO 5: COMMUNICATION SKILLS (CS) OPERATIONAL DEFINITION • Ability to communicate/convey information/ideas/reports cogently and professionally in appropriate language in various medium, to a range of audience and different situations. • The ability to communicate in more than one language is encouraged. 2. EXAMPLE OF OUTCOMES: • Communicate effectively research findings to peers, scholarly communities and society at large in the relevant field of expertise. • Work to deal with different people in learning and working communities and other groups and networks, ethically and professionally. PLO 6: DIGITAL SKILLS (DS) 1. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION • Ability to use information/digital technologies to support work and studies. • The skills include sourcing and storing information, processing data, using applications for problem solving and communication, as well as ethics in applying digital skills. 2. EXAMPLE OF OUTCOMES: • Competently use a wide range of suitable digital technologies and appropriate software to enhance study, research and/or work/practice. PLO 7: NUMERACY SKILLS (NS) 1. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION • Quantitative skills that require learners to acquire increasingly higher levels of numerical abilities. • It may include understanding of basic mathematics, symbols relating to statistical techniques and etc. 2. EXAMPLE OF OUTCOMES: • Show skills to design, plan evaluation activities, using quantitative/ statistical tools. • Apply mathematical and other quantitative, qualitative tools to analyze and evaluate numerical and graphical data for study/work. PLO 8: Leadership, Autonomy and Responsibility (LAR) 1. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION • An individual’s ability to build relationships and work with teams made up of peers or in managerial capacities with varying degrees of autonomy to make decisions or setting goals at organisational/unit/team levels. 2. EXAMPLE OF OUTCOMES: • Demonstrate leadership, professionalism and management skills, and take full responsibility for own work, and significantly for others in the research team/organization/p rojects/work. • Contribute to the technological, social and cultural progress on academic and professional practice to the society at large on emerging issues at professional/expert/ specialist level. PLO 9: PERSONAL SKILLS (PRS) 1. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION • Life skills that learners are expected to use daily. It also includes capability to plan for career development or further education. • Portrayed through enthusiasm for independent learning, intellectual and self-development; by demonstrating confidence, self-control; social skills and proper etiquette; and commitment to professionalism in the work place. • Aspects of character such as honesty, punctuality, time management, keeping to and maintaining deadlines that are important in a work environment are also important personal skills. 2. EXAMPLE OF OUTCOMES: • Integrate knowledge for lifelong learning with development of new ideas, solutions and systems. • Take full responsibility for own work and where relevant be accountable for overall management of one’s research organization. PLO 10: ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS (ENT) 1. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION • Edrive to be an entrepreneur is set as personal skills but also requires the requisite of relevant knowledge, cognitive and functional skills. 2. EXAMPLE OF OUTCOMES: • Initiate and/or lead entrepreneurial ventures/ projects. • Recommend on the commercialisation value of the research PLO 11: ETHICS AND PROFESSIONALISM SKILLS (ETS) 1. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION • Awareness/understanding and respect of ethical, social and cultural differences and issues are important in the exercise of professional skills and responsibilities. 2. EXAMPLE OF OUTCOMES: • Demonstrate adherence to legal, professional and ethically sound codes of practice. • Identify emerging ethical and professional issues, its complexities, and implications to advancement of research in the field and its societal impact. What’s Next? • Fakulti merangka PEO dan PLOs yang sesuai untuk program di fakulti masing-masing. Mohon untuk berkongsi PEO and PLOs dengan pihak CIDU dan SPS. • Membuat pemetaan yang bersesuaian. • Memperbaiki dan membuat penjelasan dalam course information. • Menyediakan dokumen lengkap untuk semakan kurikulum THANK YOU