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Bespoke Document Creation in Debt Recovery

Creating Bespoke Documents
Task 1
In my job role I create many documents both for use internally and externally. These
documents are created for a bespoke purpose and take up different formats. One of the
main types of document that I create within my job role is letters. As I work in Debt
Recovery, the letters I create are primarily sent are to recover unpaid Residential or NonResidential care debt. Sometimes the letters can be a reminder that the debt is still
outstanding or it could be requesting certain documents. One thing that remains the same
however is the template. Each letter has its own template with the company logo followed
by text stating the purpose. The end users of the letters I create would be external
customers such as clients or executors of the estates, however, letters are sometimes sent
to solicitors therefore the language needs to be more formal and the template would need
to be altered.
As well as producing letters, I have to raise invoices for the care charges. When a customer
passes away, any outstanding invoices will be cancelled and raised altogether on a Final
Account Invoice which is to be raised and sent to the executor of the estate. It is extremely
important that the wording on the invoice as well as the bill amount is accurate so prevent
any disputes and offence due to the sensitivity of the topic. The invoices usually have a
standard template including the company’s logo with the main body of text in the centre.
Invoice end users almost always tend to be service users, executors or solicitors as they are
managing the finances to pay for the outstanding charges.
Another document that I create in my job role is emails. These are used frequently every
day and are extremely useful in conveying information quickly and direct. My emails always
contain a formal signature at the bottom stating my name and position within the company.
It is always important to select the correct manner and wording when sending emails to
different audiences. Emails are generally sent to a variety of end users and in my job role I
send them to both internal and external customers as well as colleagues and friends,
however, the tone used in each one will differ to suit the audience.
When designing these documents it is important to take into consideration any factors that
may affect it. For example, when I am producing a letter, I will take into consideration the
audience I am sending it to, and what the purpose of the letter is, so I can adjust the
language or format of the information to suit each specific need. Timescales are another
factor when I am designing documents. If information was required from a Solicitor
regarding an overdue payment urgently, a letter would not be suitable as it would take
longer to reach them. In this case, I would either send them an email directly or call them to
ensure contact is made. Considering the house style as a factor is important when designing
a document because the letters that I produce are set in a certain layout, with a certain style
of text and the company logo at the top. This will be required when formally sending out
correspondence, however, when sending an email in comparison the company logo may not
be required and only a signature at the bottom may be relevant.
The documents I create are all used using different technology packages on my computer.
For creating letters I would generally use Microsoft Word and I have multiple templates
saved into my documents to allow me quick selection when required. Microsoft Word
allows me to edit a letter in detail and produce them to tailor different requirements. To
ensure accuracy, Microsoft Word has a spell check facility which allows me to proof-read my
letter before it is sent out to the target audience.
For creating and sending emails, I always use Outlook. Outlook is a mailing program that
allows me to accurately produce and send messages quickly to external and internal
customers. It combines with Word and also possess a spell check facility if required.
Oracle systems are used to produce invoices and is a completely standalone package that is
used for a lot of different tasks. I use the ‘Transactions’ option in the program to create a
new invoice and then print it through the central printing log-in once it is raised. Oracle
allows me to input any information I require on the invoice as well as adding a cost centre
and account code which allows the payments to be allocated to the correct place.
Corporate identity is extremely important especially when designing documents. Having a
well invested logo on your correspondence shows a sense of trust and the good reputation
of the business to anyone who views it. It projects the impression of an organisation as
professional, reliable and contemporary which could appeal to potential investors and show
that the organisation is serious about being successful and important in its chosen industry.
Choosing the write colour, space, font and format when creating a logo has a huge impact
on how people view it and will create a visual identity in people’s minds. An example of this
is my current organisation’s logo. Durham County Council’s logo is a blue oval shape with
“Durham County Council” on it. However, the logo also bares the Durham County crest
which is a coat of arms with a yellow cross in the middle and 4 lions in each corner holding
swords and wearing crowns. It also includes 4 black diamonds to represent the county’s coal
mining industries. Finally, there is a White Rose of York in the centre of the crest. This logo
bares deep meaning especially for the residents of County Durham and its mining
generation therefore clearly identifies as a big power within the nation.
Visual design techniques are used when creating a logo or a document as you want it to
stand out to your chosen audience and ensure they are intrigued with reading it.
Contrasting the colour on a document can help to make an image stand out by changing the
colour of text or the background of the document. Another technique is ‘white space
illusion’. This is a layout technique that allows the target audience to concentrate on a
certain part easier when there is white space below and above it and it can make the text
stand out as important.
Measuring the impact and suitability of documents of documents that I produce is done by
using different criteria. Language criteria is used to identify how easy it is for people to
understand the words. This is extremely important when trying to recover debt or to inform
them that they may have legal action taken against them so the reader can follow the text
with ease which is part of the documents I produce.
A design criteria is important as the visual impact of the document influences usability. Even
if the document is attractive and approachable, it will pull the reader into it and make them
want to read on. Font and text styles are important and they should be easy to read but not
completely boring yet not overwhelming. Designing documents differently will show
suitability to each document. In the documents that I produce, a clear logo and layout is
always prevalent to ensure the message is conveyed correctly and accurately.
Establishing a relationship with its users is extremely important, especially in my job role.
Ensuring that it is clear who communication is by adding a signature and contact details can
help the audience feel more secure as they know if there are any queries there is a point of
contact for help. Documents I produce, especially invoices, are always created to have a
relationship with the reader and to provide support details if required.
The most important part of a document is the content inside of it and it is important to take
into consideration the content to measure impact and suitability. For example, ensuring the
content is relevant to the subject will prevent any confusion from the reader. If it is not clear
what the communication is about and what action is required from the target audience,
then the letter is useless and there will be no payment or response as there was no
instruction to.