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Ornithology Tournament Sample: Bird Identification & Ecology

2020 Ornithology (B/C)
Sample Tournament
National Bio Rules
Committee Chairman
Sample Tournament
Based upon the 2020 SO National Bird List
taxonomy. Use it for all taxonomy questions.
This sample tournament has stations based upon
common birds of North America. Actual
tournaments may also have stations dealing with
bird taxonomic sequence, bird adaptations,
characteristics of specific orders or families.
Station A
1. To what Order does this bird belong?
2. What is the common name and scientific name of this bird?
3. This bird is famous for what type of call?
4. How has acid rain affected this bird?
Station B
5. To what Order does this bird belong?
6. What is the common name and scientific name of this bird?
7. What environmental problem has threatened this bird?
8. Explain the unique way that this bird captures its food.
Station C
9. To what Order does this bird belong?
10. What is the common name and scientific name of this bird?
11. How does this bird nest – in isolated nests or in colonies?
12. Where is this bird most often observed when feeding and
what does it eat?
Station D
13. To what Order does this bird belong?
14. What is the common name and scientific name of this bird?
15. What formation is typical for flock migrations of this species?
16. What types of problems are these birds causing for humans in
Station E
17. To what Order does this bird belong?
18. What is the common name and scientific name of this bird?
19. What animal preys on its young after they have left the
20. Where do these ducks nest?
Station F
21. To what Order does this bird belong? Family?
22. What is the common name and scientific name of this
23. What US distinction is given to this bird?
24. What is the nickname of this bird and what does it
indicate about its behavior?
Station G
25. To what Order does this bird belong?
26. What is the common name of this bird?
27. Examine its beak and feet. How does it feed and what does
it eat?
28. How does this bird interact with other birds of its size?
Station H
29. To what Order does this bird belong? Family?
30. What is the common name and scientific name of this
31. How does this bird benefit the environment?
32. How does the intelligence of this bird compare to other
Station I
33. To what Order does this bird belong?
34. What is the common name of this bird?
35. The bill on this family of birds is specialized to feed on
what type of food?
36. What is unique about the flight of these birds and its role in
their feeding methods?
Station J
37. To what Order does this bird belong? Family?
38. What is the common name and scientific name of this
39. Is this a migratory bird?
40. What makes up the diet of these birds?
Station K
To what Order does this bird belong? Family?
What is the common name of this bird?
What is the habitat of these birds?
Why was this bird introduced into the US?
Station L
45. To what Order does this bird belong?
46. What is the common name and scientific name of this bird
47. This type of bird will often feed from which other bird feeder?
It will also eat slices of what popular fruit?
48. This bird is the mascot for what major sports team?
Station M
49. To what Order does this bird belong? Family?
50. What is the common name and scientific name of this
51. What is the familiar nickname of this bird?
52. How do they benefit the environment and how can
they be a pest to man?
Station N
53. To what Order does this bird belong?
54. What is the common name and scientific name of this
55. What are those large structures on the top of its head?
56. When does this bird begin to breed?
Station O
57. To what Order does this bird belong? Family?
58. What is the common name and scientific name of this
59. What color are its eggs?
60. In most commercial illustrations of this bird, what is it
Station P
61. To what Order does this bird belong? Family?
62. What is the common name and scientific name of this
bird? ?
63. What is its diet?
64. How do these birds relate to other members of their
species - solitary or social?
Station Q
65. To what Order does this bird belong? Family?
66. What is the common name and scientific name of this
67. What tail feature helps to identify this bird within its
68. Where does this bird generally eat and what is its
favorite food?
Station R
69. To what Order does this bird belong? Family?
70. What is the common name and scientific name of this
71. How has man affected the feeding habits of this bird?
72. The bill of this bird is modified for eating what food?
Station S
73. To what Order does this bird belong?
74. What is the common name of this bird?
75. What is unique about the feet of this bird and how does
it navigate?
76. What does this bird eat?
Station T
To what Order does this bird belong?
What is the common name of this bird?
What is unique about the tails of this family of birds?
Where do these birds feed and what do they eat?