Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) This disease is known as HFRS, epidemic hemorrhagic fever, Korean hemorrhagic fever, epidemic nephritis nephropathica, epidemic Balkan hemorrhagic fever. HFRS occurs mainly in Europe, Asia and characterized by fever and renal failure and hemorrhagic manifestations. First this disease was recognized between 1913 and 1930 by soviet scientists during sporadic outbreaks of fever with renal syndrome in the eastern Soviet Union. Later disease occurs in North America, Korea, Europe. Etiology.The disease is caused by the arbovirus, genus hantavirus, it is RNA virus, lipid envelope, deactivating one’s ordinary disinfectants. The severity of illness depends on the type of infecting virus and on the geographic distribution. Korean hemorrhagic fever is a severe type of HFRS observed in Asia and caused by hantavirus. Balkan hemorrhagic fever is a severe type of HFRS and caused by Dobsava virus, observed in Balkan continent. Nephropathia epidemica is a mild borne of HFRS, which occurs in Europe, China and caused by the Puumala virus. Epidemiology.HFRS is caused by an airborne contact with secretions from rodent hosts, infected with the group of viruses. The severity of this disease depends on the type of virus and on the geographic distribution. -Korean HF is transmitted by the infected apodemus agrarius (field mouse) and is a severe form of HFRS. This disease is observed in Asia. - Balkan HF is a severe type of HFRS caused by the Dobrava virus, and transmitted by the infected apodemus flavicollis (yellow-necked field mouse), it occurs in Balkan continent . Severe form - HFRS due to Seoul virus is transmitted by the infected Rattus rattus (black rat) or the Rattus norvegiculis (urban rat) and it is mild or moderate form of the disease. - nephropathia epidemica is a mild form of HFRS observed in Europe caused by the Puumala virus and transmitted by the infected clethrionomys glareolus (European bank vole). Inoculation of the microorganism into human in the natural body is by aerogenic route, by contact and alimentary route. Sporadic cases of HFRS are registered during all year, predominantly in human. Group disease occurs predominantly in summer and autumn. Pathogenesis.The immune mechanisms play an important role in HFRS pathogenesis. The cytokine production, complement pathway activation or an increase in circulating complexes occur and play an important role during febrile and hypotensive stages. Damage of the vascular endothelium, leakage, capillary dilation is significant features of the disease. Nitric oxide productions increase in the active phase of disease. In the kidneys venous stage with serous – hemorrhagic edema development causes degenerative changes in the epithelium cells and appearing of fibrin into kidneys caniculla. So serous-hemorrhagic nephritis in both kidneys and acute destructive and obstructive hydronephrosis may develop. Clinical manifestation.The incubation period in HFRS may range from 1 to 2 weeks in average, but may last until to 8 weeks. The disease may range from mild to severe subclinical infection are especially common among children. The onset of disease is sudden Symtoms: . Initially infancy headache, abdominal pain, fever chills, nausea. Hushing of the face, inflammation or redness of cyst or rash, later – low blood pressure, vascular leakage, acute kidney values. The severity of the disease is associated with type of HFRS agent. Hantavirus and Dobravas virus infection are usually severe, Seoul, Searemaa, Rumula virus infections are usually moderate course of disease can include five stages. 1. Febrile stage lasts about 4-6 days. The asset of disease is abrupt with high fever up to 40C. The patient complaints are headache, chills, abdominal, back pain and malaise. During examination of patients can be revealed blushing of the face, neck, chest, petechiae on the soft palate, axilla. Subconjunctival hemorrhage bradycardia may be noted. 2. The hypotensive stage lasts from a few hours to 2 days. It is characterized by decreasing of the blood pressure, tachycardia, acute abdominal pain, convulsion or purposeless movements. Blood examination in this stage may reveal the changes of coagulation profile such as elevation of the prothrombin time, activation of partial thromboplastin time, prolongation of bleeding time. 3. The oliguria stage lasts about 3 to 6 days. The main signs in this stage are oliguria, elevation of the blood pressure, tendency to bleeding, edema (including pulmonary edema) thrombocytopenia. Anuria may be preserved then. 4. The diuretic stage lasts 2-3 weeks and is characterized by increasing of the diuresis (until 3 to 6 litters daily) rapid signs of dehydration and severe shock in some cases. The main signs of previous stage disappear in many cases. 5. The convalescent stage lasts for as long as 3 to 6 months. The main signs of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome begin to disappear from the second week of disease, glomerular filtration rate normalizes during 3 to 6 months. The renal tubular concentrating capacity recovers many mouths. Diagnostics.Diagnosis of HFRS is based on the geographic distribution of the disease, epidemiological and clinical data, laboratory evaluations. Blood picture abnormalities revealed are the following: leucocytosis, thrombocytopenia, elevation of hematocrit; prolonged bleeding time, elevation of prothrombin time, activation of thromboplastin time in hypo stage; elevation of live enzymes, blood urea nitrogen; hematuria, proteinuria can be evident; hypernatremia, hyperphasphatemia, hyperpotassemia. Serological tests can help in diagnosis. Enzymes linked immunosorbent assay is useful for section of antibodies. For field rise in titer IgM for 1 week against Hantaviruses are evident. Hantavirus antigen can be detected in different tissues, in microvasculature by immunohistochemical methods. Treatment.The treatment depends on the stage of the disease, status of hydration and overall hemodynamic patient’s condition. A low sodium diet with restriction of fluid during, diuretics oliguria stage is recommended. Dialysis is indicated if the patient is oliguric for a prolonged time with no response to diuretics and renal failure is rapid with electrolyte abnormality and worsening fluid Maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance is mandatory in the acute disease. Early and effective fluid therapy is the cornerstone in the renal failure. The use of vasoactive agents and albumin is recommended in shock period: excessive administration of fluid can lead to extravasation due by vascular leak, especially during the febrile and hypotensive stages. In oliguric stages diuretic is recommended . Dialysis is indicated if the patient is oliguric for a prolonged time with no response to diuretics and renal failure is rapid with electrolyte abnormality and worsening fluid. Corticosteroids, prednisolone, hydrocortisone inhibitors of proteolysis (contrical), vitamins (C, P) other symptomatic drugs can be used . Ribaverin intravenous that is indicated within 4 days of illness can reduce morbidity and used only in some countries. Antihypertensive agent, vasoactive drugs, colloids or diuretics may be needed to control hypertension, treat shock, to induce diuresis. After discharging from the hospital patients must be examined in outpatient department during 3 to 6 months. Ebola hemorrhagic fever Ebola hemorrhagic fever is an acute virus quarantine dangerous disease which is characterized by severe course, pronounced hemorrhagic syndrome and high mortality rate. Etiology.Ebola hemorrhagic fever is caused by four or five viruses classified in the genus Ebola virus family Filoviridae . They are Zaire Ebola virus ( Ebo-z), Sudan Ebola virus (Ebola-s) , Ebola Ivory Coast ( EBOCI), Bundibugon Ebola virus ( BDBV). The filth Reston virus is thought to be a pathogenic for humans, it is pathogenic for monkeys. Ebola virus has different forms, the virions are tubular and variable in shape and may appear as “U”, “6” coiled, circular or branched shape. The virions are generally 80mm in diameter, can be up do 1400 mm long. This virus is RWAcontaining microorganism complexed with the proteins NP, LVP 30 and VP35. In the so- called matrix space of microorganism the viral proteins VP 40 and VP 24 are colaced. This virus is highly infectious, can change very quickly, is not resistant to damaged factors of the external environment (ph.humidity, insulation) all Ebola virus subtypes are originated from Africa, except subtype Reston, which is from Philippines. Epidemiology.The reservoirs of infection in EHF are chimpanzees, spiders, sold ticks, fluid bats, monkeys, gorillas, plants, fruit bats. The sick patients are dangerous for other people. The mechanisms of transmission are the following: • Through the close contact with infected animal blood and cell cultures • Through the contact with blood and discharges of infected human (semen feces, vomitus, mucus, urine) • Through inhalation of infected small particle aerosols Humans can be infected with different routes: by air –droplets,contact injections or sometimes sexually. The susceptibility to this disease is high, immunity is stable, secondary disease is rare (about 5 %). In 7 to 10% of the population in endemic areas have antibody to Ebola virus.First cases of EHF was first discovered in 1976 near the Ebola, rivers in what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo, now Zaire. Pathogenesis.The portal entries for Ebola viruses are mucous membranes and skin. After infection the virus lead to the lymph nodes and spleen with following virus replication there and intensive virusemia development. About 1 week after infection the begins attaching blood and lives cells. If the pathological process will progress the virus can destroy vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, leading to massive internal bleeding. As a result of primary toxic effect of the virus and autoimmune reaction the decreasing of thrombocytes production damaging of vessels epithelium in internal organs with necrotic foci and hemorrhage are noted. The main changes are located in the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, kidneys, brain, ovaries. In fatal cases non-effective immune response could be due to immunosuppressive amino acid sequence in filovirus glucoprotein. Clinical manifestation.The incubation period is 3to 10 days, ranges from 2 to 21 days. The onset of EHF is abrupt with high fever (39-40C), frontal and temporal headache, myalgia, arthralgias, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting. The chest pain, cough, pharyngitis can be noted too. These early symptoms are easily mistaken for typhoid fever, malaria, influenza or various bacterial infection. Later disease may process to cause more serious symptoms. On 2-3 days of the disease blood vomiting, diarrhea, dark or bloody feces, lethargy, change in menation are noted. An enanthema of the palate and tonsils, cervical lymphadenopathy has revealed during the first week of illness. The maculopapular rash begins on the 5-7 day on the face, neck and spreads centrifugally to the extremities. A line desquamation of the affected skin, especially on the palms and soles appears 4-5 days later. Hemorrhagic syndrome, which occurs on 3-5 day of disease is the most common. Epistaxis, hematemesis, petechia, purpura, ecchymosis, bleeding erosions in mucosa of mouth, bleeding from needle- puncture sites are characteristics. In severe cases gastrointestinal, renal, vaginal and / or conjunctival bleeding develop in sick patients. Somnolence, delirium, coma, hypotension, tachycardia, paresthesia, crams can be pronounced. During the first weak the temperature remains, around 40 0 C, decreasing by lysis, for the second week, only to increase again on 12-14 days. On the 2-nd week splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, edema scrotum or labia. Complications.Myocarditis, pancreatitis, orchitis (which lead to testicular atrophy). Mortality rate is high (range from 50-90%). The cause of death is usually due to hypovolemia shock or organ failure often accompany by DVS and liver failure (on the 8-16 day of illness). Recovery is often protracted over 3 to 4 weeks’ period. During their period loss of hai , intermittent abdominal pain , poor appetite, prolonged psychotic disturbances have been later – transverse myelitis and uveitis have been reported. Diagnostics.Laboratory findings in EHV include leucopenia ( low as 1000/ul) from the first day of disease with neutrophilia by the fourth day ; thrombocytopenia ( often with fewer than 10000 cells/ul) on 6-12 days; elevation of transaminase levels ( sat > alt ) . Fatal cases may include evidence of disseminated intravascular coagulation. Specific diagnostics requires isolation of the Ebola virus or detection of serological evidence of infection in paired serum samples. Viremia coincides with the febrile stage of disease; virus has been isolated from tissue, urine,semen, treat, rectal swabs. These investigations may be done only in specialized high – security laboratories ELISA, PSR. Treatment.The therapy of EHF is supportive. The administration of convalescent –phase serum from recovered patient has been proposed. Interferon, in DI S – heparin, replacement of coagulation factors and platelets can be used. Prevention.The patients must be isolated in special department with strong regime. The prevention of EHV includes: • Proper sterilization of injection equipment • Protect from body fluids during dealing with cadavers • Routine barrier nursing precautions, strict isolation, respiratory protection • Extensive quarantine precautions • Producing of effective vaccine for humans Marburg hemorrhagic fever Marburg hemorrhagic fever (MHF) is acute zoonotic disease with high mortality rate, pronounced intoxication and universal capillary toxicosis. Marburg virus is known after outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever in Germany in 1967 year. Etiology.The agent of this disease is Marburg virus family Filaviridae. The viral parts are polymorphic ( as threats, spirals, or oval forms) 790 mm long and 80 mm diameter. This microorganism contains negative one threading RNA and lipoprotein. There are 7 proteins in the virions. The protein contents of Marburg virus mimic Ebola virus but strain specific antigens in Marburg virus is concentrates in areas of 6 p protein and group specific antigens- in areas of Np protein. Hemagglutinin and hemolysin didn't revealed in Marburg virus. This microorganism is resistant to external environment factors. Epidemiology.The source of MHF virus is monkeys predominantly African marmosets. The mechanisms of transmission are by contact, aerosols, ardiphicial. The routers of transmission are by air – droplets, by contact, by injections. The MHF virus can be in blood, nasopharyngeal mucus, urine, sperm during 3 months. The human infection is possible in primary contact with blood and organs of monkeys through damaged skin (in injections, cuts), through the conjunctiva sexual mechanism of transmission was described too. The susceptibility to Marburg virus is high. Secondary cases of MHF are absent. The immunity after disease is stable. Jason depending characteristics of their disease didn't described. MHF occurs in the central and West Africa and south of this Continent. Pathogenesis.The portals entry of MHF are damaged skin, mucous membranes of mouth and eyes. The primary replication of MHF happens in mononuclear cells and macrophages later viremia which is accompanied by suppression of the immune system function develops. Together with generalized microcirculation disturbances. These changes lead to revealing of DIS and polyorganic disturbances. In the lungs, myocardial, liver, kidneys, spleen, suprarenal glands and other organs can have revealed foci of necrosis and hemorrhages. Clinical manifestation.The incubation period in MHF is 3-16 days. The onset of disease is acute with pronounced intoxication. The fever is high during 2 weeks, which is accompanied by headache, myalgia, predominantly in lumbar – sacral area. During examination in initial period conjunctivitis, enanthems, vesicular – erosive changes in month bradycardia can revealed. To us of muscles has been increased and muscles is painful. On 3-4 days vomiting and watery diarrhea appear which can lead to dehydration. On 5-6 days’ maculopapular eruptions with following desquamation is possible. On 6-7 days’ hemorrhagic manifestations (such as skin hemorrhages, nasal, gastrointestinal and other hemorrhages), signs of hepatitis, myocarditis, damaging of kidneys are noted. The damaging of central nervous system can be done. Adynamia, meningismus are characteristics for CNS damaging at the end of first week signs of toxic shock and dehydration can be pronounced. The patient’scondition become worse on the 8-10 days and 15-17 days after onset of the disease. The fatal outcomes can be in these days. Generally, mortality rate in MHF ranges from 25-50. The reasons of death are edema of lungs and brain, hypovolemic shock, acute renal insufficiency, DTS syndrome development. In the favorable outcomes in convalescent period appearing of long diarrhea, asthenic syndrome sign, psychic abnormalities, balding can be noted. Complication.Complication of MHF are hepatitis, orchids,shock, uveitis, sometimes pneumonia and psychosis. myocarditis, Diagnostics.Clinical diagnostics is difficult because pathognomonic symptoms of MHF is absent. Epidemiological data (stay in places with natural foci of MHF), contact with green marmosets, contact with patients and results of serological virological, electron – microscopic investigations. Specific investigations mimic Ebola hemorrhagic fever diagnostics (revealing of the virus culture, PCR, IFA, NA, CFT and others). In fatal outcomes electron microscopic investigation or NYF assay for revealing of virus are used. Blood picture investigation revealed the following changes: anemia, anisocytosis, poikilocytosis, thrombocytopenia.Elevation of leucocytosis, the sniff transaminase level; to the the signs left, of hypocoagulation and metabolic acidosis. Treatment.The patients with MHF must be hospitalized with strong regime in department of hospital. Diet is 4 without exception of the protein and sodium chloride. Pathogenetic therapy is the main management. The aims of this therapy are dehydration, treatment of toxic shock and hemorrhagic syndrome. Reconvalescent serum, interferon, plasmapheresis can be used. Prognosis serious with 25% in average fatality rate or prolonged convalescent period.