Uploaded by Myles Hardeman

Humoral Immunity Lecture Notes

Lecture 10 Humoral Immunity
 [humoral response] B cells on → dx into plasma cells → secrete Abs
o also dx into memory cell
 Antigen delivery to follicles in LN
o follicles contain follicular B cells
o macrophages deliver large Ats from SCS → cortical follicle
o small Ats delivered to follicle via [conduits] from SCS → follicle
 B cell activation
o signals for B cell activation
 BCR signal
 At binds BCR → SRC kinase (P)s ITAMs → Syk binds 2x-(P)d ITAMs
→ Syk now act’d
 BCR crosslinking → on many TFs → B cell px + dx
o NFAT, ERK, JNK, p38, NFκB
 accessory signals, from
 [Th]
o [TD (thymus-dep Ats] unable to induce Ab response w.o T
cell help
 microbes
o [TI (thymus-indy Ats] can induce Abs w.o T cells help
 highly repetitive mlcls that cross link BCR → 2nd
signal from direct recognition of common microbial
constituent => LPS (binds B-cell TLR)
 most pathogens have both types of Ats
 high-affinity, long term humoral responses req. T-dep B cell
o T-cell-dep Ab response
 [linked recognition] T cells involved bind same At as B cell → allows B and
T to interact →  Ab response
 peptide recognized by Tfh prolly dif from BCR’s but they are
present in same At
o i.e. B cell may recognize one epitope on At but may
present a different epitope from that At for T cell interaxn
 mech
 1. B cell acts as APC (MHC2)→ Th binds at presented epitope →
initial T-B interaxn (outside follicle)
o T cells also see At from DCs → px
 2. B cells leave follicle → px -dx→
o if stays out of follicle → [short-lived plasma cells] →
localize to medulla (LNs), red pulp (spleen), lamina propria
(mucosa) → release Abs
o if re-enters follicle → [germinal center (GC) B cells]
3. GC B cell -dx→ memory cells + long-lived plasma cells (release
hi affinity Abs) → localize to bone marrow, gut, lactating
mammary gland
o B cells mutate in dark zone of GC → B cell w. higher affinity
bind At and present to T cells via MHC2 → B cell-CD40
binds Tfh-CD40L, TCR binds MHC2 → B cell receives
survival + miotic signals → re-enter dark zone → mutate
 [somatic hypermutation] B cells w. higher affinity
BCRs interact w. Ats on surface of Foll. DCs better n
better → present to Tfh better n better → receive
CD40L and CK signals better → favors better and
better Abs for At
 [class-switch recombo] expression of new isotypes
w.o ∆ing At specificity
 dif CKs  dif class switches to dif isotypes
 both above processes req. [AID] activation-induced
cytidine deaminase
o [memory B cells]
 higher affinity for At, longer lived
 us. isotyped (IgG, A)
  clonal expression +  dx speed in 2’ immune
o Secondary humoral immune response
 IgG memory B cell -dx→ long-lived plasma cells
 some memory B cells → GCs → SHM + selection →  At affinity
 larger than 1’ response
  in IgG and maybe IgA/E
 higher affinity than 1’ response
 only induced by protein Ats
 1’ response induced by all Ats
o Abs and host defense
 [neutralization] prevent R-mediated endocytosis of pathogens
 toxins, bacteria + virus → coated w. Ab→ cant bind cellR
 [opsonization]
  phagocytosis of EC bacteria via FcR → Ig coats pathogen →
phagocyte binds Fc and on phagocyte → phagocytosis
 [C activation]
 plasma bacteria
o IgM pentamer (staple form) and IgG bind At on bacterial
surface → C1q binds one IgM or 2+ IgG → on C1r + C1s →
C path
[ADCC (Ab-dep cell-med’d cytotoxicity)] Ab binds target cell → FcR (NK)
bind Ab-target → cross-linking of FcR signals NK to kill target → apoptosis
[IgA] major class of Ab on mucosa
 dimeric
 IC + EC neutralization; pathogen export from l.p.
 [pIgR] transcytosis of IgA (l.p → apical surface of epi)
o only IgA (and some M) cross epi
[Neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn)] transfer passive immunity mother → fetus
 recycles IgG
 extends IgG t1/2
 transport of IgG in GI
 only IgG crosses placenta
IgE → on mast cells → degranulation → release histamine, CKs, lipid
 [histamine]  blood flow + vasc. permeability
 [lipid mediators + CKs] initiate local inflammatory responses
 IgE us. bound to mast cell’s FcϵRI → mast cell act’d when At cross
links IgE/FcϵRI complexes