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30032021 Synoptic%20Writing

Synoptic Writing Briefing
“Why should children learn your subject and what pedagogic principles underpin
effective practice in its teaching?”
The briefing for the Synoptic Writing from Page 64 in the Handbook:
This assignment will draw together your critical understanding of secondary teaching,
from literature, and educational research, as well your experiences. You should make
links to your Portfolio patches as part of your discussion. We are looking for engagement
with both generic and subject specific literature and research, making links to broader
areas such as assessment and inclusive practice and how they relate to your subject
You must provide a bibliography & should look at the assessment outline on Page 77
Comments and Writing Frame
This wide brief allows you to draw on a range of evidence from your Patches, reflective writing, and
examples of pupils work drawn from your maths portfolio (I expect you to construct a multimodal
text). You will be able to show how these examples illustrate good pedagogic principles in maths
Use the link below (and the assessment criterion on page 69 of the Course Handbook) to remind
yourself about writing. I recommend the sections essay and assignment planning and critical
Introduction (750 words)
The issue about why people should learn mathematics is that everyone assumes that they should by
saying that it is important in everyday life. You should be able to offer examples from your lessons
how mathematics illuminates everyday life (and exemplify this by digital images of pupil work and
tasks set(including powerpoints/shots of applets used). Remember that everyday life for a pupil is in
your class (how is maths exciting) and in the school (how is it relevant across the curricular). These
are curriculum choices for which you should refer through direct quotation to articles (often posted
on WhatsApp) we have used throughout the course:
Skemp Instrumental and relational understanding
Implications of the Cockcroft Report
Synoptic Writing Briefing
Claxton The Maths and the Mind Gym
Malcolm Swann Introduction to the Standards Unit
Claxton Habits of Mind Girls and Engineering
Barmby et al Primary Mathematics and the following sites:
Jo Boaler at https://www.youcubed.org/
Mindsets/mixed attainment
Mastery maths
Inquiry maths
Also Mike Ollerton How to
Teach Secondary Maths
These themes of may form the basis of three sections section (each 500 words) which may cover:
Use of ICT in Mathematics/Use of Talk in maths/Maths for All/Use of Practical Tasks/Problem solving
Skills/Maths Across the Curriculum/Maths and Misconceptions
Conclusion (250 words)
Discuss how you will develop these themes and how you will make use of them in the context of
implementing the new curriculum/working as maths teacher in your first year of teaching