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CSP Create Task Review Lesson Plan

CSP U8L1 - Review the Create Task
Part 1: Review the Task
Read the Scoring Guidelines and Task Instructions.
● For the Scoring Guidelines, you can focus on only the first 2 columns for now
○ "Reporting Category"
○ "Scoring Criteria"
● We'll dive into the decision rules in a bit. Just get familiar with these documents
After reading the documents, answer the following:
● You will be submitting items to the College Board … what are they?
○ Final code of the program
○ A video showing and explaining the program and its code.
○ Written Response
● What are you hoping will become clearer after looking at example projects?
How will my items will into college board and what items should I include?
Part 2: Explore Sample 1
Create PT Sample 1
● Watch the video for Sample 1: LINK
● Read the written response for Sample 1: LINK
○ Did anything surprise you in looking at this sample?
It Wasn’t detailed but it was answered with a very detailed scoring.
○ Do you think this scored well based on what you know about the scoring
Because they answered everything according to the rubric and they showed their
Now look over the annotated version of the sample to see how each row of the scoring
guidelines was applied. You should be reading specifically to answer any of the questions you
had about the task earlier.
● Annotated Sample 1: LINK
After reading over how Sample 1 was scored, answer the following:
● What characteristics of this response made it score well?
The wording in the link was used correctly and well which defined the score given
to this project/score.
● What parts confused you?
The parts that confused me was the data that was store and SOME of the
wording that was used in the 2nd code.
● What questions do you still have about the Scoring Guidelines or Task description?
No questions.
Part 3: Score Sample 2 Your Turn!
Create PT Sample 2 Magic 8 Ball app
This time, you will watch the video, read through the written response and use the scoring
guidelines to determine if the sample earned the point for each row.
● Sample 2 video: LINK
● Sample 2 written response: LINK
Total score
Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
Row 4
Row 5
Row 6
Sample: 2
Now take a look at the annotated response and see how you did
● Annotated Sample 2: LINK
After reading how Sample 2 was scored, answer the following:
Try to point out specific aspects of the Scoring Guidelines or Submission Requirements when answering
the questions
Where and how specifically did this fall short?
When the program was being run, the code was being used to create a magic 8 ball
randomly but was repeated and coded again which resulted in the same image and icon
Was there one major problem that caused ripple effects through the scoring? Or were
there several smaller issues?
Several smaller issues was found in the code,
Part 4: Score Sample 3 Your Turn!
Create PT Sample 3 Random Dog Picker app
This time, you will watch the video, read through the written response and use the scoring
guidelines to determine if the sample earned the point for each row.
● Sample 3 video: LINK
● Sample 3 written response: LINK
Total score
Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
Row 4
Row 5
Row 6
Sample: 3
Now take a look at the annotated response and see how you did
● Annotated Sample 3: LINK
After reading how Sample 3 was scored, answer the following:
Try to point out specific aspects of the Scoring Guidelines or Submission Requirements when answering
the questions
Where and how specifically did this fall short?
It felt should because of the mistaken code used.
Was there one major problem that caused ripple effects through the scoring? Or were
there several smaller issues?
There was a major problem that was used in the effects throughout the scoring.
Part 5: Row 3b
In Written Response 3b, you will need to state how the named list manages complexity. This
can be tricky! You will need to make sure that you specifically speak to how parts of your
program would be different without the list.
Do This:
● Go back to Create PT Annotated Sample 2. Rewrite 3b below so that it earned the point:
Hint: Try to use specific programming language in your response (i.e. variables, conditionals,
loops, etc.)
If the list was deleted then the function list would use the update Screen to call the randomNumber out, the index is set 0, answers and a length of 1. If loops are added then you could
change the data to a conditions desire type and have a vary of variables, conditions, and loops.
While the PT Annotated Sample 2 used sound, images, and text. We could use more of a text
desire code.