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Author's Purpose: Narrative, Descriptive, Expository, Persuasive

Unit 7.4: Author’s Purpose
Ms. Duran
Understand and identify the different
purposes of a text.
A1. Distinguish
an author’s
purpose by
analyzing the
A2. Determine the
meaning of words to
distinguish and write
text in the four
types of author’s
purpose: descriptive,
expository, and
persuasive writing.
A3. Describe an event
through figurative and
sensory language to show
the reader what is
happening rather than
telling them directly.
A4. Take a position, summarize
an issue, support a position with
facts, use persuasive language
and to suggest solutions to a
problem through persuasive
An author’s purpose is his/her reason for
It is reflected in the way the author writes
about a topic.
For instance, if the author’s purpose is to amuse, he/she will
use jokes or anecdotes in the writing.
Clues to an author’s purpose may be found in
titles, prefaces, and the author’s background.
Narrative Writing
1. Used to relate a story or to recount events.
2. Has a beginning, middle, and ending.
3. A story may have a lesson, but the author’s main purpose is
to entertain.
Harry Potter books
Poems about love
Narrative essay about the big game
Script for a TV show
Descriptive Writing
It tells what something looks like, sounds like, or
feels like.
It often involves the 5 senses.
Describes a person, event or place.
It uses many details about the topic.
 Product description
 Travel brochure
 Letters
 Journal or diary entries
Persuasive Writing
1. It is used to convince a reader to believe an idea or to take a
course of action.
2. Attempts to influence the reader.
3. Usually makes an argument.
Political speeches
An essay urging readers to recycle
Expository Writing
1. It is used to inform or teach the reader.
2. Expository writing shows or explains facts.
Biography of Barack Obama
News report about a shooting
Note to a friend
Essay about “killer bees”
Remember: Expository = Expose