COMPETENCY 5: DEMONSTRATION OF ACCOMPLISHMENT Rubric for Activity 3A & 3B – Implementing Record and Lesson Video Description and Guiding Questions The participant should demonstrate research-based instructional practices for developing students’ phonological awareness, use assessment and data analysis to monitor student progress and guide instruction over time to ensure an increase in student learning, and use a variety of instructional practices to motivate and engage students in reading as described in the Modules. *Lesson Video: Explicit Instruction Lesson Video Description and Guiding Questions Criteria Met Criteria Partially Met The participant consistently demonstrates the use of Explicit Instruction. The participant: • Uses the I do, We do, You do” sequence. • Uses clear and concise language. • Explicitly explains the skill • Teacher provides brief purpose for instruction (e.g., “Learning how to decode unfamiliar multisyllabic words gives us more options in what kinds of books we can choose.”). The participant sometimes demonstrates the use of Explicit Instruction, but at other times does two of the following: The participant: • Does not use the “I Do, We Do, You Do” sequence, or uses only part of the sequence • Uses confusing language • Does not explain the skill, or may not be explicit enough (so the student has to rely on guessing or discovering the skill). • Does not provide a brief purpose for instruction. Critia Not Met The participant’s lesson does more than two of the following: The participant: • Does not use the “I Do, We Do, You Do” sequence, or uses only part of the sequence • Uses confusing language • Does not explain the skill, or may not be explicit enough (so the student has to rely on guessing or discovering the skill). • Does not provide a brief purpose for instruction. OR The participant’s lesson is not explicit. (15 points) (10 points) Page 1 (0 points) Lastinger Center for Learning UNIVERSITY of FLORIDA COMPETENCY 5: DEMONSTRATION OF ACCOMPLISHMENT Rubric for Activity 3A & 3B – Implementing Record and Lesson Video Description and Guiding Questions *Lesson Video: Systematic Instruction The participant consistently demonstrates the use of Systematic Instruction. The participant sometimes demonstrates the use of Systematic Instruction, but at other times does two or more of the following: The participant’s lesson does more than two of the following: The participant: • Uses guidelines for scope and sequence of instruction, as applicable to the skill being taught. • Teaches the most useful skills first (e.g., high frequency before low frequency) • Gradually moves students from less to more difficult skills or stimuli as they demonstrate their readiness to do so (e.g., starting with 2-phoneme words before moving to 3-phoneme words) • Separates visually and auditorily similar information (e.g., letters b, p, d, q; words with similar sounds) when students are not yet ready for such complexity. The participant: • Does not follow the scope and sequence of instruction. • Dedicates too much instructional time to an unnecessary task or skill. • Requires students to do a task that is too difficult for their skill level. • Uses lesson materials that incorporate visually and auditorily similar information when the student is not yet ready for such complexity. The participant: • Does not follow the scope and sequence of instruction. • Dedicates too much instructional time to an unnecessary task or skill. • Requires students to do a task that is too difficult for their skill level. • Uses lesson materials that incorporate visually and auditorily similar information when the student is not yet ready for such complexity. (15 points) (10 points) OR The participant’s lesson is not systematic. Page 2 (0 points) Lastinger Center for Learning UNIVERSITY of FLORIDA COMPETENCY 5: DEMONSTRATION OF ACCOMPLISHMENT Rubric for Activity 3A & 3B – Implementing Record and Lesson Video Description and Guiding Questions *Lesson Video: Corrective Feedback The participant consistently provides appropriate scaffolding (i.e., supports) for students to be successful. The participant sometimes provides The participant does not provide appropriate scaffolding (i.e., supports) appropriate scaffolding (i.e., for students to be successful. supports) for students to be successful. AND The participant consistently provides correct responses when a student makes an error and offers the student the opportunity to try again. OR OR The participant sometimes provides The participant does not point out correct responses when a student errors or provide correction. makes an error and offers the student the opportunity to try again. (10 points) (10 points) Page 3 (0 points) Lastinger Center for Learning UNIVERSITY of FLORIDA COMPETENCY 5: DEMONSTRATION OF ACCOMPLISHMENT Rubric for Activity 3A & 3B – Implementing Record and Lesson Video Description and Guiding Questions Lesson Video: Specific Praise (Reinforcement) The participant frequently provides Specific Praise to reinforce the students’ correct responses, providing detailed feedback about the response (e.g., “Good work creating that word. You added the letter s, so that it would say star”). The participant does provide Specific Praise to reinforce the students’ correct responses, providing detailed feedback about the response. However, the participant does so infrequently. The participant does not provide Specific Praise to reinforce correct responses. OR The participant provides students with positive feedback, but the feedback is general (e.g., that’s right, good job). *Lesson Video: Blendable Sounds (10 points) The participant consistently follows Blendable Sounds guidance provided in the modules. (5 points) The participant sometimes follows Blendable Sounds guidance provided in the modules. (0 points) The participant does not follow Blendable Sounds guidance provided in the modules. (e.g., adds schwa after letter sounds; does not hold out continuous sounds). (5 points) (0 points) OR Blendable Sounds is not applicable because the participant’s lesson does not include activities that would incorporate this skill. (10 points) Page 4 Lastinger Center for Learning UNIVERSITY of FLORIDA COMPETENCY 5: DEMONSTRATION OF ACCOMPLISHMENT Rubric for Activity 3A & 3B – Implementing Record and Lesson Video Description and Guiding Questions Lesson Video: Multisensory Instruction The participant uses Multisensory Instruction as appropriate to make abstract concepts concrete for students (e.g., manipulative materials}. NA AND/OR OR The participant engages students in kinesthetic strategies as appropriate (e.g., manipulative letter practice, skywriting, using a mirror to produce difficult sounds, etc.). The participant uses Multisensory Instruction or kinesthetic activities in a manner that distracts students, takes an unnecessary amount of time, and/or inhibits their learning. (5 points) Lesson Video: Formative Assessment The participant does not provide students with Multisensory Instruction or kinesthetic activities when the use of such materials would have helped to make abstract concepts concrete for students (0 points) The participant collected Formative Assessment data (e.g., kept track of how many CVC words that students were able to correctly decode during the lesson as a way to gauge mastery of the skill). NA (5 points) The participant did not collect Formative Assessment data. (0 points) Page 5 Lastinger Center for Learning UNIVERSITY of FLORIDA COMPETENCY 5: DEMONSTRATION OF ACCOMPLISHMENT Rubric for Activity 3A & 3B – Implementing Record and Lesson Video Description and Guiding Questions Lesson Video: Lesson Length Lesson Video: Group Size The participant’s lesson was an appropriate length for the skill being taught. NA The participant’s lesson was not an appropriate length for the skill being taught. AND OR The participant’s lesson was long enough to allow for student mastery. The participant’s lesson was not long enough to allow for student mastery. (5 points) (0 points) The participant implemented instruction individually or in a small group (ideally 3-5). NA (5 points) The participant implemented instruction with a large group of 6 or more. (0 points) Page 6 Lastinger Center for Learning UNIVERSITY of FLORIDA COMPETENCY 5: DEMONSTRATION OF ACCOMPLISHMENT Rubric for Activity 3A & 3B – Implementing Record and Lesson Video Description and Guiding Questions The participant uses choral and Lesson Video: Opportunities to individual responses. respond AND All students respond during choral responding; if not, the participant corrects and redirects as needed to engage the student(s). The participant uses choral responding; no individual opportunities are provided. OR The participant uses only “round robin-style” instruction. OR The participant models only and The participant uses choral responses doesn’t allow students to respond. but does not ensure that all students are responding. AND OR The participant provides students with individual turns. The participant provides some individual turns, but not to all students. (10 points) (5 points) Page 7 (0 points) Lastinger Center for Learning UNIVERSITY of FLORIDA COMPETENCY 5: DEMONSTRATION OF ACCOMPLISHMENT Rubric for Activity 3A & 3B – Implementing Record and Lesson Video Description and Guiding Questions Implementation Record (Applies to All Lessons) Criteria Met Implementation Record: Lesson Reflection The participant has completed the Daily Assessment Analysis questions posed at the end of each day. Reflections are clearly correlated to the data collected. Criteria Partially Met Critia Not Met The participant has completed the The participant has not completed analysis questions posed at the end the Daily Assessment Analysis of each day, but reflections are not questions. correlated to the data collected. OR Participant has only completed some of the reflection questions. (5 points) (2 points) Page 8 (0 points) Lastinger Center for Learning UNIVERSITY of FLORIDA COMPETENCY 5: DEMONSTRATION OF ACCOMPLISHMENT Rubric for Activity 3A & 3B – Implementing Record and Lesson Video Description and Guiding Questions Implementation Record: Session Outlines The participant clearly indicates revisions to their daily plans when revisions are needed. The participant does not indicate revisions to their daily plans when revisions are needed on as many as 2 lesson days. AND The participant’s revisions are correlated to their reflections from the Daily Assessment Analysis questions from the previous day. OR The participant indicates revisions to their daily plans but the revisions are not clearly correlated to their reflections from the Daily Assessment Analysis questions from the previous day. (5 points) (2 points) Scores: The participant does not indicate revisions to their daily plans when revisions are needed on 3 or more lesson days. (0 points) Total: ___/100 Page 9 Lastinger Center for Learning UNIVERSITY of FLORIDA