2/10/22, 7:40 AM RI.9-10.2 Development of a Central Idea | Reading: Informational Text | 9-10th Grade | Goalbook Pathways Done by Mohammed AL Shehhi, Hamdan Enad, Hamdan Mohammed, Cite Evidence that Develops the Central Idea – RI.9-10.2 | Passages Goal book Pathways China Just Landed on the Moon's Far Side by Mike Wall, Space.com, modified byGoal book 1100L · 485 words 1 China's historic robotic mission to the moon's far side could preview some unprecedented human exploration of Earth's nearest neighbor. 2 Chinese officials have voiced a desire to send astronauts to the moon. The nation's leadership places a premium on doing space-related things that have never been done before — such as landing on the mysterious lunar far side which they successfully completed on January 2, 2019. 3 China has serious crewed lunar ambitions that don't involve simply retracing the steps of NASA's astronauts. 4 "I think what we will see will be either more people, a more extended stay, or maybe landing at a pole — something that'll make people say, 'Wow! That's not just replicating what other people have done,'" said Dean Cheng, an expert on China's space program. 5 "I could imagine a manned landing on the far side of the moon, though that's really risky," Cheng said. 6 Another very real possibility, he added: Sending a woman to the lunar surface. All 12 of the Apollo astronauts who walked on the moon between 1969 and 1972 were men. 7 The first Chinese satellite didn't reach orbit until 1970, 13 years after the Soviet Union kicked off the space age with the launch of Sputnik 1. But China has steadily improved its off-Earth expertise over the decades and is now a major space power. 8 For example, in 2003, China became just the third nation to launch astronauts into orbit, after the Soviet Union and the United States. Since then, China has launched and sent people to two separate "space labs” to help lay the groundwork for a full-on orbital outpost. China aims to have that up and running by 2022. https://goalbookapp.com/pathways/#!/standard/CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.9-10.2/resources?_ref=std_nav 1/4 2/10/22, 7:40 AM RI.9-10.2 Development of a Central Idea | Reading: Informational Text | 9-10th Grade | Goalbook Pathways 9 Chinese space officials have discussed building a crewed "lunar palace," near the moon's south pole and eventually sending astronauts all the way to Mars. The country has already performed a one-year mock moon mission called Lunar Palace 1. 10 There's little reason to doubt China's ability to pull off a crewed moon mission. Indeed, China could well do it before NASA (which has said it aims to return astronauts to the lunar surface by the late 2020s). 11 Political will is tough to maintain in the United States, because the U.S. has frequent handovers of power. As a result, NASA’s major goals have often changed over the decades. For example, President George W. Bush directed the agency to work to get astronauts back to the moon by 2020, but, in 2010, President Barack Obama cancelled that program, shifting the human-spaceflight focus to a near-Earth asteroid. And President Donald Trump recently made the moon the target once again. 12 Such volatility does not plague the space program of authoritarian China. China has been ruled by the Communist Party since 1949. 13 The country isn't racing to beat the United States… but rather is embarked on a long-term program of sustainable development. https://goalbookapp.com/pathways/#!/standard/CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.9-10.2/resources?_ref=std_nav 2/4 2/10/22, 7:40 AM RI.9-10.2 Development of a Central Idea | Reading: Informational Text | 9-10th Grade | Goalbook Pathways Cite Evidence that Develops th44e Central Idea – RI.9-10.2 | Assessment Items Goalbook Pathways Text Annotation Task Level 1 Read China Just Landed on the Moon’s Far Side and answer the question below. Reread paragraphs 8-9 from the passage. 8 For example, in 2003, China became just the third nation to launch astronauts into orbit, after the Soviet Union and the United States. Since then, China has launched and sent people to two separate "space labs” to help lay the groundwork for a full-on orbital outpost. China aims to have that up and running by 2022. 9 Chinese space officials have discussed building a crewed "lunar palace," near the moon's south pole and eventually sending astronauts all the way to Mars. The country has already performed a one-year mock moon mission called Lunar Palace 1. The central idea of paragraphs 8-9 is that China could become the first nation to have its own moon base. Underline two pieces of evidence from paragraphs 8-9 that develop this. 9. Chinese space officials have discussed building a crewed "lunar palace," near the moon's south pole 8. China has launched and sent people to two separate "space labs” to help lay the groundwork for a full-on orbital outpost. Short Answer Level 2 Read China Just Landed on the Moon’s Far Side and answer the question below. Reread paragraphs 4-5 from the passage. The central idea of paragraphs 4-5 is that China has ambitious and unprecedented space goals. Cite pieces of textual evidence from paragraphs 4 or 5 that develop this central idea. two 4. 'Wow! That's not just replicating what other people have done,'" saidDean Cheng, an expert on China's space program… 5. "I could imagine a manned landing on the far side of the moon, though that's really risky," Cheng said. https://goalbookapp.com/pathways/#!/standard/CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.9-10.2/resources?_ref=std_nav 3/4 2/10/22, 7:40 AM RI.9-10.2 Development of a Central Idea | Reading: Informational Text | 9-10th Grade | Goalbook Pathways Short Answer Level 3 Read China Just Landed on the Moon’s Far Side and answer the question below. The author believes that China aspires to become a global leader by employing a strategic and long-term space exploration plan. Cite three pieces of evidence from the entire text that develop this central idea. 14 The country isn't racing to beat the United States… but rather is embarked on a long-term program of sustainable development. The two more evidence are hiding in the text https://goalbookapp.com/pathways/#!/standard/CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.9-10.2/resources?_ref=std_nav 4/4