Political Culture (ideology and political parties) Relay Races 1. On your mark, get set, GO!!!! Term for the shared values and beliefs held in the United States. Name at least three of those shared values. You are off to a good start… Political Culture and we all believe in republican government, a market economy, equality, individualism, and personal freedom. 2. What is the term for the political attitudes or beliefs held along the political spectrum? Excellent! Ideology. 3. Which ideology would fit socialism and communism? Why? Awesome guys!!!! Statist- believes in the greatest amount of government control over society/personal lives and the economy. 4. Which ideology favors no government control in the economy or our personal affairs? They feel that the only role of government is to provide law/order. Libertarian. 5. Which ideology favors government intervention in the economy but little over our personal lives? Liberal. 6. Which ideology favors government intervention in our personal lives to maintain traditional family values but limited government intervention in the economy? Conservative. 7. Over 50 percent of Americans are _____. This means they are more open minded and sometimes want government intervention and sometimes they don’t. They don’t like labels and are more pragmatic when it comes to issues. You are masters of this chapter! Way to go! Moderates (centrists). 8. Political socialization is how we develop our political beliefs. What factors determine your views? Name at least 4. Right On!!! Family, church, community, schooling, income level, friends, region of the country and media. 9. Ideology is based around what 3 factors? Super!!! Whether you like change or not; how one interprets the Constitution; and an individual’s view on what should be the proper role of government in the economy and in our personal lives. 10. Define political party and identify at least three functions of them. I just love you guys!!!! A political party is a group of like-minded individuals who seek to elect people to office in order to influence public policy. Functions: Linkage institution, educate us, watchdogs and they make elections easier. 11. How do political parties make elections/voting easier for us? WOW!!!! Primaries (party elections to nominate their best candidate for an office) 12. Ok smarty pants! See if you can get this one. Why does the U.S. have a 2 party system? (provide ALL reasons mentioned in class!) Impressive! History, our moderate political culture, election process and state ballot access laws. 13. How many political parties have access to Ohio’s ballot? Name the minor, or third parties that are on our ballot. You are so smoooooth!!!! 6- in addition to the Democrats and Republicans, you will find: Green, Libertarian, Constitutional Law and Socialist. 14. It is extremely difficult for a third party to win elections, but what kind of impact do they have in American politics? They can promote change and act as “spoilers” in elections. 15. The Democratic Party promotes “flow up economics.” What does this mean? The way to promote economic growth is to give tax breaks to the lower and middle class who will in turn spend money. They believe consumer spending drives an economy; and if the economy is in a slump (recession)? The government should spend money as a “jump start”! (influence the demand for goods and services) 16. The Republicans believe in “Trickle Down Economics.” What does this mean? The way to promote economic growth is to influence the supply of goods/services. The government should lower taxes for the wealthy and corporations, who will in turn, invest in the stock market and industry. This will create jobs and thus the wealth will trickle down to the bottom. 17. How does one declare their party affiliation in Ohio? What about independents? Yes, how you vote in a primary election- we have a semi-closed primary system which means one can maintain the status of independent and also vote in a party’s primary. 18. Is party loyalty on the decline? Cite evidence supporting your position. You got it!!!!40 percent of Americans are independent and the recent trend is split-ticket voting. 19. Why do candidates sometime “flip flop” on issues during an election? You got it! Sometimes candidates try to appeal to the independent, moderate and the undecided voter. They move to the middle. 20. Identify the Democratic and Republican parties’ position on each of the following issues: abortion, capital punishment, same sex marriage & the environment. Awesome!!! 21. Identify the “founder,” color, and symbol of the Democratic and Republican parties.