इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ” “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru IS 3443 (1980): Crane rail sections - [CED 7: Structural Engineering and structural sections] “!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह” है” ह Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS s 3ff3· 1980 (R........ l"') Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR CRANE RAJL SECTIONS ( First Revision) Fifth Reprint JULY 2001) UDe 669.14-424:621,873 BVRBAU . or _ C'IJnl4l J981 IHDIAH STANDARDS MANAs. BKAVAN, t BAHADUk SHAH ZA'Ak MAllO • Haw DELHI 110002 " MtII'ch 19M II. Ma.t_ Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR CRANE RAIL SBCIlONS ( First Revision) S,mclural Sec:tions ~ctional C'.ornmittee, SMDC 6 (,.IM/rHta ~1I.f M. DIIA• .\1,,,,",, ~1I.1 ~. &MUJIII!. 1;11'\." ~1lI" Garden Reach ShIpbuilder and EnJinccn Ltd, }tC\.kollin, Mm. .o\IIoc:iatioD 01 India, Calcut.. N. B"ATT,\Cn".\',\ ealQi_ Sted Authorltr or India Ltd, Bhilai SltC' Plant, Bbilai SM" N. S. Cu~nan 8... V. lfUltuXOAl'f (.4iIIIwIII) SKa. B. 8. CIIAQAv.an SlIa. A. K. s..0Nt (.4111,.) s.... O. S. 011.\1 Stlaf O. GADfI S"a. S. K. Superintendence Co 01 India (PYt) l••d. c.lcu'ta M. N. DuNr ~ Co Pvc Ltd, ~lnatta Tata Iron .nd Steel 'Co Ltd, Janllhcclpur M.\nAPATilA (.fI"",';) SMa. S. B. ('.u .....\ Snat P. C. MutT"" (.4Itm1t1) Jnlpccdon Wi. .. Directorate General of Supplies and DiIpoaaIa, New Ddhi 5.. a. M. P. JAlCJJA Steel.~ulhority otlndia Lid, kawch and {)e\·clop. .101M. ).(Iaiatry Sua. OK KIIOIt.4 E~CC • 0 •• II C TO. STAlfD,\a. (WAOOM I). RDSO JOlt" Daaar.aroa ST.....DMIII (8 AS), RDSO (.flltfWII) aw:nt Ca\are lor IroD and Steel, Ranchi ot Railwaya Projeccs Pve IMI, QlcuUa Sill.. S. N.lmol' (••""') S.... P; loAXAlmARAv....." Hlndultan Shipyud Ltd, Vilhallha.......m 5"a. \'. A. S. NAaAV"ltA llAO (...."".,,) SUIU S. K. )1n'aA IndIAn Iron " Steel Co Ltd, Burapur SH" S. Dun... (~) SfllU P. K. MUtaIUJU The Braithwaite and Co Ltd, CaJcutta Snae I\MIT Kwu BtIATTACI'U"A (.ct",.,,) (~.,.,,2) M,.'-J /l9rUl.,in, Metalharrical It Enpneerinl Conaultantt (India; , Ltd, Ranchi Sua. KArow. PAAXAII' (.411" ..",- _ 5uu D. B. NAIK EbPnecr.in.Chier. Branch. Army Head.quartel" MAJ G. S. SoNDH (.4lltr,",lI) · St.RI P. V. NAlx Ilicbarcbon and Cruddal Ltd, Bon,bay SHU P. S. IlAMOAVlTTALAN Iron " Steel Control, Calcutta Juo L. V. RAMAIUUlHNA J",titucion of EnJineerl (India), Calcutta SHill S. Roy Steel Authority of Jndia Ltd, Bokaro Steel Planc. Bokaro M. V. SHU SHU NAOUHAIAH K. V. RAo (AI""",,) SHa. S. K. SADHU Je80P It Co Ltd, Calcutta SHaI S. C. CHAXLUAan (.4"""''') SIW M. C. SAuHODHAIl Stup Consultanu Ltd, Bomba)' 8Mat M. K. CHATrDJ". (AI,,,,..,,) SIW D. SIUHIYAMN Joint Plant Committee, Calcutta SHU B. P. OHOIII (.4lUr"ot,) SHill K. S. SatNlVAIAN N.lional Duildin,. Organization, New Delhi SIW A. K. LAL (.4lII""") SHill Su8....TA koy Steel Authority or India Ltd, Rourkela Steel Plant, Sfllll V. P. AaARwAL (Al,.,.,,) Ilourkcla K. SuaYANAaAYANAN Indian Alulniniu.n Co Ltd, r~lcutla SHU R. K. ManA (~,,) SHIU D. 1iaauvaNOAIWI Tube Invatmenu India Ltd, Madra SHaI M. SA.!ac.AaAN (Al""",,) SHIl. C. R. RAIlA RAO, Diftctor General, lSI (&-o.ffi&io M,m6Ir) Direc\or (Struc tt Met) Slutl or s",.,IlJ'.1 SIIaI M. S. NAOAaA.l Deputy Director (Struc It Met), lSI Panel for Crane Rail Sections, SMDC 6 : P4 c..,." SHa. D. OU)H The Tala Iron " Steel Co Lcd.Jallllbedpar M"""'J SIW J. L. AOOAaWAJ. S S P. o. IlAaDHAN A. K. lANaaJu SHaa D. S. DIw CHOUDHU&Y CnIIa and Allied Appliances Sectional Committee. SMDC 26, lSI Co Lui, Calcutta CnDCI ud AWed ApplianceIScctional Committee, SMDC 26, lSI )L N. Dutur • Co PYt Ltd, Calcutta .-.waite. (C.Ii. ~,." 16) AMENlKNT NO. 1 OCTOBER 1983 TO 15:3443-1980 SPECIFICATION FOR CRANE RAIL SECTIONS A1teratf ons ---_.-.- (pag. 11, Plg.3, dimenaicm) - Substitute '13.89' for '19.89' and '20.64' fo~ '2.84' (Pags 11, Pig.4, dirrttmaicm) - Substitute 'RS' fop 'R23.8' (amc 6) Printed at Prlntograph, New DcIh, Ph.: 5726847 IS.Ma . . . Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR CRANE RAIL SECfIONS ( First Revision) o. FORE WORD 0.1 This Indian Standard (Pint Reviaion) was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 4 June 1980, after the draft final~ by the Structural Sections Sectional Committee had been approved by the Structural and Metals Division Council. 0.2 This standard was first published in 1966. In this revision the range of rail sizes has been enlarled to include some of the sections commonly used in the indwtry. U :\ supplementary lilt of rail seetioRf covering the 125 kg/m rail (earlier designated as OR 140) a few non-metric railway rails anel some non-metric and metric crane rails which are in regular use IS given in Appendix A. 0.. In the formulation of this standard assistance has been deriveddrom: IRS-TI2-64 Flat bottom railway rails, Ministry of Railways, Govemment of India. . GOST 4121-76 Crane rails pud'\ntvennyj komitet standartov~ Meri Izmeritel'nyh Priborov SSSR (USSR). o.s For the purpose of clecicling whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calcUlated, expressing .the result of a test or analysis, shaU be rounclecl oft' in a.ccordanCe widi IS : 2-1960·. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. I J. SCOPE 1.1 This standard lays clown the dimensions, shape and other requirements of crane rail _tiORl• •Ilula (or roundi." off numerical valua (,..".,. 3 · IS I 3443· I_ 2. GENERAL RE(lUIREMENTS FOR THE SUPPLY OF MATERIAL 2.1 General requirements relating to lupply of material shall be as laid down in IS: l:i87·196i·. 3. DESIGNAnON 3.1 Crane rail section, conforming to this standard shall be designated by the letters IS(:R followed by the bead width of the l°al1 section in millimetres, However, the crane rail sections covered in Appendix .:\ shall be designated by the weight in kg/me 3.2 For shop marking and drawing office purposes, abbreviated reference symbol (:R instead of ISCR may be permitted provided specific understanding exists between the producer, drawing office and fabricator. 4. CHEMICAL COMPOSmON 4.1 The material when analysed in accordance. with the appropriate part of IS : 228t and its relevant parts, shall have any of the chenucal compositions on the finillled product given in Table 1. The location of sample for chemical analysis shall be as shown in Fig. I. TAaLE 1 CHDllCAL COMPOllTlON, 1'alC8NT S Si C DWONATION AOOOaDlNO TO Mn IS: 1762 (Part 1)-1974· NEW OLD 55Cll C55MnJ o-5Q.Oo6Q 0095-1·2S 50C12· C50Mnl 0-40-0-60 ()o9().1·45 ·Co:le or dctilnalion or steel: P Ma Ma 0-05-0- SO 0-060 0·060 0-03-0-30 0-060 0-060 ...A-- Part I Based on letter .ymbols (Jr,' ,mriM). S. TENSILE PROPERTID 5.1 The tensile test specimen shall be located as shown in Fig- 1 when tested in accordance with IS : 160a.1972:, the steel.hall have a minimum tensile strength of 710 MPa (72 kcf/mml}t with a minimum elongation of 14 percent on a ~uge lentrth of 5·65\11) where So ;. the area of croll secnen of the specimen in tfie g-.a. length. -General reguiremeDti tor the ~y of metaUuflica1 malleriala (Jim . . . . .). Metbods or chemical aDaIysia ot.teeII (IecoacI nriIoIl ~ iIIueCIln ,.na). + Methoda tor tenlile testi. . ol.teeI products (Jm mUiM)_ t , 4 Flo, I LocATION or s.w,La PO. ClDMlaAL ANALYSIS Tit_La TarrlNo AND I. JlAlU)NDI 1.1 The hardne.. of.he rail head when tened In accnrdance with IS : '15001968* .hall be not lell than 200 HS, 7. IAMPLING 7.1 The number oC ~mplea to be tested Cor chemical analyail, tenaile propertiel ancl hardneu ahall be one for every J00 tOMeS or part thereofautiject to ft minimunl or 'one lpeclmen per cut. " I. DIMINIIONI, TOLDANCII AND IICTIONAL PROPBIlDlI ." 1.1 The cUmenalpna of crane r&U IIttlona .hall be .. liven in TaWe 2. C:&lculated sectional propertiel baled on thete dimenaioftl are liven in Table S. . 1.2 The tolerance. on varlou. dJmenaJona of crane rail actions Iha1l be nl liven In Table 4. · U The dlmfnaiona or or the rail .edanl commonly _ In the country are covered In Appendix A a " wltb relevant tolerances and lICtloaii .properda. 'Method lor . . . . . . . . . ., ........ (JNI ""). 5 III Md. 1 . TABLE 2 DIMENSIONS OF CRAN& IlAILS (Cl.uu 8.1) x--- DIIIONATION x .. DIIII&I'I.IONl, mm ,--•4 B C D E F C H (3) (4) (3) (6) (7) (8) (9) 90 55 .'10 2'; 20 20 9·70 300 26 18 Ii 6 5 1·5 ISCR GO 105 105 6.')' liO 27·5 24 22 9·82 3.;0 32 20 Ii 6 5 \.;, 32 26 9'75 .fOO 44- 21i .8 8 Ii I',j (I) ISCR (2) ~ 90 ._'-----~ R. R. R~ R. R• If, R, (10) (II) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) ISCR 80 ISO 130 87 803J ISCRIOO 150 150 lOS 100 40 38 SO 11·2 +50 8 8 8 2 15CRI2O 170 170 129 120 +5 ++ 35 500 S6 3+ '8 8 8 2 I5ORI40 170 170 150 140 50 GO 40 2006 700 GO 40 10 10 10 S 15-3 50 30 iso I. raEEDOM nOM DEI'BCTS t.1 The rails Ihould be reuonably Cree &om twilt and the camber .hall not exceed 0·2 percent of the 1enatL 1.2 The uymme~ or. the rail CI'OII ICCdon with respect to the vertical axis sh~l not eXceed 2 mm and 006 mm in the raU ftanlC and he-ad ·~cdv~ly. . . , ", ~ 6 , q ! DIMfS·~ T. . . . S IIlCTIONAL 0.0MftOIf Cull Slr.cmoetAL W~ O. CRANB JI.AIL acTIONI (p.. ...) MOIm..,.. POImoNI CIItru OfOaAvmo Of AUA (I) nona:na . ,. • ,. (S) (2) (5) em em +52 +68 +85 5-67 60+7 6·53 7·63 7·S7 ..69 ..SI ..75 ..25 ""- em' 29-8 CR50 "·0 4000 CIl60 51·0 CR 8Q 6+2 81·8 CRl00 liS 89-0 118 Clll20 151 CRI~ 147 187 eOn th. bul. or clcnlily or I, I. (4) (7) (6) em· em· 157-5 II'" 65f06 195-9 1524 468·6 2.806 920 .. 1M 1672 5528 2609 .teII.,.., q/dm'. TAaLB t S8Cl'lOH MOOUUl CW .N&aTfA ..57 I \ ~, .Y./6, (8) (9) em' em' 760+ 116 2SS SII 577 670 (10) em' 24·8 37 12·1 123 191 307 1 /~ 82'8 IS6 2!S 368 552 632 -(./'. 'I'OIDANCIS (etc. 8.2) .0\11 eli. . . . ill miJUinctrei. RAIL S&C1'IOIf f" ISCR ~. 60 and 80 :1:2 • :2 Isea 120 aacll.o ISCR 100 +2 -s Thicknc:u or head :1:1 :l:1 :1:1 Flanpwlchh :1:2 +2 -S -f *2 :t:2 :2 :1:1 :1-5 :1:2 +100 +100 +100 Web thic:kn. ·!WIh1 Len" .. o o +S +S -2 percenl -2J*C1ftt +2 o +S II. MAltKING tOot Orane raillCCdona aha11 be rnarIcid with the toUowm, dctaila: a) ManuJactunr'. identi8cadon lnark, and b) Dclisnation (III 1.1 and Tables 2 and 3). 7 , .-2perocnl IS I MG· 1980 10.1.1 The material may also be marked wuh the lSI Certification Mark. or or NOT'" - The &lie the lSI Certilicadon Mark iI IOverned bv the proYilionl th.Indian Standarda lnatitution (Certification Marb) Act and the kules aDd Replauo,." made thereunder. The lSI Mark on productl covered by an Indian S&andard convey. the uaurance that they have been proct'.lcc:d to ~Iy with the requirements 01 thal standard under a well-defined lyst4:ln of inapection. teltina and quality control which is devisedand supc:rviled by ISf and opl:I"a&ed by &he producer. lSI marked produeu an: allO contilluoully checked by lSI lor conformity to that standard •• a further .repard. Details of· conditions under which n 1iccnce for the usc of the lSI umifieation Mark may be ,ranted to manuracturcn or proceuorl, ma)' be obtained from the Indian Sta.ndard. Institudon. APPENDIX A (Claus,s 0.3 tlnd 8.3) SUPPLEMENTARY UST or CRANE RAIL SECTIONS A.I. The dimension! of 22, 30. 32, .3, 4~)t 52A, 52]), 57, 67, 74, 75, 101 and 125 kR/m crane raillectionl are Riven in Table 6 and ~·iJt. 2 tn 8. The Icctionnl properties arc given in T"blr ~). TdLl5 IBCTIONAL ,aonaTIII or NON·MlTlUC CItANB RAIL acmONI I )I£"US,\"IO~ AMI';'\ \VI.OII'r ~tOMtHT 01' 1,.f\MT.I\ ."jt;ttrff)S ~fonul.l'" I•• (~'t (1) clnt kI/'" 28·:t 22 38·0 !(I ..0-7 32 n!\·,. ,,'i·n (W'·.' 43 4.'\ ~"i·7 !i2·1 .12·2 .;7 67 ,.. ~ 72·1 OJ'. !lJ·R 101 o~.·u 1~9 12.'; I,jlJ 7:\ 01' TO Nll.·'rat.\L J"ln.IT An,.1- ~,~ r, .. AXil It (G) (") (;;) "'' " em' (,,,:1 2~'~ :tl·U 43·r. +t,.r; 91 tR:l 327 I MI.. a~'1 120" .12·2 I 2711 5+.l :l70.' Mi·.. (17·0 74·.. 7:.·~ 101 122 27· .• lUi 't"·~. 79·7 nSI 21~ I~ 1·7~ (7; em (8' 3-31 'ralll.· h 4·23 ~·II :.·87 '·RA 2·4:l 4·44 r,,!u IfNI 31 I 17ft 2"4 !\·ti3 '·07 t7U 8 em 4·27 4·97 I~l "9:1 U8H 14:10 37 ..... D'tl'r.\NOtH 1(t;r.:,u·:NC... c;vM.\Tln~ (3, ~H·H R,\D'UI 01' s·o~' Fl•• 2 Tabl., ,. T.ble t, I"i•• :4 4 'i•. r. '·aNI F.,. "·n. '.·4:' ~)·nn 8·70 !I'2' r.·~1 .'i,... Tuhlr .. "~7In 'ra f\ :l"!' S·S~ r.·70 TAbla h 4!t~ 4·1\7 7·rJO " •• 8 • • Ma.I_ TAQ • DIMSNIIONI or tit . . . . 17, 7S AND III KGIII CL\NB am. IIGnoNI (CIftsf A-I) --"'T r'~",,_ _ H DuoNATION , , II DlMIIIIIO" mm ,/, .. • (I) (2) (S) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 22 45 125 54 24 14·5 II 8 55:1 24 20 4 S 4 '. '. . !' '2 55 150 rl6 SI 1705 1205 9 65:1 28'5 25 5 5 5 G 5 4' 57 65 17!t'" '8 1820 14 10 75::i: I 34 G s 5 6 5 75200 90 4' 22 1$04 II 8~±1 ,g.~ 8 6 G 6 75 100 200 100 6021 IG·5 12 95: 1·5 450S 4t 10 G G • 8 6 10 G D 101 B II la I. 120 220 120 7210 20 H (9) B '1 " '. (10) (II) (12) (IS) (14) (U) (16) 30 35 i4 105;1: loS 55'5 4'·5 10 G 10 .-2. TOltDANCII M.l The tolerancea on the dimt.nalona and weicht of crane ralls cowred In thl. appendix .h.U be .. ,Iven In Table 7. 9 IS. Ma·l_ T.dt& 7 TOLJ:ItANCU (a.. A·2.1) AD dimensionI in miUimetra. RAIL SacmoH . DaM&HIIOl'll i 22,32,4Sand 3O,45kt/m 75lrc/m 57 kif", +().80 Read width :1:2 :2 -().40 Thicknal 01head :i:1 :1:1 :1 :I:().80 FlaDpwidtb +2 :i:2 Web thiclcneu :i:2 ReiChl :i:1 LenJlh +100 Weithl +3 -2 percenl 0 +0·80 -().40 +().SO -().40 +100 0 +3 -2 percenl -3 ±2 \ $7'1,52'2,67,74 101 Irc/m ancll251rc/m +2 +2 -3 -5 :1:1 :1:1 +2 +2 -4 -4 :1:2 :2 :1:1·5 :1:2 :1:2 +100 0 +3 -2 percenl +100 +100 0 +3 -2 0 +3 -2 percent N e::g '" e:- . "N .J -. 0 ~ i X X R1·58 All dimenaionl in millime.,.. FlO. 2 30 ks/m CRANa RAIL SECTION to -- 10 • .° 3 43 kg/m CRANE RAIL X Sscrrox AI diaacnIions ia ..utieDeUes. 136·53 R 31.00 10 CEN1RE OF 9..9 - • an -. ... =• Flo." ---t---X 52-I kg/an GR_",~E RAIL SECl·.O:-l All dimensions in millimetree. .122-2 -------f-- X...... M • ~ .• . ... R4-e .. i• i II',..... . '"..• •,.:. II ., - •iil x X ~ AU 1,'.0. cIImeNIOM 5 52'2 q/m in millimetre•• CRANK RAIL SECTION 12 IS. Ma.l_ ... .. _....I '" ..D 3 C"'\ I CD """-;':-<l.! '"G' C"'\ I <;> l"" CD "K -4 &it .... " ~ co - I 12·2 25·' I - ;~-~ , . IQ .I X )( g 0 I 21'6 N N .1 • All climensioDl in miBimetrca. Flo. 6 67 kg/m CRAm RAIL SECTION 13 IS: 3H3.1_ 1£.' "'" K:.R8'7 . .... N &It .. , H )II en X -. ~ - ~1'7 &h .) .1I.---f'.~6-' x R,., - ,.. rC"R6.' I N 190·5 All dimensions in millimctra. Flc. 7 74 kg/m CRANE RAIL SECTION 14 .L_." -..... IS ~._ ..__ ._. __..•__ .. 149......_ •._ .•. I Mt3·1_ _ 3S 140 AD dimensions in millimetrcs. FIG. 8 125 kgfm CItANIt RAIL SECTION 15 III MG-l_ (CMIiImMI ftMt ,." .,,.,.,s S"aJ S. R. 2) Rqr,,,riIiIa, Sleet AUlhol'ity of India Ltd, Rourkel. Steel Plant. Rourkela JAIIWAL SHit' l ', P. HULANI ( ... It,,,..Ct) K. K. MANUAL SllItI P. VIIWAItA"YA Saun B. P. "1A1T1 ~1I.1 S. K.. MITRA Sua. R. N. SI1tl1A SIIIU Iron a Steel en Ltd, Jal1l1hedpur (."'1,,,,.") Tata l\fetallurliC'.al and EnPlleeri1l1 ConIultulil (India) Ltd. Ranchi Indian Iron Ie. Steel (:0 Ltd, Burnpur Cranes and t\"ied ~'ianca Sectional Committee. SMDC 26, lSI 16 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS H.adquarter... Manak Shavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002 Telephones: 323 0131,323 3375, 3239402 Fax:+ 91 011 3234062,3239399, 3239382 E· mall: bis@vsnl.com. Web.lte: http://www.bis.org.ln Central Labor.tory : T.'.phone Plot No. 20/9, Site IV, Sahibabad .ustrial Area, Sahibabad 201010 4n 00 32 Regional Office.: Central: Manak Bhavan. 9 Bahadur Shah lafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002 3237617 *Eastem: 1/14 CIT Scheme VII, V.I.P.Road, Kankurgachi, CALCUTTA 700054 3378662 Northern: SeD 335-336, Sector 34·A, CHANDIGARH 160022 603843 Southern: C.I.T. Campus, IV Cross Road, CHENNAI600113 254 13 15 tWestem : Manakalaya, E9, MIDC, BehindMarcl Telephone Exchange, Andheri (East), MUMBAI 400093 832 92 95 Branch Offlc••: 'Pushpak', Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg, Khanpur, AHMEDABAD380001 550 1348 Peenya Industrial Area, 1at Stage, Bangalore·Tumkur ~oad, BANGALORE 560058 839 49 55 Commercfal-cum-Office Complex, Opp. Dushera Maidan, E·5 Are. Bittan Market, BHOPAL 462016 ~Iony. 62/63, Ganga Nagar, Unit VI, BHUBANESWAR 751001 723452 403627 5th Floor, Koval Towers, 44 Bsla Sundar.1'1l Road, COIMBATORE 641018 21 8835 Plot No. 58, Neelam Bats Road, NIT, FARIDABAO 121001 5428261 Savitrl Complex, 116 G.T. Road, GHAZIABAD 201001 471 1998 53/5 Ward No.29, R.G. Barua Road, 5th By-lane, Apurba Sinha Path, 5411 37 GUWAHAT1781003 5-8·56C, L.N. Gupta Marg, Nampally Station Road, HYDERABAD 500001 320 1084 E·52, Chitranjan Marg, C- Scheme, JAIPUR 302001 373879 117/418 8, Sarvodaya Nagar, KANPUR 208005 21 6876 Seth Shawan, 2nd Aoor, Behind Leela Cinema, Naval KJahore Road, 21 8923 LUCKNOW 226001 NIT Building, Second Floor, Gokulpat Market, NAGPUR 440010 Mahabir 8hawan, 1stFloor, Ropar Road, NALAGARH174101 5251 71 21451 PatllputraIndustrial Estate, PATNA 800013 262808 Firat Floor, Plot Nos. 657-660, Market Yard, Gultekdl, PUNE 411037 4288859 House'3rd Floor, Bhaktlnagar CIrcle, 80 r=e.t Road, RAJKOT 360002 T.C. No. 14/1421, UniYeraity P. O. Palaylm, THIRlNANANTHAPURAM 695034 378251 *Sales Office Is at 5 ChowrlngheeApproach, P.O~.Prlncep Street, CALCUTTA 700072 2371085 tSaies OffIce Is at Nov-Ity Chambe,., Grant ROId,MUMBAI 400007 3086521 ~ 3221 04 Printed at Printosraph, NeW Delh, Ph.: 5726847