+ Teacher: Valerie A. Tubbs School: Harding Elementary Grade: 3-Virtual Students: 29 Lesson Plan Week of February 21-25, 2022 RELATED ARTS SCHEDULE: 12:40-1:20 (40 minutes) Day 1 GYM R. Hughes Day 2 STEAM S. Peterson-Walsh Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 MUSIC D. Robb SECOND STEP V. Tubbs ART L. Hirsch LIBRARY V. Tubbs FIRE EXIT: As you exit the west side auditorium stage, turn left into the hallway and exit south side doors. LUNCH: 11:44-12:14 SPECIAL HELP: Tuesdays 11:44-12:14 during lunch. Student attendees TBD each week. This week: Sky, James, Erica, Emmanuel, Zymere PLC’s: Day 3 8:00-9:00. Students work asynchronously via Choice Board (see lesson plan). *Building Administrators: Mrs. Kathleen Farnham (Principal) Mr. Jeff Yonkers (Asst. Principal) *Building Engineer: Mr. Herrera *School Secretary: Mrs. LaPlaca *Special Education Teacher (Grade 3-Virtual): Mrs. Defrazio *ELL Teacher: (Virtual)Ms. Kobbeman *Grade 3 Harding (in-person) teachers: Mrs. Rios, Mrs. Tucci, Mrs. Mikovich, Mrs. Rozenek, Ms. Biebel *Harding School-Wide Specialists: Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Lunger *Community School Director: Ms. Potter *Nurse: Mrs. Giannelli Mondays and Wednesdays: WM reports to speech teacher, Ms. Gornic 9:30 Mondays: IW reports to speech teacher, Ms. Gornic 9:30 Every first and third Wednesday of the month: LD reports to OT, Ms. Saturnino 11:13-11:43 Mondays and Wednesdays: EG reports to speech teacher, Mr. Webster 2:00 Wednesdays: VB reports to speech teacher, Mrs. Hammer 1:00 Mondays-Friday: LD reports to SPED teacher, Mrs. DeFazio 9:10-10:30 Monday-Friday: JT, WM, and LD report to SPED teacher, Mrs. DeFazio 9:30-10:05 (LD will remain there until 10:30 Mondays-Friday: LD, JT, and WM report to SPED teacher, Mrs. DeFazio 12:15-12:40 Mondays-Friday: JT and WM report to SPED teacher, Mrs. DeFazio 8:30-8:45 Thursdays: IB reports to ESL teacher, Ms. Kobbeman Tuesday and Thursday 9:10-9:35 Thursdays: GA reports to ESLteacher, Ms. Ward Thursdays: RB reports to speech teacher, Ms. Gornic 10:00 Monday February 21 Day 1 8:00-8:20 Tuesday February 22 Day 2 Wednesday February 23 Day 3 Finish Breakfast (home). i-Ready i-Ready or online assigned Amplify lessons, math Online games, and individualized/Pat Day 3: Teacher hways Finish Breakfast (home). Amplify Reading and Vocabulary online. 8:21-8:29 1. Announce 1. Announce schedule schedule and agenda and agenda 2. Students will ask 2. Students will another student which share out something African American special they did for they feel made a great someone on impact/contribution Valentine’s Day. (and how) for Purpose of equality, etc. (in honor Announcing of Black History Schedule & Agenda month) and Morning Purpose of Meeting Routine: Announcing Schedule Begins each day & Agenda and PLC. Students will work asynchronousl y 8:00-9:05 Morning Meeting/Ice breaker 1. Announce schedule and agenda 2. Students will draw a heart and fill it in with a word that reflects Valentine’s Day (love, like, sweet, kind, cute, special, lovely, patient, etc.). Then, students will call Finish Breakfast (home). Amplify Reading and Vocabulary online Students enter Zoom meeting at 9:05 due to teacher PLC meeting on Day 3. Thursday February 24 Day 4 Friday February 25 Day 5 Finish Breakfast (home). i-Ready online assigned lessons, math games, and individualized/Pathw ays Finish Breakfast (home). i-Ready online assigned lessons, math games, and individualized/Pathways 1. Announce schedule and agenda 1. Announce schedule and agenda 2. Students will list 2 complimentary adjectives to describe a classmate (paired by teacher). Stufrnts will share their adjectives with their partner. 2. Students will share their plans for the upcoming weekend. Students take turns calling on another student. Purpose of Announcing Schedule & Agenda and Morning Meeting Routine: Begins each day wintention. Builds listening & speaking skills. Purpose of Announcing Schedule on another student and tell them their special word. The called on student will use the word in a sentence (verbal). Purpose of Announcing Morning Meeting Routine: Begins each day with intention. Builds listening & speaking skills. Encourages cooperative learning. Establishes consistency with expectations & routines. PromotesSchedule & Agenda and higher level thinking. Builds community. with intention. Builds listening & speaking skills. Encourages cooperative learning. Establishes consistency with expectations & routines. Promotes higher level thinking. Builds community. . Morning Meeting Routine: Begins each day with intention. Builds listening & speaking skills. Encourages cooperative learning. Establishes consistency with expectations & routines. Promotes higher level thinking. Builds community & Agenda and Morning Meeting Routine: Begins each day with intention. Builds listening & speaking skills. Encourages cooperative learning. Establishes consistency with expectations & routines. Promotes higher level thinking. Builds community. Encourages cooperative learning. Establishes consistency with expectations & routines. Promotes higher level thinking. Builds community. 8:30-8:31 Take Attendance in Infinite Campus (IC) 8:32-8:44 Go over homework/ assignments Attendance will be taken and recorded in IC by 9:00. Guest Teacher will take attendance on student roster sheet and submit to office. Leave regular teacher a list of absentees. CKLA: Attendance will be taken and recorded in IC by 9:00. Guest Teacher will take attendance on student roster sheet and submit to office. Leave regular teacher a list of absentees. Attendance will be taken and recorded in IC by 9:00. Guest Teacher will take attendance on student roster sheet and submit to office. Leave regular teacher a list of absentees. Attendance will be taken and recorded in IC by 9:00. Guest Teacher will take attendance on student roster sheet and submit to office. Leave regular teacher a list of absentees. CKLA: CKLA: CKLA: MATH: MATH: MATH: MATH: Attendance will be taken and recorded in IC by 9:00. Guest Teacher will take attendance on student roster sheet and submit to office. Leave regular teacher a list of absentees. : CKLA: MATH: 8:45-10:00 CKLA (Language Arts) Title: BLACK HISTORY MONTH ACTIVITY: African “American Visual Arts and the Black Art Movement” 1. Introduction 2. The 5 galleries 3. The aesthetic debate 4. Timeline Target: I can Title: Unit 7 “Astronomy: Our Solar System and Beyond” Lesson 5 “Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors” TG pp. 92-111 WRITING: Standard: W.3.10 Target: I can differentiate between meteors, meteoroids, and meteorites. LANGUAGE: Standard: L.3.1b Target: I can write sentences using the conjunction so. Procedures: 1. Comparing and contrasting Activity p. 5.2 Assessment (formative): Activity p. 5.2 LANGUAGE: Standard: L.3.2f Target: I can write words using spelling patterns and rules Title: Unit 7 Astronomy: Our Solar System and Beyond” Lesson 6 TG pp. READING: Standard: RI.3.1 Target: I can read and answer comprehension questions about the moon. Procedures: 1. Introduce the reading (whole group) 2. activity p. 2.1 2. Reading “The Moon” (small group) 3. Questions from “The Moon” (independent) SPEAKING and LISTENING: Standard: RI.3.9 Target: I can compare and contrast a video and a text read-aloud about the solar system. Procedures: 1. Viewing the video (whole group) 2. Introduce the read aloud 3. Read aloud: DIBELS Progress Monitoring DIBELS Progress Monitoring for the sound /j/. Procedures: 1. Spelling assessment (Activity p. 5.1) (independent)\\Ho mework: Read nonfiction text for at least 30 minutes “Our Solar System, Part I” 4. Discuss the read aloud (whole group) 5. Compare abd contrast the video and text (partner) Homework: Activity pp. 2.4 and 2.5 Materials: CKLA Materials: CKLA Teacher Manual, Teacher Manual, CKLA Student CKLA Student Activity book, Activity book, Amplify App online Amplify App online (teacher resources (teacher resources and and student Reader), student Reader), pencil, pen, marker, pencil, pen, marker, plain white paper, plain white paper, lined writing paper, lined writing paper, document camera, document camera, Chromebook, Chromebook, Image Image cards (online cards (online at at Amplify) Amplify) READING: Standard: RI.3.8 Target: I can read informational text and use a graphic organizer to compare and contrast asteroids, comets, and meteors. Procedures: 1. Introduce the chapter: “Asteroids, Comets,and Meteors” (whole group) 2. Comparing and contrasting 3. Sharing Assessment (formative): Compare and contrast analysis 10:01-10:06 Break Students may turn off their camera and take a technology break. Students are not permitted to leave the Zoom meeting. Students may turn off their camera and take a technology break. Students are not permitted to leave the Zoom meeting. Students may turn off their camera and take a technology break. Students are not permitted to leave the Zoom meeting. Students may turn off their camera and take a technology break. Students are not permitted to leave the Zoom meeting. Students may turn off their camera and take a technology break. Students are not permitted to leave the Zoom meeting. 10:07-10:33 Decoding Phonics/Decoding Comprehension Work on letter sounds (decoding) Small reading group Fluency SCHOOLPhysic al Challenges Candle Breathing: (Small Reading Groups Differentiation ) 10:3410:42Brain Break/Rapid Resets and Restroom Break Multiple Choice – Multiple Movements! When reviewing multiple-choice questions, make answering questions a physical activity. Ask students a question and have them respond by jumping into the correct position. For example, if the answer is A, have them stand with feet together. If B, stand with legs apart. If the answer is C, turn to face the back of the room. If it’s D, stand with one foot in front of the other. Whole class restroom break Paper balance: Give each student a sheet of paper, have them place it on the palm of their hand with their hand flat and palm up. They cannot grip the paper or tilt their hands at all. From here you can have them do a few different activities. Try to pass the paper from hand to hand behind their back, they can do figure eights with the paper around the legs, etc. https://youtu.be/ffylp XCVeJU Whole class restroom break Stand on one foot with arms extended, or, grab nose with left hand, and grab left earlobe with right hand, and then quickly switch so that right hand is on nose and left hand is grabbing right earlobe. Yoga poses could also be a good variation. Students take turns leading the physical challenges or yoga poses. Whole class restroom break https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=Wc9p BYl1MkFocusingBreak Whole class restroom break Nose and Ear reversal: Place the pointer finger of right hand on the tip of nose and the pointer finger of left hand on right earlobe. Then,quickly move right pointer finger to left ear, and left pointer finger to nose. When swapping, also switch which wrist is overlapping the other. Keep switching back and forth quickly. https://youtu.be/uQUF2vO0_7U Whole class restroom break 10:43-11:12 CKLA Extension Activity Phonics and fluency skills: CKLA online teacher resource book Comprehension strategies CKLA online teacher resource book Extend small group instruction .Extend small group instruction Grammar: combining 2 simple sentence to form compound sentences 11:13-11:43 Writing Social Studies, Science Other writing (Quick Write or complete unfinished writing assignments in writing folder 11:44-12:14 Lunch (home) WRITING: Students will write two-three paragraphs about Ruby Bridges, summarizing her character and contribution/s to equality/desegregat ion. WRITING: Students will write 8 sentences using the conjunction and, or, but, or because (2 sentences for each conjunction) and underline the conjunction in each sentence. SOCIAL STUDIES: In breakout rooms, students will describe how astronomers work together with scientists, and astronauts to study and discover new outer space celestial bodies (sociology). Students will report their group’s summary. SCIENCE: 1. Students will demonstrate the creation of shadows. (science kit, document camera) Lunch - Students eat lunch at home. Students may turn off cameras or log off during lunchtime. Lunch - Students eat lunch at home. Students may turn off cameras or log off during lunchtime. Lunch - Students eat lunch at home. Students may turn off cameras or log off during lunchtime. Lunch - Students eat lunch at home. Students may turn off cameras or log off during lunchtime. QUICK WRITE: Students will write an 8 line rhyming poem on the subject of the winter season. 2. Students will work with a small group/team in a breakout room to describe in writing, the steps that occur in the formation of a lunar and a solar eclipse. Designate a recorder and a reporter. Lunch - Students eat lunch at home. Students may turn off cameras or log off during lunchtime. 12:15-12:33 .Students self-select a book from home. Discuss genre types and purposes for reading. Periodically, students will share what their book is about with the class (literature circle/oral report). Students self-select a book from home. Discuss genre types and purposes for reading. Periodically, students will share what their book is about with the class (literature circle/oral report) Students self-select a book from home. Discuss genre types and purposes for reading. Periodically, students will share what their book is about with the class (literature circle/oral report). 1. First 15 minutes: minutes: Students self-select a book from home. Discuss genre types and purposes for reading. Periodically, students will share what their book is about with the class (literature circle/oral report) Students self-select a book from home. Discuss genre types and purposes for reading. Periodically, students will share what their book is about with the class (literature circle/oral report). 12:34-12:39 Students may turn off their camera and take a technology break. Students are not permitted to leave the Zoom meeting. Students may turn off their camera and take a technology break. Students are not permitted to leave the Zoom meeting. Students may turn off their camera and take a technology break. Students are not permitted to leave the Zoom meeting. Students may turn off their camera and take a technology break. Students are not permitted to leave the Zoom meeting. Students may turn off their camera and take a technology break. Students are not permitted to leave the Zoom meeting. 12:40-1:20 GYM STEM MUSIC SECOND STEP ART Teacher Read Aloud (Days 4 & 6) or Student SelfSelected Reading (Days 1, 2, 3, & 5) Break Related Arts (If no related arts, students will engage in a close reading activity) 2..Teacher read-aloud youtube video: “Below Deck: A Titanic Story” 1:21-1:57 Ready/i-Ready Math Title: Unit 4 Lesson 20 “Describing Parts of a Whole With Fractions” Session 3 (Refine) TG pp. 467-468 Domain: Numbers and Operations (Fractions) Standard: 3.NF.A1 Target: I can divide and partially shade rectangles to match given fractions and explain the process. Procedures: 1. Start 2. Apply It 3. Close: Exit ticket: #4, p. 468 4. Comprehension Check (quiz) (digital) Assessment (formative): #5, p. 468 Math journal, comprehension check (quiz, lesson 20) Homework: Study multiplication chart, review lesson 20, sessions 1-3 Title: Unit 4 Lesson 20 Lesson Quiz (online comprehension check) Materials: TG, substitute teacher folder, student roster, student math text, i-Ready App online (Teacher’s Toolbox), student toolkit), comprehension check (online), plain paper, lesson 19 quiz, pencil/pen, document camera, black marker, discourse cards Title: Unit 4 Lesson 21 “Understanding Fractions on a Number Line” Session 1 (Explore) TG pp. 460-474 Standard: 3.NF.A.2 Target: I can recognize a fraction on a number line. I can write intervals (parts) to represent fractions on a number line. Procedures: 1. pp. 469-470 (family letter and home activity) 2. Interactive tutorial 3. Start 4. Model It 5. Discuss It 6. Model It 7. Discuss It 8. Close: Exit Ticket: #5, page 472 Assessment (fornative): #5, p. 472. Homework: pp. 473474 Materials: TG, substitute teacher folder, student roster, student math text, i- Comprehension Quiz lesson 20 online Make-up and incomplete comprehension quizzes and end of unit 3 assessment Materials: TG, substitute teacher folder, student roster, student math text, i-Ready App online (Teacher’s Toolbox), student toolkit, plain paper, pencil/pen, document camera, black marker, discourse cards, lesson 20 comprehension check quiz (digital) Ready App online (Teacher’s Toolbox), student toolkit), comprehension check (online), plain paper, lesson 19 quiz, pencil/pen, document camera, black marker, discourse cards 1:58-2:03 Break 2:04-2:24 Math Differentiation Students may turn off their camera and take a technology break. Students are not permitted to leave the Zoom meeting. Breakout Rooms 1,2, & 3. Student tutors in each room. Teacher visits each room and facilitates while offering assistance where needed. Room 1: Using multiplication skills and concepts to solve simple student-generated word problems. Revisit prerequisites where necessary. Room 2: Multiply or divide to solve 2step word problems. Room 3: Students use the 4 operations to solve two-step word problems Students may turn off their camera and take a technology break. Students are not permitted to leave the Zoom meeting. Breakout Rooms 1,2, & 3. Student tutors in each room. Teacher visits each room and facilitates while offering assistance where needed. Room 1: Using multiplication skills and concepts to solve simple student-generated word problems. Revisit prerequisites where necessary. Room 2: Multiply or divide to solve 2step word problems. Room 3: Students use the 4 operations to solve two-step word problems Students may turn off their camera and take a technology break. Students are not permitted to leave the Zoom meeting. Students may turn off their camera and take a technology break. Students are not permitted to leave the Zoom meeting. Students may turn off their camera and take a technology break. Students are not permitted to leave the Zoom meeting. Breakout Rooms 1,2, & 3. Student tutors in each room. Teacher visits each room and facilitates while offering assistance where needed. Room 1: Reteach: Grade 2, lesson 30 fractions (halves, thirds fourths) Room 2: Practice: Grade 3 activity 3. Room 3: Grade 4 challenge activity Breakout Rooms 1,2, & 3. Student tutors in each room. Teacher visits each room and facilitates while offering assistance where needed. Room 1: Basic concepts of fraction Room 2: Extra practice (grade ;evel fraction activity) 3. Room 3 Challenge fraction activity center Students work online completing fraction assignment and course tile activity with teacher’s assistance and peer tutors. 2:25-2:30 Wrapup/Summarize the Day, Announcemen ts, & Reflection (teacher & students) 1.Summarize the day’s events and learnings. 2,Relay important information/make announcements 3.Teacher & student reflection journal (written). Have a few students share out their reflection. 1.Summarize the day’s events and learnings. 2,Relay important information/make announcements 3.Teacher & student reflection journal (written). Have a few students share out their reflection. 1.Summarize the day’s events and learnings. 2,Relay important information/make announcements 3.Teacher & student reflection journal (written). Have a few students share out their reflection. 1.Summarize the day’s events and learnings. 2,Relay important information/make announcements 3.Teacher & student reflection journal (written). Have a few students share out their reflection. 1.Summarize the day’s events and learnings. 2,Relay important information/make announcements 3.Teacher & student reflection journal (written). Have a few students share out their reflection. *Art Activity (whole class): Earn up to 2 Dragon Dollars per day. When 20 Dragon Dollars are earned, students will be awarded an art activity. *Gift Cards (individual or whole class): Students may earn Dragon Dollars for answering questions, using learned vocabulary, answering in complete sentences, homework completion, citing text-based evidence for responses, class participation, kindness to others, adherence to PBS expectations (safe, respectful, responsible, focused). Every 25 Dragon Dollars = $10 gift card *Gift Baskets/Prize Packages: Students may earn Dragon Dollars for answering questions, using learned vocabulary, answering in complete sentences, homework completion, citing text-based evidence for responses. class participation, kindness to others, adherence to PBS expectations (safe, respectful, responsible, focused). Every 10 Dragon Dollars = name entered into monthly drawing for gift basket or prize package