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Hypertrophy Workout Program: Build Muscle & Strength

Welcome to my program. This program
is based on what I personally have
found been working for me since I
started working out when it comes to
getting bigger and stronger in the gym.
This is a 7 day split, 6 days in the gym
and 1 day off, hypertrophy based
program. You are going to do cardio 2
times a week even if you're bulking to
make sure you stay healthy at the same
t i m e . I p e r s o n a l l y d o n ’t t r a i n a b s s o
often so it is up to you whether you
want to do that or not, if so, just throw
it in when you have time and energy.
Remember progressive overload while
doing this as strength also is very
important when it comes to increasing
muscle mass (hypertrophy).
Rest about 60-90 seconds bet w een each s et
Chest & Shoulders (Only front & s ide d elt s )
Flat bench press, 3 warm-u p set s, w ork your way u p to
the max weight you are going for,
(5 x 6, week 1) (4 x 8, week 2) (4 x 1,0 week 3 ) (3 x 12,
week 4) Repeat.
Incli ne Dumbbel l press, 1 warm-up set , 4 worki ng set s x
Decl i ne press (Choose the one you hav e at y our g y m or
the smith machi ne), 3 sets x 10,10,12
Standing cabl e flyes, 3 working set s x 15
Standing incl ine cable flyes, 2 w orking set s x 15
Shoul ders:
Dumbell press, 2 warm-up set s x 15, 2 worki ng set s x
Dumbell front raises, 4 working set s x 15
Lateral raises (30 seconds rest), 5 s et s x
Rest 60-90 seconds between each s et
Back, Rear Delts & Bi ceps + 20 mi n lig ht card io
Pul l downs, 2 warm-up sets x 15-20, 4 w orking set s x
(Heavy) Barbel l rows, 1 warm-wp set x 20, 4 worki ng
sets x 8,8,8,10
Seated cabl e rows, 4 sets x 1 0,12,15, 15
Cl ose grip pull down, 3 set s x 12
Cable pull over (30 seconds res t), 4 x 15, 15, 20,20
Rear Delts:
Bent over lateral raises, 4 x 15
Reverse pec dec, 3 x 12
Dumbbel l curl s 4 x 10 each side
Rest 60-120 seconds between each set
Legs (Quads, Hamstrings & Cal ves )
Quads and Hamstrings:
Barbell squats, 4 warm-up set s, w ork your way u p to
the max weight you are going for,
(5 x 4, week 1) (4 x 6, week 2) (4 x 8 , w eek 3 ) (3 x 10,
week 4) Repeat
Leg Press machi ne 5 x 10,1 2,12,15, 15
Lying l eg curl s 4 x 20,15,12, 10
Romani an deadli fts, 4 x 15
Leg extensions 5 x 12-15
Lunges, 3 sets x 10 steps each leg
Cal ves:
Cal f rai se, 5 x 20
Rest 60-90 seconds between each s et
Shoul ders & Tri ceps + 20 mi n lig ht card io
Shoul ders:
Overhead press, 2 warm-up set s x 15-20,
(5 x 4, week 1) (4 x 6, week 2) (4 x 8 , w eek 3 ) (3 x 10,
week 4) Repeat
Seated dumbbell press, 4 s et s x 10,12,12,15
Dumbell front raises, 3 x 12
Cable l ateral rai ses (No res t bet ween s et s), 4 x 15 each
Lateral raises, 5 sets x 12, 12,15, 15, 20
Bent over lateral raises, 5 s et s x 10-1 5
Reverse pec dec machi ne, 3 s et s x 12
Tri ceps:
Rope pushdowns, 1 warm-u p set s x 20, 5 worki ng set s x
Standing Overhead Tricep Extensions with d u mb bel l, 4
sets x 15
Rest 60-90 seconds between each s et
Chest, Back & Traps
Flat dumbbel l press, 2 warm-up set s x 15-20, 4
worki ng sets x 8,8,10,10
Incli ne bench press, 1 warm-u p set x 15, 4 working se ts
x 10,10,12,12
Decl i ne press (Chose the one y ou hav e at y our g y m or
the smith machi ne), 3 sets x 10,10,12
Cable fl yes (45 seconds res t), 4 i nt ense working set s x
Pul l downs, 2 warm-up sets x 15-20, 4 w orking set s x
Barbell rows, 1 warm-wp set x 20, 4 working set s x
Reverse pull downs, 3 working set s x 10
Seated Cabl e Rows, 4 work i ng set s x 10,15, 15, 20
Rest about 60 seconds bet w een each s et
Tri ceps:
Rope pushdowns, 1 warm-u p set s x 20, 5 worki ng set s x
Standing Overhead Tricep Extensions with d u mb bel l, 4
sets x 15
Si ngl e arm cabl e pushdown (No res t bet w een s et s), 4
sets x 10 each side
Skull crushers, 6 sets x 10,10,12,12,15, 15
Barbell curls, 1 warm-up set, 4 working set s x 12
Dumbbel l curl s, 3 sets x 10 reps each side
21’s with Ez bar (Inside crip), 3 set s x 7 reps u nd er 90°,
7 reps over 90° and 7 reps fu ll range of motion
Rope hammer curl s, 3 sets x 12
Day 7 is your rest day. Get some extra sleep
and let your body relax and recover from all
the hard work.
Thank you for purchasing my program