Данное упражнение представляет собой готовую ИКТ-разработку для использования учителем английского языка в классе при подготовке учащихся к экзаменационному разделу „Словообразование“. В качестве ИК-технологии выбрана презентация Power Point c ee возможностью анимации и гиперссылок. Как показывает практика, анимация ответов к заданию оптимизирует скорость проверки в классе и создает общий позитивный настрой учеников из-за отсутствия боязни ошибки, что в итоге способствует эффективной консолидации материала. Презентация состоит из 15 слайдов и включает 5 упражнений. 2,3,4.Слайды - „Being a private detective“ 5,6,7.Cлайды - „Technopanic“ 8,9,10.Cлайды - „The British and the queueing“ 11,12,13.Cлайды - „The fireworks man“ 14,15,16.Cлайды - „The right time to exercise“ Интерактивная презентация предназначена для просмотра в классе. Учитель может выбрать нужное упражнение, соответствующее теме урока. Источник : упражнения взяты из учебников Oxford University Press. zk© гор. Москва, 2012г TECHNOPANIC QUEUEING FIREWORKS EXERCISE BEING A PRIVATE DETECTIVE Use the words given in capitals (1-10) to form new words that fit into the spaces in the text. lawyers Private detectives are employed by (1)___________(LAW) , businesses and ordinary members of the public. They need to have a detailed (2)___________(KNOW) knowledge of the law and be good at blending into a crowd without attracting (3)__________(ATTEND). attention The hours are long and very (4)______________(PREDICT) unpredictable - every day is different. Ken Lodge runs his own detective (5)_____________(AGENT) in London. agency He has been working as a private detective now for 30 generally years. 'We (6) ______________(GENERAL) take on all sorts of work,' he explains. ‘ A client might ask us for (7) ___________(EVIDENT) evidence that someone is breaking the law or to find a (8)____________(MISS) member of their family. missing Some companies even ask us to check their (9) _________(SECURE) by breaking into their offices.' security But is the job as (10)____________ (GLAMOUR) as it glamorous seems on TV? 'You can spend 12 hours in a car, waiting for someone!' DETECTIVE QUEUEING FIREWORKS EXERCISE TECHNOPANIC Use the words given in capitals (1-10) to form new words that fit into the spaces in the text. invention There has rarely been an (1)____________(INVENT) that someone hasn't considered dangerous, immoral (2)___________(MORAL) or a threat to society. Fear of change is the primary cause of technopanic. Change is a step into the (3)____________(KNOW), and it has major consequences. unknown People in (4)____________(MANAGE) in the 1950s management were worried about the (5)____________(AFFECT) of photocopiers. effect originally Pocket calculators were (6)___________(ORIGIN) very expensive little gadgets but when there was a big (7)_____________(REDUCE) in the cost of microchips reduction and these calculators became much more (8)______________(AFFORD), affordable some people said that they were going to create a generation of people (9)_____________(CAPABLE) of incapable performing a simple sum in their heads. And computers were said to result in mass (10)________________(EMPLOY) . unemployment DETECTIVE TECHNOPANIC FIREWORKS EXERCISE THE BRITISH AND QUEUEING Use the words given in capitals (1-10) to form new words that fit into the spaces in the text. 'All things come to those who wait.' traditional It's a (1)____________(TRADITION) phrase that has kept the British patiently in line for years. For (2)_____________(GENERATE), we've been generations waiting our turn. This may sometimes have led to (3)_______(ANGRY) abroad, anger when (4)_____________(FOREIGN) haven't always foreigners respected the rules of the orderly queue. But at home we have (5)_________(SECRET) enjoyed our reputation. secretly unfashionable It's rather (6)_____________(FASHION), though, isn't it? Today's highly developed culture of (7)__________(SERVE) to the public seems service to have more in common with the American 'I want it and I want it now' philosophy. But our (8)____________(PATIENT) seems to be growing. patience We may wait with less (9)___________(POLITE) than we politeness used to - you only have to observe the (10)_____________(FRUSTRATE) shoppers in a supermarket queue. frustrated But wait we still do. DETECTIVE TECHNOPANIC QUEUEING EXERCISE THE FIREWORKS MAN Use the words given in capitals (1-10) to form new words that fit into the spaces in the text. fascination Mark Lancaster has had a (1)____________(FASCINATE) for making fireworks since he was a young boy. This is not (2)_____________(SURPRISE) surprising when you learn that his father has been the (3)___________(CREATE) of many of the biggest creator firework displays in Britain of the past 25 years. In 1993 Mark came to the (4)____________(CONCLUDE) conclusion that he was not (5)___________(SUIT) suited to a career in the Army. 'When I was in the Army, I realized that my (6)__________(PREFER) was to work preference with fireworks,' he says. Mark was given (7)______________(RESPONSIBLE) for the biggest responsibility ever fireworks display in Britain, in 1995. For him the most (8)____________(ENJOY) enjoyable part of the job is seeing the fireworks explode in the sky. 'It's very (9)____________(EXCITE) when it happens.' exciting He now splits his time between being the finance (10)___________(DIRECT) of the company and making fireworks in the factory. director DETECTIVE TECHNOPANIC QUEUEING FIREWORKS THE RIGHT TIME TO EXERCISE Use the words given in capitals (1-10) to form new words that fit into the spaces in the text. decision You're motivated. You've made the (1)________(DECIDE). Tomorrow you're getting fit. You (2)__________(CAREFUL) set your alarm clock so that carefully you'll be awake early, and then it goes off. As you go to the gym, (3)___________(WILLING) muscles protesting, unwilling you wonder: can this actually have a (4)___________( BENEFIT) effect? beneficial It's a good question. It is also, unfortunately, one that (5)___________(FIT) fitness experts are unable to agree on. Guidance (6)______________(GUIDE) on choosing the best time of day for exercise is confusing. (7)___________(INSTRUCT) in the 1980s believed that Instructors the right time was at dawn. An (8)_____________(AMBITION) person, they said, ambitious should start each day in the gym. But there is (9)___________(CURRENT) a more flexible currently approach to exercise. As one expert says: 'It really is a (10)_________(PERSON) thing. Any exercise programmepersonal has got to fit in with your lifestyle.'