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Spanish Conditional Tense Lesson Plan (Grades 10-12)

ASSURE Model Instructional Plan
Title of Lesson or Unit: Grammar: Conditional Tense Review
Teacher Name: Mr. Gutiérrez
Grade: 10th-12th
Subject: Spanish III-HN
Duration: 90 minutes
Analyze Learners
25 students
10 males/15 females
Ages 6-7
Mental, Social, Physical, Social Notes such as:
o Two children have ADHD
o Visual, Kinesthetic, and Verbal learners in the classroom
o Three children speak English as their second language
o One child is living in a foster home.
5. Children proficient in reading skills. Strengthening their reading comprehension
capabilities, as well as their ability to relate lesson to his/her personal life.
6. Learning Styles
(Estimate % of Students)
o Visual 35 %
o Auditory (Aural) 25 %
o Kinesthetic (Hands On) 40 %
State Objectives
Competency Goal 1: Interpersonal Communication
The learner will engage in conversation and exchange information and opinions orally and in writing in the
target language.
Objective 1.01
Interact using original thoughts orally and in writing by employing increasingly complex structures
and expanded vocabulary in present, past, and future times.
Objective 1.02
Ask and answer open-ended questions on a wide range of topics orally and in writing.
Objective 1.03
Express preferences, feelings, emotions, and opinions giving supporting details orally and in writing.
Competency Goal 3: Presentational Communication
The learner will present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety
of topics in the target language.
Objective 3.02
Compose and present stories, poems, and skits.
Select Media, Materials, and Methods
All media and materials needed for the lesson are listed, and are lesson appropriate.
 Holt Spanish 3 ¡Exprésate! Book
 Smart Board or document camera-projector for class discussion and brainstorming
 25 computers with Interactive Software (computers have worksheet made so
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students may type information into appropriate spaces.
Worksheet and interactive lessons on SAS Curriculum Pathways and
Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods
Future Tense Review The book will be used at the beginning of the lesson to review the
conjugation of the regular and irregular future tenses following by practice exercises.
Smart board/Over-head projector This will be used to review rule conjugation and
practice exercises from SAS Curriculum Pathways. It will also be used to demonstrate how
to complete the studyspanish.com activity.
Computers Students will be working individually, and will complete the studyspanish.com
activity by;
1. Login with their student account
2. Reading the lesson
3. Take a) Basic quiz and b) mini-Test
4. Saving their scores
Audio CD 3, Track 10
Bell Work: 3.7. p.122
Workbook pp.35-37
“Worksheet Students will write about their future plans after graduation in Spanish.
Require Learner Participation
Introduction:(15 minutes)
Review the verb conjugation of the regular and irregular future tense. Include book activities, CD
Rom, and document camera projector/Smart board with SAS Curriculum Pathways activities
together as a class.
 Textbook p.120 Go over Conjugation Rules for regular and Irregular Verbs in the
Conditional Tense
 http://www.trinity.edu/mstroud/grammar/cond1.htm
 http://www.sascurriculumpathways.com/ProductEntrance/Launch/launch.jsp?unit=1177
 (SAS Curriculum Pathways)
Activity: (15 minutes)
Divide the class into pairs. Have the students answer the following questions about what they
will do in various situations;
1. ¿Qué harían Pamela y David con cién dólares? (What would Pamela and David do with
one hundred dollars?) Harían… (They would do…) Comprarían libros nuevos. (Would
buy new books.)
2. ¿Qué te gustaría hacer después de clases? (What would you like to do after class?)
3. In pairs, they will do exercises 37, 38 and 39 in the textbook, pp.120-121
Worksheet (10 minutes)
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This activity will strengthen students’ writing skills as well as their ability to relate lessons to their
future lives. Students will conjugate verbs in the future using a verb conjugation table provided
by the teacher for future reference. 10 minutes.
 SAS Interaction
Login as a student: Clinton, then click Spanish, Click; Grammar in Practice, click: Future &
Conditional, Click; Interactivity, then follow directions.
The students will work on their Spanish Workbook page 34 for practice. (7 minutes)
 5 minute review
Reinforce what the students should have learned from the lesson.
Evaluate & Revise
Student Performance
Students will be evaluated on how well they worked with their peers in the computer lab
using studyspanish.com
Students will read aloud their paragraphs about the house of their dreams for speaking
Students should have a written description of their future plans after graduation and
textbook and workbook sheets.
Media Effectiveness
Was the smart board useful in promoting class discussion? Did it prove useful for visual
Did the studyspanish.com activity work well amongst the class? Was it easy to use? Was
it helpful for kinesthetic learners?
Was the worksheet helpful in focusing student responses’?
Instructor Performance
Did the lesson run smoothly? Was it well-planned?
Did the class respond well to the lesson?
Were the learning objectives achieved?
Could the lesson be improved in the future?
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Last Revised: December 11, 2005