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Literature Response Rubric: Book Summary

Literature Response Rubric
Graphic Map: Chapters or sections of chapters are represented
with chapter titles, descriptions, or numerically.
Details are included and they are not
too general. Obvious time has been spent to include
relevant details so the graphic map makes sense.
Story Map:
CHARACTERS-All major characters are mapped,
with each character on a separate and individual map. The
text is represented with complete sentences. Each of the
three answers about each character are detailed and specific.
CONFLICT- The major conflict (problem) is represented on
the conflict page. Minor conflicts should be included here also. It
is obvious why the event has been determined as a conflict, and the
information is detailed and specific. Complete sentences.
SETTING – The setting details are thorough. There may be
more than one setting time and place throughout the novel, but ALL
of the setting details are included on the setting map. The information
is detailed and specific. Complete sentences.
RESOLUTION – The resolution map brings closure to the story.
The information is relayed with complete sentences. The details about
events after the conflict resolution are thorough. The information
regarding how the conflict and resolution affected the characters is detailed
and specific, particularly if more than one character is involved.
Format & Mechanics:
The summary was completed appropriately by using the
interactive tools (graphic map and story map) on readwritethink.org. Grammar,
spelling, and punctuation, and basic mechanics are in final copy format.