GENERAL CHEMISTRY 1 Chemistry is the study of matter and the changes it undergoes. Chemistry is branch of natural science that deals principally with the properties of substances, the changes they undergo, and the natural laws that describe these changes. HISTORY OF CHEMISTRY ALCHEMY CHEMISTRY PLATONIC SOLIDS ALCHEMY CHEMISTRY Democritus & Leucippus Matter could be divided into tiny particles until such point where it can no longer be divided anymore. “ATOMOS” Findings of Joseph Proust (Composition of Matter) Proust (1799); proposed about important principle about quantitative analysis of chemical reactions. Compound formation; elements always combine in similar proportions by mass regardless of the size of the sample (LAW OF DEFINITE PROPORTIONS) Support Law of Multiple Proportions if two or more different compounds are composed of the same two elements, then the ratio of the masses of the second element combined with a certain mass of the first element is always a ratio of small whole numbers. Carbon monoxide (CO) & Carbon dioxide (CO2) Fixed C ratio BUT 1:2 O ratio When reaction is done in a closed container, the total mass BEFORE and AFTER the reaction is the same. (LAW OF CONSERVATION OF MASS) Mass is neither created nor destroyed during a chemical reaction. ASSIGNMENT: Research on the different models of atoms. Prepare for a quiz next meeting. Antoine Lavoisier Contributions • He had proof of Boyle’s concept of a simple substance, now known as the chemical element. • A chemical element is a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler components. • He defined a compound as a substance composed of these elements. • He came up with an initial list of 33 elements, and created a systematic way of naming elements and the compounds they created. • He also wrote the first Chemistry textbook. • For this and many other contributions, he became known as the Father of Chemistry.