UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE HONDURAS FACULTAD DE HUMANIDADES Y ARTES CARRERA DE LENGUAS EXTRANJERAS CLASS: ENGLISH DIDACTICS II “Teaching/Learning Materials: Feelings and Emotions” Name of student: Bessy G. Castellanos Student’s number: 20171004919 Teacher: Douglas Santos Date: Saturday, February 13, 2021. I declare that this essay/report/document has the following word count: 377 words I confirm that this piece of writing is all my own work ✔ . FIRST SET OF TEACHING MATERIALS Topic Level Audience Feelings and emotions Level A2 Teens / young adults Warm-up: Mirror Mirror (HANDMADE) Instructions: Students will be in pairs. Both will have a flashcard face down. Neither of them will see the flashcard of their own, the intention is that the other student guess the feeling by performing it. For example: Student A has the sad flash card. Student B has the hungry face. Both will raise the flashcard at the same time, and then perform the face of the opposite. Figure 1: Flashcards Input activity: Feelings dice activity (HANDMADE) Instructions: In circle, some volunteers will throw the dices. These dices are different from the other. One has facial expressions images, and the other one has phrases. Therefore, the students will combine the expression and the phrase, in order to create new sentences. That way the student will improvise and use new vocabulary. For example: Dice A: Happy Dice B: when I go to the park because... The student may say aloud: I am happy when I go to the park because I like being outside. Figure 2: Dice A Figure 2.2 Figure 3: Dice B Figure 3.2 Figure 3.3 Learning Activity: Are you feeling HALTEDOS? (DIGITAL) An explaining video is a helpful tool to describe the topic and learn new vocabulary. Students will watch the video “Are you feeling HALTEDOS?” made by the teacher. In there, there’s a full explanation about what are the different feelings and emotions we have and in which situations we might have them. The video is uploaded online. It will help students about feelings and the new vocabulary. Link of the video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fIg0cR9fOln_x4TWPJXfCLI5NuA54CZ/view Figure 4: Explaining video Use stage: Interview recording. (DIGITAL) Students will interview someone close to them. They will ask a couple of questions about some situations. They will mention how they will feel about it using the new vocabulary learned. After, students will report the interview by recording the answers in Vocaroo. Observation: In this case, Vocaroo is the digital material, the online worksheet is only a support. Link of the worksheet with the questions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/153kB5VcqdR4R5R8AWfREbQSooOhrNHBeJxt HgIDS6lU/edit?usp=sharing Vacaroo: https://vocaroo.com/ Figure 5: Online worksheet Figure 6: Vacaroo app To see the assignments and all the digital materials, you can enter here: https://padlet.com/bcaste7teaching/qdchg9kczpuyn6fq References HALTED. (2011, 13 abril). upcycled education. http://www.upcyclededucation.com/2011/04/halted.html