Cell Parts and Functions Using the Miller Levine “Biology” books in the front of the room or the internet, Label the picture as either a plant or animal cell, then identify the cell parts (organelles) and their functions in plant and animal cells in the table below using figure 7-14 on page 206, and pages 196-207 in the book. Use the table and the diagrams on page 206 to identify by writing the name of the organelle and drawing an arrow pointing to it in the diagram (if present), and color the organelles. Use the same color if they appear in both plant and animal cells on the back of this sheet. On page 207, the differences between plant and animal cells are given. Organelle Mitochondrion (pink) Ribosome (black) Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) (dark blue) Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) (yellow) Golgi apparatus (golgi body) (red) Lysosome (brown) Microfilaments and microtubules and Centrioles (light brown/tan) Cell membrane (page 72) (light blue) Nucleus (orange) Cell Wall* (dark green) Vacuole* (purple) Plastid (chloroplast)* (light green) Function Color and Identify Organelles in Diagrams on the Back Use the same color for organelles found in both plant and animal cells.