Uploaded by Hannah Maths

Scientific Notation Lesson Plan & Desmos Activity

Desmos Activity for Scientific Notation
Lesson focus: 6F Scientific notation
Curriculum link: Express numbers in scientific notation (VCMNA 303)
Learning Intentions:
To understand that scientific notation is a shorthand way of writing very large and
very small numbers
To know the general form of scientific notation
To understand when positive or negative powers of 10 are used in scientific notation
To be able to convert between scientific notation and decimal form
Lesson plan:
Watch BitMath Scientific Notation video (3:30mins)
Discussion: Ask students what’s one thing you learnt about scientific notation from
this video? When would we use scientific notation? When do we use positive
indices? When do we use negative indices?
6F in student booklet. Go through key ideas and Example 17 and 18.
Explain Desmos activity (dot = means they are being multiplied together, tap
keyboard to find multiplication symbol and raise numbers to powers)
Desmos activity: https://student.desmos.com/join/pybqmm
If finish activity early, attempt Ex 6F Q 2 – 3, 5