Uploaded by Katy Sparks

Sarah Katy Sparks - Educator Resume

An experienced educator and
leader with success meeting
and exceeding goals, highly
effective instructional practice
and student data and known
for developing rapport with
students, colleagues, and
[Florida Professional Certificate]
Elementary Education (K-6)
Exceptional Student Education
[Georgia Educator Certificate]
Early Childhood Education (P-5)
Middle Grades (4-8) Science,
Social Science
History (6-12)
[Bob Jones High School]
[1997] - [2001]
Advanced High School Diploma
National Honor Society, Beta Club,
French Club, Quill and Scroll
(Treasurer), Yearbook (Editor)
[Auburn University]
[2001] – [2006]
Bachelor of Arts, Political Science
Alpha Xi Delta, Glomerata Staff
[Piedmont College]
[2008] – [2010]
Master of Arts in Teaching,
Secondary Education
4.0 GPA
[Apalachicola Bay Charter School, Franklin County, FL]
[2021] - [Present]
ESE Teacher
 Analyze MAP, iReady and DIBELS to identify at-risk students
 Work with general education teachers to plan and implement
instruction for ESE students while ensuring compliance with IEP
 Maintain and write yearly student IEPs
 DIBELS Benchmark Testing of students K-2 school-wide, Progress
Monitoring of ESE and Intervention Students K-5
 Oversee school Reading Interventionists and assist with
schedules, curriculum, and progress monitoring
[2013] - [2021]
Elementary Teacher
 Pre-K [2013-2015] Kindergarten [2015-2018] First Grade [2018-2021]
 Teacher of the Year, 2020
 Mentor for FSU and WGU education students who did their
observation coursework in my Kinder and 1st grade classrooms
 Highly Effective Instructional Practice: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021
 Highly Effective Student Data: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
[City of Apalachicola: Project Impact]
[2017] – [Present]
Site Coordinator
 Administrator of 21st CCLC after school program with 8-12
employees, MOU with target school, contractors and
community partners, and partnership with Food and Nutrition
 Under my leadership the program was selected to serve as a
model for the Florida Department of Education’s evaluation
of grant programs
 Met or exceeded grant objectives in each domain yearly
[2014] – [2017]
Curriculum Coordinator/ Reading Interventionist/ STEM and
NASA Instructor
 Design, plan, and implement Project-Based Learning
curriculum in grades K-8 for Math, Science, Language
Arts, Fine Arts and Social and Emotional Learning
 Reading Interventionist for Grades K-5
 STEM and Robotics Instructor; Grades 3-5
 NASA Engineering Design Instructor; Grades 6-8
 Chosen as one of 5 groups from the state to travel to the
Kennedy Space Center for students to present their
designs and meet NASA engineers
 Conscious Discipline: Building Resilient Homes and Schools;
Connecting with Hard to Reach Children; CD Institute I
 Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
 Restorative Practices: The Power of Circle; Emotional Intelligence,
Adverse Childhood Experiences & Trauma; The Treatment Agreement
 Florida Department of Children and Families Part I and Part II Child
Care Facility Training
 NASA Engineering Design and STEM Instructor Training
 University of Florida Literacy Institute – Dyslexia: What do you know?
 FSU CARD – Key Components to Create Quality Classrooms for
Students with ASD; Recent Advancements in Evidence Based
Practice for Autism; Autism Success for Pre-K – 2nd Grade
 IEP Matrix Training