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Biology Quiz: Digestion, Nutrition, Enzymes

Vincenzo Erra, II D
1)You have 13 questions, 9 Multiple choice, 4 open questions and 1 hour in total
2)Total points for the quiz are 30
3)You can solve the quiz on a paper if you prefer but make sure you label the number of the questions
4)If you have any questions feel free to ask me anytime during the course of the quiz.
1) Which treatment is best for a person with persistent diarrhoea?
A drinking a solution of sugar and salt
B drinking pure water
C eating more fibre
D eating protein such as boiled eggs
2) What is the function of the anus?
A assimilation
B digestion
C egestion
D excretion
3) The small intestines of cows are similar in general structure and function to the small intestines
of humans. A disease in cows reduces the number of villi in their small intestines. The cows lose
weight and become weak. What explains this?
A less amylase produced
B less peristalsis
C slower absorption of nutrients
D slower digestion of proteins
4) What is the result of a diet lacking iron?
A bleeding gums
B poor wound healing
C reduced number of red blood cells
D weak bones and teeth
5) Dietary fibre passes through several structures after leaving the stomach. In which order does
the dietary fibre pass through these structures?
A duodenum → ileum → colon → rectum
B duodenum → ileum → rectum → colon
C ileum → duodenum → colon → rectum
D ileum → duodenum → rectum → colon
6) What is the definition of digestion?
A Large insoluble molecules are changed into faeces.
B Large insoluble molecules are changed into smaller soluble molecules.
C Small soluble molecules are carried to the liver.
D Small soluble molecules are passed through the wall of the intestine.
7) B
8) A
9) C
1) Explain the term Balanced Diet
Is a diet that can provide all the nutrients necessary for a healthy life.
2) Give 3 factors that affect a person’s nutritional needs/energy requirements
Age, mass, height
3) In the diagram above match the following with the corresponding letters
Enamel D
Pulp Cavity F
Nerve endings B
Root C
Crown A
Dentine E
Gum G
4) Name the enzymes produced in the following regions of the Alimentary canal.
Mouth – salivary amylase
Stomach- Rennin and pepsin
Pancreas- Lipase, amylase, trypsin