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Timeboxing: A Guide to Effective Time Management

How To Do Timeboxing Right
Timeboxing is the use of short, structured sprints to achieve stated goals. Here’s how to get the most out of this
technique in your daily work.Time. When pursuing our personal and professional goals, it’s the most
precious commodity we have. We obsess about how to make the most of it, treat it like it’s a tangible resource we
can invest. We don’t want to fritter our time away in life, but treating our time too tangibly puts us in a double-bind
situation. If we want a creative idea or team project to yield a meaningful result, we need enough time to take risks
and explore new pathways. Yet if we give ourselves too much time for undirected exploration, we can end up having
little to no time to create a product we can stand behind. We feel this tension in every project that we take on, and it’s
a primary contributor to our anxieties in work and life.
In 2008, overwhelmed by the stress of a fast-paced job in a design studio, I decided to do something about it. After a
few months of research into time management techniques, I wasn’t much better off than when I started. If you’ve
used strategies like the ones provided in David Allen’s book Getting Things Done, then you’ve spent time focused on
how to process and organize the things you need to get done. While such systems are good at helping you prioritize
what needs to be done, such systems have little to no advice about how to complete a creative task individually or as a
At the time, I was working on multiple software development projects with contrasting methodologies: waterfall and
agile. I wondered what would happen if I took the concept of timeboxing from agile — the use of one to two-week
sprints to scope and deliver units of work as a team — and scaled it down for use in ten-minute increments? Over two
years, I experimented with using this technique for creative problem solving in individual, team, and classroom
settings. When I saw consistent results, I shared it in my book Creative Workshop, talks, free publications, and
training workshops.
Fast-forward to 2019. Timeboxing is now part of the public lexicon, from its use in Design Sprints to Harvard
Business Review articles, from Medium posts expanding on the technique to apps that visualize your timeboxed
productivity. I continue to see organizations and teams advocate the use of timeboxing as beneficial, and it’s being
applied to a wide range of activities beyond design.
However, almost everything I’ve seen about timeboxing in the past decade is missing something
critical: Timeboxing isn’t just task chunking. (Sorry, Elon Musk.) People may think timeboxing is about
checking tasks off the to-do list, or chopping their days into 5-minute increments. Yes, it’s easy to tick the box on
short, clearly described tasks. However, it’s hard to make sure we’re completing relevant tasks in pursuit of the right
In what follows, I’m going to update what I’d originally written about timeboxing in 2009, taking into account what
I’ve learned in the past 10 years teaching the technique with my partner Mary Sherwin. It’s my hope that this will
help you put timeboxing into practice more effectively, no matter whether you’re individually tackling problems or
seeking to improve how you work with your team.
Timeboxing: Short, Structured Sprints to Reach Stated Goals
My definition of timeboxing is this: Timeboxing is the use of short, structured sprints to reach stated
goals. Let’s look at a few of these words more closely.
By short, I mean that each task you’re completing is ideally no longer than 10 minutes. The more time you give
yourself in a time box, the less likely you’ll be able to focus on finishing the task.
By structured, I mean that there’s a range of actions in a sprint that’ll help you accomplish your goal. These actions
include setting goals, completing tasks in pursuit of that goal, taking breaks, and so forth.
By stated goals, I mean that you and your team should know exactly what you’re trying to create in each sprint at
the desired fidelity. At the end of the time box, you should be able to say with certainty whether you accomplished
what you’d intended or not, and why. Only start a sprint if you know exactly what you’re trying to achieve in that time
period, and that everyone participating has agreed to give it a try.
There are three benefits of using timeboxing: Time constraints create extreme focus when you’re trying to accomplish
tasks. You’re forced to regularly re-evaluate if you’re heading in the right direction. And it’s easy to course correct.
Timeboxing is best applied in the following situations:
It’s hard to focus on getting things done. Timeboxing can help you start creating something right away on a
project, so you won’t fall prey to the “uh-oh effect”.
A deadline is rapidly approaching. Timeboxing is a way to design your own deadlines, so you aren’t
procrastinating until you need to deliver something to others.
You need to align and motivate a group. If you’re in a workshop or meeting, timeboxing can keep everyone
focused on what needs to be accomplished (in bite-sized increments).
The topic or problem seems too big to tackle. Timeboxing is a great way to put structure around a problem
and take your first steps towards solving it.
Timeboxing doesn’t work in all circumstances, as there are many activities that require sustained attention to achieve
results. For example, timeboxing doesn’t work well when you’re in the throes of executing detailed production work.
So don’t oversell its benefits.
The Process of Timeboxing: Plan, Act, Evaluate
To explain the process of timeboxing, let’s see how a single timebox can be used to align and motivate a group.
When timeboxing, be specific about the required output and fidelity of what you’re creating. Over time, this will help you
estimate how much you can accomplish when you take on certain tasks. It will also create shared accountability when
timeboxing as a team.
Planning the Timebox
Imagine you’re working as a designer on a product team. In a meeting, you’ve shared three design ideas with your
team leads, which somehow turned into a long debate about which idea would be best to implement. You’ve only got
15 minutes left in the meeting. You can use timeboxing to work your way towards a resolution:
“Let’s timebox this. For the next eight minutes, we’ll individually write on sticky notes three pros and three cons for
each design option. When we’re done, we’ll read what everyone wrote and make a decision on what to implement.
Want to try it?”
The above statement contains your plan for the timebox and has all the essential ingredients you need to get
moving: what to do, how long you’ll do it, and the desired output.
Acting on the Plan
Say that your team agrees to this plan. Now you act on it, carrying out the task you’d agreed upon. Set the timer for
eight minutes and go!
Evaluating What’s Been Done
Six minutes have elapsed so far. If you’re leading the timeboxing activity for the team, you would evaluate the
team’s progress towards the output. Is everyone on their way to completing the task? If not, why? Do they need more
time to complete it? Or was there something that you’d missed that needs to be addressed?
This is the most critical step of the timeboxing process: Using what you’re learning from completing the task to adjust
what you’ll do in the next timebox. In some cases, what you learn in the activity can cause your team to entirely reevaluate what you’re trying to accomplish.
This is where timeboxing moves beyond mere task chunking and becomes a powerful learning tool. You’re not
timeboxing unless it includes planning, action, and evaluation.
Timeboxing isn’t about just checking things off a to-do list. Always include time for planning, action, and evaluation after each
task. That said, it’s rare that a team can timebox for more than an hour without a break. Use your breaks to refuel, recharge, and
reflect on what’s working and what you might do next.
Constructing Timeboxes that Lead to Great Results
Now that you understand the process of timeboxing, let’s look more closely at how to construct individual timeboxes.
Including the following ingredients will help you consistently create great results.
What to Do: The Task That Needs to Happen
For each timebox, describe the exact task that needs to happen. The range of tasks you can take on is only limited by
your imagination: generating questions, identifying audiences, brainstorming of ideas, giving and receiving feedback,
sharing your work, and so forth. No matter what task you choose, it should always be clear how each it contributes to
the success of your project. (Pro tip: Sharing and discussing work out loud always takes longer than you plan, and can
bias your decision-making based on who’s the most verbally proficient on your team.)
Duration: How Long We’ll Do the Task
Try to keep yourself at 10 minutes or less, and be clear about what tasks aren’t included. Make sure there’s just
enough time before the task to agree to your plan, and after the task to evaluate what happened.
Required Output: How Much You’ll Create at the Desired Fidelity
No matter what the task is, it should always have a tangible output. Be specific about the output, and how much of it
you plan to create. You should be able to definitely say that you did it: In eight minutes, write eight ideas on
individual sticky notes as words and sketches. Yes, we did that.
By requiring specific output, people are forced to be concise and consistent. A good rule of thumb is this: The lower
the fidelity of what you’re creating in a timebox, the more of it you’ll be able to create. When you increase the fidelity,
you increase the challenge. This is part of the reason why timeboxing doesn’t work well for more production-oriented
tasks — it just takes longer than ten minutes to do certain tasks, like editing a piece of writing, creating detailed
designs, or producing audio or video.
Don’t treat timeboxing as a rote recipe for task completion. You want to treat it flexibly, like you’re cooking a meal
based on the ingredients at hand. Over time, timeboxing can become a mindset for how you respond to everyday
“I don’t have enough ideas yet for this project. I’m going to timebox myself to come up with 10 additional ideas in
10 minutes, one per page in my notebook…”
“We need more ‘How Might We?’ questions before we can start brainstorming. Let’s each generate five questions in
the next five minutes, one question per sticky note…”
“Let’s timebox this debate to ten minutes. Each person will get 2 minutes to share their point of view, and I’ll write
your key points on the whiteboard…”
Timeboxing Can Help Break Down Ambiguous Goals
Now that you’ve seen how to construct individual timeboxes, let’s briefly look at how to use them to break down and
work towards fuzzy, ambiguous goals.
Imagine you’re working at a food delivery startup that’s struggling to reach its quarterly targets. Your CEO swings by
your desk and says you’ll be taking on a crash project to develop three new revenue-generating opportunities that
customers will love… oh, and you’ve got till the end of the week.
The ask isn’t totally clear, and if you pulled together a team to tackle this they would have a ton of questions. Just a
few timeboxes could help you and your team break down this challenge by:
Asking questions to better understand the problem. You could write a list of questions that, if answered,
would help everyone decide what problems you’re trying to solve.
Defining what the end deliverable should include. You could list what elements these revenue-generating
opportunities will need to include when you present them.
Listing criteria that you’ll use to evaluate your ideas. You could determine what makes for a good (or not so
good) idea, before everyone starts generating them.
Creating a draft plan for the week. You could list what needs to be accomplished in order to deliver on the ask,
then prioritize which of those actions to take on first.
On every project that you work on, your approach is going to look a little different — and that’s okay. You’ll discover
the best path to your goal as you go, and have the flexibility to adjust based on what you discover along the way. Due
to this, timeboxing is different from certain trendy time management techniques that encourage you to schedule 25to 30-minute time blocks for completing groups of tasks. Timeboxing helps you break down those big blocks and
make the best use of the time inside them.