The proposed introduction of a One Way section seems only to be to provide additional parking for the residents of Station Terrace: all other houses in the immediate area have off-street parking. This change would however affect residents in the wider community, pedestrian safety and traffic flow around the centre of Madeley. There are already parking spaces available along the road (designated gaps in the double yellow lines), which are under-utilised: I have yet to see these fully occupied, either during the day, evening/night or weekends. As such I do not see why additional parking is necessary. Additionally, making this section of road One Way, merely to provide apparently unnecessary additional on-street parking seems excessive. The proposal states an additional benefit of improving pedestrian safety: is this inferred, or is there a current unacceptable safety level that affects only this 200m section of Station Road? Pedestrian safety on the roads affected by the displaced traffic has not been detailed. No formal impact assessment regarding the proposed change has been carried out other than the one line comment “could be an increase in traffic flow on surrounding local roads, …should be minimal....”. On what basis is this statement founded? I would expect such a study to identify a defined need to alter the traffic flow as well as assessing the impact of such a change on local access as well as heavier traffic density on alternate required routes. Looking at Madeley as a whole, making Station Road south one way, would effectively create a one way system through/around Madeley, forcing traffic to pass a number of already constricted points either by virtue of being narrow and/or high traffic routes. These include: Station Road north between the proposed section of road and High Street Station Road junction with High Street, only suitable for one car width High Street (passing between Tesco and Post Office), congested by the provision of on-street parking adjacent to the Post Office Narrow road at a bend in Church Street near King Charles Barns Narrowing of Station Road at its junction with Church Street All residents on Station Road south and all side roads off it and leading to it would be forced to either use either this narrow route via Church Street (King Charles Barns) or travel south down Legges Way and back up Coalport Road (again a narrow residential road). Whichever alternative route is used, all traffic would have to negotiate the narrow and busy section of Station Road as it passes Church Street. This increased traffic flow in the vicinity of Church Street would create congestion, increased accident risk and increased pedestrian danger due to very narrow footpaths. Similar increased congestion and risks would also occur at the end of Station Road as it joins High Street from traffic entering Station Road from Legges Way and met with a No Entry sign, and having to reroute via Station Road north. Additional concerns regarding the proposed introduction of the One Way section are Emergency vehicles would take longer to reach the residents south of the One way section The additional journey (up to 1½ miles dependant on route) and traffic congestion caused by negotiating the various junction and narrow roads would create additional exhaust air pollution Surely a full, validated justification is required for the proposal before it can be considered viable: this would include a full impact assessment (traffic flow, environment, safety)? This justification investigation may identify alternative options (which would each require their own assessments). Such options may include Vehicle calming measures such as speed bumps and reduction of speed limit to 20mph, which would additionally improve pedestrian safety. Remodelling the road boundary with Station Terrace. There is currently a double footpath along Station Road and Station Terrace. By removing the path immediately adjacent to the road and the wall, the road could effectively be widened, allowing parking, and allowing existing 2-way traffic flow to be unrestricted. However, the proposal has not been fully validated as to whether additional parking is actually required. In our opinion, through observation at various times of the day and week, current parking provision is underutilised and as such additional parking is not required. Pete and Dawn Allman 3 Birch Tree Close TF7 5LR