Uploaded by Martin Norberg

Workout Plan: Squats, Bench, Deadlifts

What I want
2x frequency squat (should add more leg accessories before I go to 3x freq)
primary day : 3 sets (removed 1 set for more hypertrophy), top set 3,2,1
hypertrophy accessory: leg press/bulgarian split squat/belt squat 4x12-15, 10-12, 8-10
secondary day: 4 sets (removed 1 set for more hypertrophy), ascending sets 5,4,3, backoffs 5,5,4
3x bench/press freq
primary day: 5 sets, top set 3,2,1
weighted dips: 4 sets
secondary day: 5 sets
bw dips: 3 sets
tertiary day: 4 sets
hammer strength machine press: 3 sets
2x dl (should add more posterior hypertophy)
primary day: 3 sets (remove 1 set for more hypertrophy, & increase backoff reps from 5 to 8)
RDLs: 3 sets
secondary day: 5 sets (of technique, so maybe 3 real working sets, -2 to account for RDLS)
12 sets upper back
10 sets of biceps
6 sets of triceps
8 sets of calves
3 sets of side delts
3 sets of rear delts
4 sets of abs
4 sets of Squat