Hello,Im Muhilan im here to talk about the crisis green sea turtles are facing.*picture*wow what a beautiful picture of the ocean huh? Well yes and it is also home to the turtle species im gonna talk about.*ppicture*Green sea turtles or should i say the remanants are usually found in the atlantic,Pacific and in the indian oceans.They can be also found in the medetaraninan sea.*pictureBefore we get to discussing the crisis at hand i would like to share that these turtles are important to the eco system as they are known as the ocean cleaners.Why you ask?.These turtles often sweep dust with their fins while swimming this helps to get rid of the dirt and garbage lying on the ocean floor.*picture*currently green sea turtles are facing the threat of extinction and one of the leading causes i CLIMATE CHNAGE!.tHERE are three critical ways climate change is affecting these species.*picture*what you are looking at rn is a picture of green turtles's eggs.a interesting fact is that the gender of these turtles are decided by the temperature around the egg they hatch out of.If the temperature is warmer the turtle would be female if the temp is colder it would be a male.climate change however causes the earth to heat up so when the eggs are laid the temperature would lead to most eggs hatching to reveal female turtles.And without enough male turtles the population of the species is steadily declining.*PICTURE*Another way climate change affects the species would be by causing sea leves to rise which would then destroy nesting habitats which also affects the population.Last but not least the most impactful way climate change affects these turtles would be by causing sea levels to rise which would in turn cause tsunamis hurricanes that would completely destroy the turtles habitat.However there is still some hope left.we can prevent climate change by reducing the trees cut down and use eco friendly modes of transportation. such as public transport and electric cars.I have made a green sea turtle model that acts as a stationery and garbage holder.It also helps raise awarnes as i had put a piece of paper that reads STOP CLIMATE CHANGE SAVE US TURTLES.hopefuly climate change can be stopped and the green sea turtle speices wont go extinct.Thank you and good bye