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iManager NetEco V600R007C50 PowerEcho User Manual

iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2016. All rights reserved.
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Issue 01 (2016-06-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
About This Document
About This Document
This document describes how to install, start, stop and uninstall the PowerEcho tool, and how
to operate and maintain the NetEco system using the PowerEcho tool.
Intended Audience
This document is intended for maintenance engineers.
Change History
Changes between document issues are cumulative. The latest document issue contains all the
changes made in previous issues.
01 (2015-06-15)
This issue is the first official release for iManager NetEco V600R007C50. Compared with
Draft A (2016-02-18), this issue includes the following changes.
Navigation Tree
Change Description
System Maintenance
3.6.13 Password Expiration Settings of the
Navigation Tree
Change Description
Installing the PowerEcho
Modified the content in 2.1 Obtaining the
PowerEcho Installation Package.
Installing the PowerEcho
Modified the content in 2.2 Installing the
PowerEcho Software.
Issue 01 (2016-06-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
About This Document
Draft A (2016-02-18)
This issue is the first release of the iManager NetEco V600R007C50 beta version.
Issue 01 (2016-06-15)
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
About This Document .................................................................................................................... ii
1 Functions of the PowerEcho ........................................................................................................ 1
2 Installing the PowerEcho ............................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Obtaining the PowerEcho Installation Package ............................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Installing the PowerEcho Software ............................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Starting the PowerEcho ................................................................................................................................................ 5
2.4 Stopping the PowerEcho ............................................................................................................................................... 6
2.5 Uninstalling the PowerEcho ......................................................................................................................................... 6
3 PowerEcho Client Operations .................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Runtime Environment Requirements of PowerEcho .................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Logging In to and Out of the PowerEcho ................................................................................................................... 10
3.3 Monitoring System Status ........................................................................................................................................... 11
3.3.1 Viewing NetEco Information ................................................................................................................................... 11
3.4 Installing and Upgrading the NetEco .......................................................................................................................... 12
3.4.1 Uploading Files ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
3.4.2 Installing the NetEco and Mediation ....................................................................................................................... 13
3.4.3 Checking NetEco Before the Upgrade ..................................................................................................................... 14
3.4.4 Upgrading the NetEco software ............................................................................................................................... 14
3.4.5 Uninstalling the NetEco software ............................................................................................................................ 15
3.4.6 Uninstalling the NE Mediation ................................................................................................................................ 15
3.5 Obtaining Logs ........................................................................................................................................................... 16
3.5.1 Configuring System Logs ........................................................................................................................................ 16
3.5.2 Obtaining NetEco Running Logs ............................................................................................................................. 17
3.5.3 Obtaining SUSE Linux OS Logs ............................................................................................................................. 18
3.5.4 Obtaining Database Logs ......................................................................................................................................... 18
3.6 System Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................... 18
3.6.1 Starting and Stopping the NetEco Service ............................................................................................................... 19
3.6.2 Starting and Stopping the Database Service ............................................................................................................ 19
3.6.3 Restart the Operating System................................................................................................................................... 20
3.6.4 Changing the NetEco Server Time .......................................................................................................................... 20
3.6.5 Changing the NetEco Server Time Zone ................................................................................................................. 21
3.6.6 Changing the IP Address of the NetEco Server ....................................................................................................... 21
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iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
3.6.7 Checking the Health Status of the NetEco Server ................................................................................................... 23
3.6.8 Backing Up and Restoring the NetEco .................................................................................................................... 24
3.6.9 Managing PowerEcho Users .................................................................................................................................... 25
3.6.10 Querying PowerEcho Operation Logs ................................................................................................................... 26
3.6.11 Deleting PowerEcho Junk Files ............................................................................................................................. 26
3.6.12 Setting the Idle Timeout Period for the PowerEcho System .................................................................................. 27
3.6.13 Password Expiration Settings of the PowerEcho ................................................................................................... 27
3.6.14 Upgrading the PowerEcho ..................................................................................................................................... 28
4 FAQ ................................................................................................................................................ 29
4.1 How to Log In To the Server in SSH Mode? .............................................................................................................. 29
4.2 How Do I Use FileZilla to Transfer Files? .................................................................................................................. 32
4.3 Verifying OpenPGP Signature (Linux) ....................................................................................................................... 34
4.4 Verifying OpenPGP Signature (Windows) .................................................................................................................. 38
4.5 How Do I Solve the Problem that the Layout of GUIs Are Incorrect and Controls Overlap Each Other in the IE? .. 41
4.6 What Do I Do If a Certificate Error Message or a Security Alarm Is Displayed on Internet Explorer? ..................... 41
Issue 01 (2016-06-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
1 Functions of the PowerEcho
Functions of the PowerEcho
This section describes the functions of the PowerEcho.
The PowerEcho is a tool used for maintaining theNetEco. Table 1-1 lists the functions of the
Table 1-1 Functions of the PowerEcho
Function Item
Basic server
Views the NetEco version information, and memory and CPU usage
of the server.
Upload File
Uploads NetEco software packages, mediation packages, and NetEco
upgrade packages.
Install NetEco and
Performs one-click installation of NetEco software and mediation
Uninstall NetEco
and Mediation
Uninstall NetEco software and mediation software.
Upgrade check
Checks the health status of the server, database, and NetEco before
the NetEco upgrade.
Upgrade NetEco
Upgrade NetEco and check NetEco after the upgrade.
Log Management
Obtains NetEco run log, operating system log and database log.
Start/stop NetEco
Starts or stops NetEco services.
Start/Stop the
database service
Starts or stops the MySQL database service.
Restart the OS
Restart the Linux operating system.
Change NetEco
server time
Changes the time of the NetEco server.
Change NetEco
server time zone
Changes the time zone of the NetEco server.
Change NetEco
Changes the IP address of the NetEco server.
Issue 01 (2016-06-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
1 Functions of the PowerEcho
Function Item
server IP address
Query NetEco
server health status
Checks the health status of the SUSE Linux OS, database and
NetEco, and exports the health report.
Backup and
restore NetEco
Back up the NetEco and restore NetEco using backup files.
Clear PowerEcho
junk files
Deletes PowerEcho junk data, including uploaded files using the file
upload function, logs and some temporary files.
PowerEcho Users
Manages PowerEcho users, for example, changing the password of
user admin.
Query PowerEcho
operation logs
Query PowerEcho operation logs.
Set the idle timeout period for the PowerEcho system and set the
password expiration period of the PowerEcho.
Upgrading the PowerEcho.
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
2 Installing the PowerEcho
Installing the PowerEcho
About This Chapter
This section describes how to install the PowerEcho software. The PowerEcho is a tool for
maintaining the NetEco.
2.1 Obtaining the PowerEcho Installation Package
Before installing the PowerEcho, you need to obtain the PowerEcho software package.
2.2 Installing the PowerEcho Software
You need to upload the PowerEcho software package to the server and decompress the
package to the specified directory. Run the PowerEcho software package and install the
PowerEcho software on the server.
2.3 Starting the PowerEcho
This section describes how to start the PowerEcho service by running commands.
2.4 Stopping the PowerEcho
This section describes how to start the PowerEcho.
2.5 Uninstalling the PowerEcho
This section describes how to uninstall the PowerEcho from the NetEco server.
2.1 Obtaining the PowerEcho Installation Package
Before installing the PowerEcho, you need to obtain the PowerEcho software package.
Step 1 Log in to http://support.huawei.com or http://support.huawei.com/enterprise, and select the
corresponding NetEco software version. The software list is displayed. Then, select the
required software and download the PowerEcho software package
iManager_NetEco_PowerEcho_V600R007C50SPC200.zip to the PC.
Issue 01 (2016-06-15)
Huawei technical support engineers can log in to and download the fils from
http://support.huawei.com by choosing Support > Software > Network Energy >
Energy Common > Energy Common > Energy Common > iManager NetEco
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
2 Installing the PowerEcho
Huawei technical support engineers can download the file from
http://support.huawei.com/enterprise by choosing Support > Downloads > Network
Energy > Energy Common > Energy Other > iManager NetEco.
2.2 Installing the PowerEcho Software
You need to upload the PowerEcho software package to the server and decompress the
package to the specified directory. Run the PowerEcho software package and install the
PowerEcho software on the server.
You have obtained the PowerEcho software package. For details, see 2.1 Obtaining the
PowerEcho Installation Package.
Step 1 Upload iManager_NetEco_PowerEcho_V600R007C50SPC200.zip to the /export/ossuser
directory on the NetEco server.
For details about how to use FileZilla, see How Do I Use FileZilla to Transfer Files?. Before
uploading the package, configure the following information:
User name and password: user ossuser and its password, For details, see Planning
Operating System Users and Their Initial Passwords.
Port: the default port for SFTP is port 22
Directory for saving the package on the server: /export/ossuser
Step 2 In Linux Operation System, use GnuPG to check the integrity of the software package. For
detailed operations, see 4.3 Verifying OpenPGP Signature (Linux).
Step 3 Log in to the NetEco server as user ossuser in SSH mode. For details, see 4.1 How to Log In
To the Server in SSH Mode?.
Step 4 Switch to user root.
su - root
Password: Password of user root
After you switch to user root, root@Host name:~ # is displayed.
Step 5 Run the following command to copy the
iManager_NetEco_PowerEcho_V600R007C50SPC200.zip package from /export/ossuser
directory to /opt directory.
# cp /export/ossuser/iManager_NetEco_PowerEcho_V600R007C50SPC200.zip /opt/
Step 6 Run the following command to decompress the PowerEcho package to the /opt/ powerecho
# unzip /opt/iManager_NetEco_PowerEcho_V600R007C50SPC200.zip -d
Issue 01 (2016-06-15)
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
2 Installing the PowerEcho
When the command prompt # is displayed, decompressing the PowerEcho package is
You must decompress the PowerEcho package to the /opt/ powerecho directory. Otherwise,
you cannot use the PowerEcho properly.
Step 7 Run the following commands to install the PowerEcho software.
# cd /opt/powerecho
# chmod 700 setup.sh
# ./setup.sh en_US
The PowerEcho software is installed successfully.
If the similar information is displayed, the PowerEcho software is installed and started
successfully. Otherwise, contact Huawei technical support engineers.
2.3 Starting the PowerEcho
This section describes how to start the PowerEcho service by running commands.
Step 1 Log in to the NetEco server as user ossuser in SSH mode. For details, see 4.1 How to Log In
To the Server in SSH Mode?.
Step 2 Switch to user root.
su - root
Password: Password of user root
After you switch to user root, root@Host name:~ # is displayed.
Step 3 Run the following commands to start the PowerEcho.
# cd /opt/powerecho/jetty-powerecho/bin/
# ./startup.sh
The PowerEcho service is started successfully.
If the similar information is displayed, the PowerEcho service have started successfully.
Otherwise, contact Huawei technical support engineers.
Issue 01 (2016-06-15)
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
2 Installing the PowerEcho
2.4 Stopping the PowerEcho
This section describes how to start the PowerEcho.
Step 1 Log in to the NetEco server as user ossuser in SSH mode. For details, see 4.1 How to Log In
To the Server in SSH Mode?.
Step 2 Switch to user root.
su - root
Password: Password of user root
After you switch to user root, root@Host name:~ # is displayed.
Step 3 Run the following command to stop the PowerEcho.
# cd /opt/powerecho/jetty-powerecho/bin/
# ./shutdown.sh
PowerEcho Service Stopped
If the similar information is displayed, the PowerEcho service have stopped successfully.
Otherwise, contact Huawei technical support engineers.
2.5 Uninstalling the PowerEcho
This section describes how to uninstall the PowerEcho from the NetEco server.
Step 1 Log in to the NetEco server as user ossuser in SSH mode. For details, see 4.1 How to Log In
To the Server in SSH Mode?.
Step 2 Switch to user root.
su - root
Password: Password of user root
After you switch to user root, root@Host name:~ # is displayed.
Step 3 Stop PowerEcho, for details see 2.4 Stopping the PowerEcho.
Step 4 Run the following command to uninstall the PowerEcho software.
# cd /opt/powerecho/uninstall
# ./uninstall.sh
Command output similar to the following is displayed:
Issue 01 (2016-06-15)
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
2 Installing the PowerEcho
Are you sure you want to uninstall the powerecho?[y/n]
Step 5 Type y, and press Enter.
The PowerEcho software is uninstalled successfully.
If the similar information is displayed, the PowerEcho software is uninstalled successfully.
Otherwise, contact Huawei technical support engineers.
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
3 PowerEcho Client Operations
PowerEcho Client Operations
About This Chapter
3.1 Runtime Environment Requirements of PowerEcho
This topic describes the runtime environment requirements. To help you better operate the
PowerEcho, the following runtime environment requirements must be met.
3.2 Logging In to and Out of the PowerEcho
This section describes how to log in to and out of the PowerEcho client using a web browser.
3.3 Monitoring System Status
You can monitor the NetEco server status to view the system resource usage of the NetEco
server that you log in to. Thus, you can find out and rectify faults in time, and ensure the
efficient running of the NetEco server.
3.4 Installing and Upgrading the NetEco
This section describes how to install and upgrade the NetEco using the PowerEcho client.
3.5 Obtaining Logs
This section describes how to obtain logs related to the NetEco, SUSE Linux OS, database,
and PowerEcho using the PowerEcho client. These logs can be used for identifying the causes
of system faults.
3.6 System Maintenance
This section describes how to maintain the NetEco and PowerEcho using the PowerEcho
3.1 Runtime Environment Requirements of PowerEcho
This topic describes the runtime environment requirements. To help you better operate the
PowerEcho, the following runtime environment requirements must be met.
Table 3-1 lists the runtime environment requirements of the PowerEcho.
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iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
3 PowerEcho Client Operations
Table 3-1 Runtime environment requirements
n Item
Minimum Configuration Requirements
Inter(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU E2180 @ 2.00GHz, 2 GB
Windows 7 or Windows 2008
Internet Explorer 8.
 If you access the PowerEcho server through a proxy server, set the maximum
uplink and downlink data volumes for the proxy server.
Uplink data volume: data volume from the browser to the PowerEcho server.
You are advised to set it to a value equal to or greater than 100 KB.
Downlink data volume: data volume from the PowerEcho server to the browser.
You are advised to set it to a value equal to or greater than 100 MB.
If Internet Explorer is used, you need to set the browsing mode by performing
the following steps:
1. Open Internet Explorer , and choose Tools > Compatibility View Settings
from the main menu.
2. In the displayed Compatibility View Settings dialog box, clear the check
boxes of Indude updated website lists from Microsoft, Display intranet
sites in Compatibility View, and Display all websites in Compatibility View.
Set the connection mode:
Choose Tools > Internet Options on the menu bar of the browser. On the
Advanced tab page, select Use TLS 1.0, Use TLS 1.1 and Use TLS 1.2 under
Settings, do not select Use SSL 2.0 or Use SSL 3.0. Click OK.
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
3 PowerEcho Client Operations
n Item
Minimum Configuration Requirements
A risk may occur when you use TLS 1.0 protocols. It is recommended to use a later
version of TLS.
By default, Windows Server 2008 provides a high level of security policy.
Therefore, if your client runs Windows Server 2008, you can log in to the
PowerEcho only on this client in Windows Internet Explorer 8.0. To modify the
security policy, contact the operating system administrator.
3.2 Logging In to and Out of the PowerEcho
This section describes how to log in to and out of the PowerEcho client using a web browser.
Issue 01 (2016-06-15)
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
3 PowerEcho Client Operations
The PowerEcho service has been started.
The PowerEcho supports only single-user login, that is, when a user has logged in to the
PowerEcho, other users cannot log in simultaneously.
The idle timeout period of the PowerEcho system is 15 minutes by default. Set the idle
timeout period of the PowerEcho system as required. For details, see 3.6.12 Setting the
Idle Timeout Period for the PowerEcho System. If users do not perform any operation in
the preset idle timeout period after the login, the client is automatically logged out.
Step 1 In the browser address bar, enter https://IP address of the NetEco server:32804/, and then
press Enter.
Internet Explorer 8/9/10/11 is supported.
You are advised to set the display resolution as 1366*768 or higher.
Make sure that the IP address of the PowerEcho server is not contained in the compatibility view
web site. You can specify the compatibility settings by referring to 4.5 How Do I Solve the Problem
that the Layout of GUIs Are Incorrect and Controls Overlap Each Other in the IE?.
A certificate error message may be displayed on Internet Explorer when you log in to the NetEco at
the first time. Please see 4.6 What Do I Do If a Certificate Error Message or a Security Alarm Is
Displayed on Internet Explorer?.
Step 2 Enter the User Name and Password on the login page and click Log In.
After you enter the incorrect user name and password for two consecutive times, you must enter User
Name, Password, and Verification code for the login.
The default user name for the PowerEcho is admin and the default password is Changeme_123. You
need to change the password periodically (at an interval of 60 days) to improve system security.
Follow-up Procedure
To exit the PowerEcho, click
in the upper-right corner of the page or close the browser.
3.3 Monitoring System Status
You can monitor the NetEco server status to view the system resource usage of the NetEco
server that you log in to. Thus, you can find out and rectify faults in time, and ensure the
efficient running of the NetEco server.
3.3.1 Viewing NetEco Information
This section describes how to view the NetEco version information and memory and CPU
usage of the NetEco server using the PowerEcho.
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iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
3 PowerEcho Client Operations
You have logged in to the PowerEcho client using a browser. For details, see 3.2 Logging In
to and Out of the PowerEcho.
Step 1 In the navigation tree on the left side, choose System Status Monitoring > Basic Server
The Version Info, Memory Usage, and CPU Usage of the NetEco are displayed in the right
pane. If these information is incorrect, click Refresh.
3.4 Installing and Upgrading the NetEco
This section describes how to install and upgrade the NetEco using the PowerEcho client.
3.4.1 Uploading Files
This section describes how to upgrade files. Before installing the NetEco software and
mediation software or upgrading the NetEco, you need to upload the target software packages
to the PowerEcho.
You have logged in to the PowerEcho client using a browser. For details, see 3.2
Logging In to and Out of the PowerEcho.
You have downloaded the target software packages to the local PC. Then, you have
conduct completeness check to the software packages. For detailed operations, see 4.4
Verifying OpenPGP Signature (Windows).
Step 1 In the navigation tree on the left side, choose NetEco Installation&Upgrade > Upload File.
Step 2 In the Upload File window, click Add files to select the files you want to upload.
You can select a maximum of 100 files to be uploaded at a time.
To cancel the uploading of the software package, click
on the right.
Step 3 Click Start upload to upload the files.
Step 4 After the upload, check the upload results.
Perform the following operations to check
the NetEco and mediation software
Issue 01 (2016-06-15)
1. In the navigation tree on the left side,
chooseNetEco Installation and
Upgrade > Install NetEco and
2. In the Select Resource area on the right,
click Refresh to check whether the
uploaded files exist.
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iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
3 PowerEcho Client Operations
Perform the following operations to check
the NetEco upgrade package
1. In the navigation tree on the left side,
choose NetEco Installation and
Upgrade > Upgrade NetEco.
2. In the Select Resource area on the right,
click Query Target Version to check
whether the uploaded file exists.
3.4.2 Installing the NetEco and Mediation
This section describes how to install the NetEco software and mediation software by using the
PowerEcho client.
You have logged in to the PowerEcho client using a browser. For details, see 3.2
Logging In to and Out of the PowerEcho.
You have uploaded software packages to the PowerEcho. For details, see 3.4.1
Uploading Files.
The database service has been started properly before installing the NetEco.
Installing the NetEco Software
a. In the navigation tree on the left side, choose NetEco Installation&Upgrade >
Install NetEco and Mediation.
In the Select Resource area, click Refresh to refresh the software package list.
Select the target software package and install Language, type the Database
password(sysuser), and click One-click Installation.
The NetEco software package and NE mediation software package can be selected at the same time.
After the upload, they can be installed in one-click mode. After the NetEco software is installed, the NE
mediation software is automatically installed in the NetEco system.
The NE mediation software can be installed after the NetEco software is installed. For detailed
A message about the installation is displayed in the Details area.
Installing the NE mediation Software
a. In the navigation tree on the left side, choose NetEco Installation&Upgrade >
Install NetEco and Mediation.
In the Select Resource area, click Refresh to refresh the software package list.
Select the NE mediation software packages, and click One-click Installation.
A message about the installation is displayed in the Details area.
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
3 PowerEcho Client Operations
3.4.3 Checking NetEco Before the Upgrade
This section describes how to check the health status of the NetEco to learn related
information about the SUSE Linux OS, database and NetEco software before you upgrade the
NetEco system.
You have logged in to the PowerEcho client using a browser. For details, see 3.2 Logging In
to and Out of the PowerEcho.
Step 1 In the navigation tree on the left side, choose NetEco Installation&Upgrade > Upgrade
Step 2 Select NetEco CPU usage and Disk I/O as required.
If you select this option, the check takes at least 10 minutes. if this item is not selected, NetEco CPU
usage and Disk I/O usage in the check result may be checked.
Step 3 Click Check Health Before Upgrade.
The check result will be displayed in the current window. Ensure that states of all Action ID
are normal. If Status of Action ID in the check result is abnormal, perform the operation
provided in Solution. If the problem persists, contact Huawei technical support.
3.4.4 Upgrading the NetEco software
This section describes how to upgrade the NetEco software using the PowerEcho client.
You have logged in to the PowerEcho client using a browser. For details, see 3.2
Logging In to and Out of the PowerEcho.
You have uploaded software packages to the PowerEcho. For details, see 3.4.1
Uploading Files.
You have checked the health status of the NetEco. For details, see 3.4.3 Checking
NetEco Before the Upgrade.
You have backed up NetEco. For details, see 3.6.8 Backing Up and Restoring the
You have stopped the NetEco service. For details, see 3.6.1 Starting and Stopping the
NetEco Service.
Step 1 In the navigation tree on the left side, choose NetEco Installation&Upgrade > Upgrade
Step 2 Upgrade the NetEco by performing the following operations in the Select Resource area:
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iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
3 PowerEcho Client Operations
Click Query Target Version to view the target version of the upgrade and select the
target upgrade package
Type the Database password(sysuser) and click Upgrade.
A message about the upgrade is displayed in the Details area:
If the message indicates that the upgrade is successful, click Post-Upgrade Check
to check the health status of the NetEco after the upgrade.
Select NetEco CPU Usage and Disk I/O status as required. If this check item is selected, the check
requires at least 10 minutes. If this item is not selected, NetEco CPU usage and Disk I/O usage status
in the check result may be abnormal.
If Status of Action ID in the check result is abnormal, perform the operation provided in Solution. If
the problem persists, contact Huawei technical support.
If the message indicates that the upgrade failed, click System Maintenance > Back
Up and Restore NetEcho > Restore to roll back the NetEco to the status before the
upgrade, and collect the failure information and contact Huawei technical support.
3.4.5 Uninstalling the NetEco software
This section describes how to uninstall the NetEco software by using the PowerEcho client.
You have logged in to the PowerEcho client using a browser. For details, see 3.2 Logging In
to and Out of the PowerEcho.
Step 1 Stop the NetEco service. For details, see 3.6.1 Starting and Stopping the NetEco Service.
Step 2 In the navigation tree on the left side, choose NetEco Installation&Upgrade > Uninstall
NetEco and Mediation.
Step 3 Select Uninstall the NetEco (optional), then click Uninstall. Type the Password for
PowerEcho. Click Confirm in the displayed dialog box to uninstall the NetEco software in
the Uninstall resources area.
If you select the Uninstall the NetEco (optional), the Mediation that can be uninstalled (optional) is
selected synchronously.
A message about the uninstallation is displayed in the Details area.
3.4.6 Uninstalling the NE Mediation
This section describes how to uninstall the NE mediation by using the PowerEcho.
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You have logged in to the PowerEcho client using a browser. For details, see 3.2
Logging In to and Out of the PowerEcho.
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Step 1 Stop the NetEco service. For details, see 3.6.1 Starting and Stopping the NetEco Service.
Step 2 In the navigation tree on the left side, choose NetEco Installation&Upgrade > Uninstall
NetEco and Mediation.
Step 3 Uninstall the mediation software by performing the following operations in the Resource
Uninstall area.
Click Refresh to refresh the software package list.
The list displays only NE mediation software that is not used by NE instances. To delete NE mediation
software that is being used by NE instances, delete the NE instances corresponding to the NE mediation
software to be uninstalled on the NetEco client.
Select the NE mediation software, and click Uninstall.
Type the Password for PowerEcho.
In the displayed dialog box, click OK.
A message about the uninstallation is displayed in the Details area.
Step 4 Start the NetEco service. For details, see 3.6.1 Starting and Stopping the NetEco Service.
3.5 Obtaining Logs
This section describes how to obtain logs related to the NetEco, SUSE Linux OS, database,
and PowerEcho using the PowerEcho client. These logs can be used for identifying the causes
of system faults.
3.5.1 Configuring System Logs
This section describes how to configure the system log levels using the PowerEcho client.
When the NetEco system is faulty, you can collect system logs to locate the fault.
You have logged in to the PowerEcho client using a browser. For details, see 3.2 Logging In
to and Out of the PowerEcho.
Step 1 In the navigation tree on the left side, choose Log Management > NetEco Run Log.
Step 2 In the System Log Configuration area, set Set the count of saved log and Set the level of
log printing according to Table 3-2, click OK.
Table 3-2 Parameters
Set the count of saved log
Number of system logs
stored on the NetEco server
Value range: 1-1000
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Default: 200
Set the level of log printing
Level of system logs printed
on the NetEco server
Value range:
Default: ERROR
Step 3 Stop the NetEco service, and then restart it. For details, see 3.6.1 Starting and Stopping the
NetEco Service.
Step 4 Click Refresh.
The values you have set for Set the count of saved log and Set the level of log printing are
3.5.2 Obtaining NetEco Running Logs
This section describes how to obtain the running logs of each module of the NetEco using the
PowerEcho client. These logs can be used for identifying the causes of NetEco system faults.
You have logged in to the PowerEcho client using a browser. For details, see 3.2 Logging In
to and Out of the PowerEcho.
Step 1 In the navigation tree on the left side, choose Log Management > NetEco Run Log.
Step 2 In the Query Condition area, set the start and end time and select NetEco modules.
The difference between the start time and end time must not exceed seven days.
Step 3 Click Download to download the log file to your local PC.
If you have selected single NetEco module, the naming convention of log file is module
name_YYYYMMDDhhmm_YYYYMMDDhhmm.zip, for example,
If you have selected more NetEco modules, the naming convention of log file is
runlog_YYYYMMDDhhmm_YYYYMMDDhhmm.zip, for example,
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3.5.3 Obtaining SUSE Linux OS Logs
This section describes how to obtain logs related to the SUSE Linux operating system (OS)
using the PowerEcho client. Overall system logs, Login failure log, and System startup log.
These logs can be used for identifying the causes of system faults.
You have logged in to the PowerEcho client using a browser. For details, see 3.2 Logging In
to and Out of the PowerEcho.
Step 1 In the navigation tree on the left side, choose Log Management > Operating System Log.
Step 2 In the Log Collection area, select the type of log you want to view.
Step 3 Click Download to download the log file to your local PC.
The log file is systemlog.zip.
3.5.4 Obtaining Database Logs
This section describes how to obtain database-related logs such as the database operation log
using the PowerEcho client. These logs can be used for identifying the causes of NetEco
system faults.
You have logged in to the PowerEcho client using a browser. For details, see 3.2 Logging In
to and Out of the PowerEcho.
Step 1 In the navigation tree on the left side, choose Log Management > Database Log.
Step 2 In the Log Collection area, select the type of log you want to view.
Step 3 Click Download to download the log file to your local PC.
The log file is dblog.zip.
3.6 System Maintenance
This section describes how to maintain the NetEco and PowerEcho using the PowerEcho
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3.6.1 Starting and Stopping the NetEco Service
This section describes how to start and stopping the NetEco service using the PowerEcho
You have logged in to the PowerEcho client using a browser. For details, see 3.2
Logging In to and Out of the PowerEcho.
The database service has been started properly before starting the NetEco service.
Step 1 In the navigation tree on the left side, choose System Maintenance > Start/Stop NetEco
Step 2 Start or stop the NetEco service based on the Current NetEco status in the Start/Stop
NetEco Services area.
Check the Current NetEco status.
The status of NetEco services is Running, Stoped, or Exception.
Click Start. Type the Password for PowerEcho. Click OK in the displayed dialog box
to start the NetEco service.
starting NetEco system done.
If the similar information is displayed, the NetEco service have started. Otherwise,
contact Huawei technical support engineers.
Click Stop. Click OK in the displayed dialog box to stop the NetEco service.
stopping NetEco system succeeded.
If the similar information is displayed, the NetEco service have stopped. Otherwise,
contact Huawei technical support engineers.
3.6.2 Starting and Stopping the Database Service
This section describes how to start and stop the MySQL database service using the
PowerEcho client.
You have logged in to the PowerEcho client using a browser. For details, see 3.2 Logging In
to and Out of the PowerEcho.
Step 1 In the navigation tree on the left side, choose System Maintenance > Start/Stop Database
Step 2 Step 2 In the Start/Stop Database Services area, start or stop the MySQL database service
based on Status Information.
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Check the MySQL database service.
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The status of MySQL database services is Running, Stoped, or Exception.
Click Start. Click Confirm in the displayed dialog box to start the MySQL database
If the information Operation succeeded is displayed, the MySQL database service have
started. Otherwise, contact Huawei technical support engineers.
You must start the NetEco service before starting the database service. For details, see 3.6.1 Starting and
Stopping the NetEco Service.
Click Stop. Type the Password for PowerEcho. Click Confirm in the displayed dialog
box to stop the MySQL database service.
If the information Operation succeeded is displayed, the MySQL database service have
stopped. Otherwise, contact Huawei technical support engineers.
You must stop the NetEco service before stopping the database service. For details, see 3.6.1 Starting
and Stopping the NetEco Service.
3.6.3 Restart the Operating System
This section describes how to restart the operating system.
You have logged in to the PowerEcho client using a browser. For details, see 3.2 Logging In
to and Out of the PowerEcho.
Step 1 Stop the NetEco service. For details, see 3.6.1 Starting and Stopping the NetEco Service.
Step 2 Stop the database service. For details, see 3.6.2 Starting and Stopping the Database Service.
Step 3 Choose System Maintenance > Restart the OS in the navigation tree. Type the Password
for PowerEcho(admin) and click Restart. Click Confirm in the displayed dialog box.
After the OS is restarted, the PowerEcho is disconnected from the NetEco server. Wait for five minutes,
refresh the page, and log in to the PowerEcho again. For details, see 3.2 Logging In to and Out of the
After you enter the incorrect password for four consecutive times, the PowerEcho system is locked on
the login page for five minutes.
3.6.4 Changing the NetEco Server Time
This section describes how to change the NetEco server's time by using the PowerEcho client.
You have logged in to the PowerEcho client using a browser. For details, see 3.2 Logging In
to and Out of the PowerEcho.
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Step 1 Stop the NetEco service. For details, see 3.6.1 Starting and Stopping the NetEco Service.
Step 2 Stop the MySQL database service. For details, see 3.6.2 Starting and Stopping the Database
Step 3 In the navigation tree on the left side, choose System Maintenance > Change
Step 4 Set New Time and click Confirm.
Step 5 In the displayed dialog box, click Confirm. The changed time will be displayed on the right
side of Current Time.
Step 6 Start the MySQL database service. For details, see 3.6.2 Starting and Stopping the Database
Step 7 Start the NetEco service. For details, see 3.6.1 Starting and Stopping the NetEco Service.
3.6.5 Changing the NetEco Server Time Zone
This section describes how to change the NetEco server's time zone using the PowerEcho
You have logged in to the PowerEcho client using a browser. For details, see 3.2 Logging In
to and Out of the PowerEcho.
Step 1 Stop the NetEco service. For details, see 3.6.1 Starting and Stopping the NetEco Service.
Step 2 Stop the MySQL database service. For details, see 3.6.2 Starting and Stopping the Database
Step 3 In the navigation tree on the left side, choose System Maintenance > Change
Step 4 Select the time zone to be set from the New time zone drop-down list and click Confirm.
Step 5 In the displayed dialog box, click Confirm. The new time zone is displayed in the Current
time zone text box.
Step 6 Start the MySQL database service. For details, see 3.6.2 Starting and Stopping the Database
Step 7 Start the NetEco service. For details, see 3.6.1 Starting and Stopping the NetEco Service.
3.6.6 Changing the IP Address of the NetEco Server
This section describes how to change the IP address of the NetEco server using the
PowerEcho client.
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You have logged in to the PowerEcho client using a browser. For details, see 3.2 Logging In
to and Out of the PowerEcho.
Change the NetEco IP
Stop the NetEco service. For details, see 3.6.1 Starting and Stopping the NetEco
In the navigation tree on the left side, choose System Maintenance > Change
NetEco Server IP Address.
On the displayed Change NetEco Server IP Address page, select Change NetEco
IP, set New IP Address, New Subnet Mask and New Gateway, and click
When the IP address of the NetEco server is changed to an unavailable one, you may fail to log in to the
PowerEcho. You need to use the KVM or BMC remote management port to re-change the IP address.
For details, see the chapter How Do I Use the KVM or BMC Remote Management Port to Change
the IP Address? of iManager NetEco Product Documentation.
In the displayed dialog box, click Ok.
During changing the IP address of the NetEco Server, do not perform any other operations. Click Ok
and wait for at least 5 minutes. Then, re-log in to the PowerEcho using the new IP.
Start the NetEco server. For details, see 3.6.1 Starting and Stopping the NetEco
Add the North IP
a. Stop the NetEco service. For details, see 3.6.1 Starting and Stopping the NetEco
In the navigation tree on the left side, choose System Maintenance > Change
NetEco Server IP Address.
On the displayed Change NetEco Server IP Address page, select Add North IP,
select Available Network Card, set New IP Address and New Net Masks, and
click Confirm.
If there are multiple idle network ports, you can select Bind another network card to enable the new
northbound IP address to use the bond mode.
When the IP address of the NetEco server is changed to an unavailable one, you may fail to log in to the
PowerEcho. You need to use the KVM or BMC remote management port to re-change the IP address.
For details, see the chapter How Do I Use the KVM or BMC Remote Management Port to Change
the IP Address? of iManager NetEco Product Documentation.
In the displayed dialog box, click Ok.
During changing the IP address of the NetEco Server, do not perform any other operations. Click Ok
and wait for at least 5 minutes. Then, re-log in to the PowerEcho using the new IP.
Issue 01 (2016-06-15)
Start the NetEco server. For details, see 3.6.1 Starting and Stopping the NetEco
Change the North IP
a. Stop the NetEco service. For details, see 3.6.1 Starting and Stopping the NetEco
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In the navigation tree on the left side, choose System Maintenance > Change
NetEco Server IP Address.
On the displayed Change NetEco Server IP Address page, select Change North
IP, set New IP Address, New Net Masks and New Gateway, click Confirm.
In the displayed dialog box, click Ok.
During changing the IP address of the NetEco Server, do not perform any other operations. Click Ok
and wait for at least 5 minutes. Then, re-log in to the PowerEcho using the new IP.
Start the NetEco server. For details, see 3.6.1 Starting and Stopping the NetEco
Remove the North IP
a. Stop the NetEco service. For details, see 3.6.1 Starting and Stopping the NetEco
In the navigation tree on the left side, choose System Maintenance > Change
NetEco Server IP Address.
On the displayed Change NetEco Server IP Address page, select Remove North
IP, click Confirm.
In the displayed dialog box, click Ok.
During changing the IP address of the NetEco Server, do not perform any other operations. Click Ok
and wait for at least 5 minutes. Then, re-log in to the PowerEcho using the southbound IP.
Start the NetEco server. For details, see 3.6.1 Starting and Stopping the NetEco
3.6.7 Checking the Health Status of the NetEco Server
This section describes how to check the health status of the NetEco server using the
PowerEcho client to learn related information about the SUSE Linux OS, database and
NetEco software. You can export the health check report and download it to the local PC for
You have logged in to the PowerEcho client using a browser. For details, see 3.2 Logging In
to and Out of the PowerEcho.
Step 1 In the navigation tree on the left side, choose System Maintenance > Query NetEco Server
Health Status.
Step 2 Select NetEco CPU usage and Disk I/O as required.
If you select this option, the check takes at least 10 minutes. if this item is not selected, NetEco CPU
usage and Disk I/O usage in the check result may be checked.
Step 3 Click Health Check.
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Wait for several minutes and then you can view the check results in the below area. If you
want to view the check results in .xls format, click Export Results.
3.6.8 Backing Up and Restoring the NetEco
This section describes how to back up and restore the NetEco using the PowerEcho client.
You have logged in to the PowerEcho client using a browser. For details, see 3.2
Logging In to and Out of the PowerEcho.
Database service has been started properly.
Back up the NetEco data: Periodic NetEco dynamic data backup provides assurance for
restoring the NetEco data.
In the navigation tree on the left side, choose System Maintenance > Back Up and
Restore NetEco.
In the NetEco Backup area, click Backup.
In the displayed dialog box, click OK.
The operation result will be displayed in the Status Information area. The name of
the backup file will be displayed below the NetEco backup software package
The NetEco system has an automatic backup function, and the name of an automatically backed up
file will also be displayed below the NetEco backup software package area.
The time taken for the backup of the NetEco is associated with the running time of the NetEco
system and number of NEs. It does not exceed two hours.
The NetEco system only keeps NetEco backup software packages of the latest two days . If you
require more NetEco backup software packages, manually back up them to other storage media.
Restore the NetEco data: If the NetEco dynamic data is damaged and functions
provided by the NetEco are unavailable, you can perform the following operations to
restore the NetEco to the status upon the backup:
Stop the NetEco service. For details, see 3.6.1 Starting and Stopping the NetEco
View the running status of the MySQL database. For details, see 3.6.2 Starting and
Stopping the Database Service.
If the status of the MySQL database is Running, the database has started.
Otherwise, start the MySQL database service.
In the navigation tree on the left side, choose System Maintenance > Back Up and
Restore NetEco.
In the NetEco Resume area, select the backup file of a day.
Type Database password(sysuser) and click Resume.
The operation result will be displayed in the Status Information area.
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Start the NetEco service. For details, see 3.6.1 Starting and Stopping the NetEco
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Delete the NetEco backup software packages: The PowerEcho supports to manually
delete the NetEco backup software packages.
In the navigation tree on the left side, choose System Maintenance > Back Up and
Restore NetEco.
In the NetEco Resume area, select the backup software packages, and click Delete.
In the displayed dialog box, click OK.
The operation result will be displayed in the Status Information area.
3.6.9 Managing PowerEcho Users
This section describes how to change the admin passwords using the PowerEcho client.
PowerEcho users are used for logging in to and using the PowerEcho.
You have logged in to the PowerEcho client using a browser. For details, see 3.2 Logging In
to and Out of the PowerEcho.
You can perform the following operations using only the default admin user of the
PowerEcho. You need to change the password periodically (at an interval of 60 days) to
improve system security.
Step 1 In the navigation tree on the left side, choose PowerEcho Maintenance > Manage
PowerEcho Users.
Step 2 Click
in the row of the target user.
Step 3 Re-enter the Old password, Password, and Confirm password.
If you have entered incorrect old passwords for three consecutive times, the function for modifying the
password of admin user will be locked for 5 minutes. 5 minutes later, you are allowed to modify the
password again.
Step 4 Click Confirm.
Step 5 In the displayed dialog box, click OK.
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3.6.10 Querying PowerEcho Operation Logs
This section describes how to view PowerEcho operation logs to learn the operations that
users performed on the PowerEcho client.
You have logged in to the PowerEcho client using a browser. For details, see 3.2 Logging In
to and Out of the PowerEcho.
Step 1 In the navigation tree on the left side, choose PowerEcho Maintenance > Query
PowerEcho Operation Logs.
Operations that users performed on the PowerEcho client will be displayed in the operation
log window, as shown in Figure 3-1.
Figure 3-1 PowerEcho Operation Logs
3.6.11 Deleting PowerEcho Junk Files
This section describes how to delete temporary files generated during the running of the
PowerEcho and files uploaded by users by using the PowerEcho client. Deleting junk files can
save disk space.
You have logged in to the PowerEcho client using a browser. For details, see 3.2 Logging In
to and Out of the PowerEcho.
Step 1 In the navigation tree on the left side, choose PowerEcho Maintenance > Clear PowerEcho
Junk Files.
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Step 2 Select the clean file types, and click Clear Up.
The junk files are successfully deleted if information similar to the following is displayed in
the Status Information area.
powerecho logs --- Success
jetty logs --- Success
cache files --- Success
temporary files --- Success
report files --- Success
adapter --- Success
software --- Success
upgrade --- Success
other --- Success
powerecho --- Success
3.6.12 Setting the Idle Timeout Period for the PowerEcho System
The PowerEcho can automatically log out of idle clients to prevent other users from
performing unauthorized operations on the PowerEcho. If no operation is performed on a
client in a specified period of time, the PowerEcho automatically logs out of this client. Set
the idle timeout period for the PowerEcho system as required.
You have logged in to the PowerEcho client using a browser. For details, see 3.2 Logging In
to and Out of the PowerEcho.
The default idle timeout period for the PowerEcho system is 15 minutes.
Step 1 In the navigation tree on the left side, choose PowerEcho Maintenance > PowerEcho
System Settings.
Step 2 On the PowerEcho System Settings page, set the idle timeout period and click Save.
3.6.13 Password Expiration Settings of the PowerEcho
This section describes how to forcibly change the password after expiration to ensure
PowerEcho security.
You have logged in to the PowerEcho client using a browser. For details, see 3.2 Logging In
to and Out of the PowerEcho.
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The default expiration period for the PowerEcho system is 60 days.
Step 1 In the navigation tree on the left side, choose PowerEcho Maintenance > PowerEcho
System Settings.
Step 2 Set the password expiration time in the Password Expiration Settings, and click Save.
3.6.14 Upgrading the PowerEcho
You have logged in to the PowerEcho client using a browser. For details, see 3.2
Logging In to and Out of the PowerEcho.
You have uploaded the PowerEcho software package of a later version to the server. For
details, see 3.4.1 Uploading Files.
Step 1 In the navigation tree on the left side, choose PowerEcho Maintenance > Upgrade
Step 2 Click Query Target Version.
Step 3 Select the target upgrade package in Select Resource and click Upgrade.
Step 4 Set Password for PowerEcho in the displayed dialog box and press Confirm.
During the PowerEcho upgrade, do not perform any other operations. Click Upgrade and wait for at
least 5 minutes. Then, re-log in to the PowerEcho (after the upgrade, the PowerEcho will restart
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About This Chapter
4.1 How to Log In To the Server in SSH Mode?
This section describes how to log in to the server in SSH mode. For the purpose of security,
log in to the server in SSH mode after the SUSE Linux operating system is installed. You are
advised to use the PuTTY tool in SSH mode.
4.2 How Do I Use FileZilla to Transfer Files?
This section describes how to use FileZilla to transfer files. FTP-based file transfer improves
the transfer security. FileZilla is a dedicated file transfer tool that supports both FTP-based
transfer and resumable download. Therefore, you are advised to use FileZilla to transfer files.
4.3 Verifying OpenPGP Signature (Linux)
This section describes how to verify the integrity of an obtained software package, thereby
preventing network risks that may be caused by malicious alteration or damage during the
transmission of the software package. A software package can be installed only after it passes
the verification.
4.4 Verifying OpenPGP Signature (Windows)
This section describes how to verify the integrity of an obtained software package, thereby
preventing network risks that may be caused by malicious alteration or damage during the
transmission of the software package. A software package can be installed only after it passes
the verification.
4.5 How Do I Solve the Problem that the Layout of GUIs Are Incorrect and Controls
Overlap Each Other in the IE?
4.6 What Do I Do If a Certificate Error Message or a Security Alarm Is Displayed on
Internet Explorer?
4.1 How to Log In To the Server in SSH Mode?
This section describes how to log in to the server in SSH mode. For the purpose of security,
log in to the server in SSH mode after the SUSE Linux operating system is installed. You are
advised to use the PuTTY tool in SSH mode.
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The SUSE Linux operating system is installed.
The PC and the maintenance Ethernet port of the server communicate normally.
Huawei technical support engineers have downloaded the PuTTY tool of the latest
version to the local PC from http://support.huawei.com or
Decompress PuTTY.zip, and then double-click PuTTY.exe to start PuTTY.
(Optional) To record operation logs, choose Session > Logging in the left pane, select
Printable output in the Session logging area, and then set the directory for saving the
operation logs in the Log file name area. See Figure 4-1.
Figure 4-1 PuTTY Configuration (1)
Issue 01 (2016-06-15)
Choose Session in the left pane, then enter IP address of service network port in the
Host Name (or IP Address) area, select SSH in the Connection type, select Only on
clean exit in the Close window on exit, and then click Open. See Figure 4-2.
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Figure 4-2 PuTTY Configuration (2)
If the window shown in Figure 4-3 is displayed, check whether the SRN of the server
is the same as that in the PuTTY Security Alert dialog box.If they are the same, click
Yes. Otherwise, click Cancel.
To log in to the NetEco server using the KVM, you need to run the following commands as user root to
obtain the serial number of the server:
# cd /etc/ssh
# ssh-keygen -l -f ssh_host_rsa_key
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Figure 4-3 PuTTY Security Alert
When the following information is displayed, type the user name and press Enter.
login as: ossuser
Assume that the user name is ossuser.
When the following information is displayed, type the user password and press Enter.
When the Last login: Mon Aug 11 14:47:55 2014 from
prompt is displayed, you have logged in to the server.
4.2 How Do I Use FileZilla to Transfer Files?
This section describes how to use FileZilla to transfer files. FTP-based file transfer improves
the transfer security. FileZilla is a dedicated file transfer tool that supports both FTP-based
transfer and resumable download. Therefore, you are advised to use FileZilla to transfer files.
You have obtained the IP address of the destination server.
The communication between the PC and the destination server is normal.
You have obtained the file to be uploaded to the destination server and saved the file to
the PC.
Huawei technical support engineers have obtained the tool package FileZilla.zip at
http://support.huawei.comor http://support.huawei.com/enterprise, and decompressed it
to the PC.
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You can navigate to Search for software in Software Center and use the package name
as the keyword to quickly locate the tool package.
You have obtained the account for logging in to the destination server.
Step 1 Double click filezilla.exe to start the FileZilla.
Step 2 In the FileZilla window, configure parameters by referring to Table 4-1.
Table 4-1 Parameters
Enter the IP address of the destination server.
The default user name for SFTP is ossuser.
The password of ossuser
Port 22 is the default port for SFTP.
Step 3 Click Quickconnect.
Ignore the dialog box displayed during the connection and click OK.
If the connection is successful, directories on the destination server are displayed in the Remote Site
Step 4 In the Remote site area, set the destination directory on the destination server. For example,
After you set the directory, all files in the directory are displayed under the Remote site area.
Step 5 In the Local site area, set the directory of the to-be-uploaded file on the PC. For example,
After you set the directory, all files in the directory are displayed under the Local site area.
Step 6 Perform the following operations as required:
Uploads files
In the Local site area, right-click the file to be uploaded and
choose Upload from the shortcut menu.
Downloads files
In the Remote site area, right-click the file to be downloaded and
choose Download from the shortcut menu.
If the upload or download fails, click the Failed transfers tab in the lower left area of the FileZilla
window. Then right-click the file that fails to be transferred and choose Reset and requeue selected
files from the shortcut menu to resume the file transfer.
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
4.3 Verifying OpenPGP Signature (Linux)
This section describes how to verify the integrity of an obtained software package, thereby
preventing network risks that may be caused by malicious alteration or damage during the
transmission of the software package. A software package can be installed only after it passes
the verification.
The GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) tool has been installed in the SUSE Linux operating
Run the gpg --version command in the PuTTy. If the following information is displayed, the
GnuPG tool has been installed in the SUSE Linux operating system:
signsrv:~ # gpg --version
gpg (GnuPG) 2.0.9
Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Home: ~/.gnupg
Supported algorithms:
Pubkey: RSA, ELG, DSA
Hash: MD5, SHA1, RIPEMD160, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA224
Compression: Uncompressed, ZIP, ZLIB, BZIP2
Used libraries: gcrypt(1.5.0)
signsrv:~ #
If the GnuPG tool has not been installed, you can download the GnuPG tool package from
http://www.gnupg.org/, and then install the GnuPG tool by following the instructions
provided in the website.
The GnuPG is a free open-source GNU tool. It can be used to verify OpenPGP signatures in
the SUSE Linux operating system.
Step 1 Obtain the signature file for the PowerEcho software package, and upload the signature file
through FileZilla to the directory for storing software packages to be verified on the
PowerEcho server.
A digital signature file can be named in the following format: name of a software
package+.asc. For example, the digital signature file of the NetEco server application is
Huawei technical support engineers can log in to and download the fils from
http://support.huawei.com by choosing Support > Software > Network Energy >
Energy Common > Energy Common > Energy Common > iManager NetEco
Huawei technical support engineers can download the file from
http://support.huawei.com/enterprise by choosing Support > Downloads > Network
Energy > Energy Common > Energy Other > iManager NetEco.
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
The digital signature file of a software package coexists with the software package. When obtaining the
software package, you can click the
icon behind the software package to obtain its digital signature
Step 2 Download the public key file.
Download the OpenPGP Signature Verification Guide package from
http://support.huawei.com/carrier/digitalSignatureAction, and then decompress the package to
obtain the public key file KEYS.
Step 3 Import the public key file.
Use FileZilla to upload the KEYS file to the PowerEcho server.
You need to set the following information when you use FileZilla to upload the file:
User name and password: user ossuser and its password, For details, see Planning
Operating System Users and Their Initial Passwords in NetEco Product
Port: the default port for SFTP is port 22
Directory for storing the uploaded file: /export/ossuser
Use PuTTY to log in to the PowerEcho server as user ossuser.
Switch to user root.
> su - root
Password: root password
Go to the directory for storing the KEYS file, and then import the KEYS file as user
# cd /export/ossuser
# gpg --import "/export/ossuser/KEYS"
/export/ossuser indicates the directory for storing the signature file. You need to rename
the directory based on site conditions.
Check whether the public key file is successfully imported.
# gpg --fingerprint
If the following information is displayed, the public key file is successfully imported:
pub 2048R/27A74824 2013-12-30
Key fingerprint = B100 0AC3 8C41 525A 19BD C087 99AD 81DF 27A7 4824
uid OpenPGP signature key for Huawei software (created on 30th
Dec,2013) <support@huawei.com>
Step 4 Verify the public key.
In normal cases, the validity of the OpenPGP public key needs to be verified according to the
ID, fingerprint, and user ID (uid) of the public key published by the involved entity. Huawei
publishes the following information about the OpenPGP public key:
Key ID: 27A74824
Key fingerprint: B100 0AC3 8C41 525A 19BD C087 99AD 81DF 27A7 4824
User ID (uid): OpenPGP signature key for Huawei software (created on 30th Dec,2013)
After the validity of the public key is verified, you can do as follows to set the trust level of
the public key:
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PowerEcho User Manual
Set the trust level of the public key.
# gpg --edit-key "OpenPGP signature key for Huawei" trust
When the system displays Your decision?, type 5. When the system displays Do you
really want to set this key to ultimate trust? (y/N), type y.
1 = I don't know or won't say
2 = I do NOT trust
3 = I trust marginally
4 = I trust fully
5 = I trust ultimately
m = back to the main menu
Your decision? 5
Do you really want to set this key to ultimate trust? (y/N) y
Run the following command to exit:
> quit
Step 5 Verify the signature.
# gpg --verify
/export/ossuser indicates the directory for storing the signature file. You need to rename the
directory based on site conditions.
iManager_NetEco_PowerEcho_V600R007C50SPC200.zip.asc indicates the name of the
signature file. You need to rename the file based on site conditions.
The following information is displayed, where the RSA key ID in bold is the same as the
public key ID (if no error message, such as WARNING, Key expired, Signature expired,
and Key is revoked is displayed for any other information, the signature is valid):
gpg: Signature made Thu Jan 9 15:29:06 2014 CST using RSA key ID 27A74824
gpg: Good signature from "OpenPGP signature key for Huawei software (created on
30th Dec,2013) <support@huawei.com>"
When signatures of multiple files need to be verified for a software package, the software package is
safe only when the verification results of all the files are PASS. If the verification result of any file is
WARNING or FAIL, the software package fails the verification, and security risks exist. If this occurs,
you need to re-download the software package.
Table 4-2 Examples of signature verification results
Verification Result
Output Information Example
The signature
verification is successful
without any exceptions.
gpg: Signature made Thu Jan 9 15:29:06
2014 CST using RSA key ID 27A74824
gpg: Good signature from "OpenPGP
signature key for Huawei software
(created on 30th Dec,2013)
The signature
verification fails.
gpg: Signature made Thu Jan 9 15:29:06
2014 CST using RSA key ID 27A74824
gpg: BAD signature from "OpenPGP
signature key for Huawei software
(created on 30th Dec,2013)
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
Verification Result
Output Information Example
The public key cannot be
gpg: Signature made Thu Jan 9 15:20:01
2014 CST using RSA key ID 27A74824
gpg: Can't check signature: public key
not found
The signature
verification is successful
but the public key is not
set to ultimate trust.
gpg: Signature made Thu Jan 9 15:29:06
2014 CST using RSA key ID 27A74824
gpg: Good signature from "OpenPGP
signature key for Huawei software
(created on 30th Dec,2013)
<support@huawei.com>" gpg:
WARNING: This key is not certified
with a trusted signature! gpg: There is no
indication that the signature belongs to
the owner. Primary key fingerprint:
B100 0AC3 8C41 525A 19BD C087
99AD 81DF 27A7 4824
The corresponding
source file cannot be
gpg: no signed data gpg: can't hash
datafile: No data
The signature has
gpg: Signature made 04/24/13 10:50:29
CST using RSA key ID 133B64E5 gpg:
Expired signature from " OpenPGP
signature test key
<support@huawei.com>" gpg:
Signature expired 04/25/13 10:50:29
The signature
verification is successful
but the public key has
been revoked.
gpg: Signature made 06/13/13 11:14:49
CST using RSA key ID 133B64E5 gpg:
Good signature from " OpenPGP
signature test key
<support@huawei.com>" gpg:
WARNING: This key has been revoked
by its owner! gpg: This could mean that
the signature is forged. gpg: reason for
revocation: Key is no longer used gpg:
revocation comment:
The corresponding
signature file cannot be
found for the source file.
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
4.4 Verifying OpenPGP Signature (Windows)
This section describes how to verify the integrity of an obtained software package, thereby
preventing network risks that may be caused by malicious alteration or damage during the
transmission of the software package. A software package can be installed only after it passes
the verification.
You have obtained the signature file for the NetEco software package. The NetEco software
package and its signature file are in a one-to-one relationship, and are stored in the same
The GNU Privacy Guard for Windows (Gpg4Win) is a free open-source GNU tool. It
can be used to verify OpenPGP signatures in the Windows operating system.
You can download the Gpg4Win software package used with the Windows operating
system from http://www.gpg4win.org/, and then double-click gpg4win-2.3.1.exe to
install the Gpg4Win tool by following the wizard. You are advised to retain all the
default settings during the installation.
Step 1 Download the public key file.
Download the OpenPGP Signature Verification Guide package from
http://support.huawei.com/carrier/digitalSignatureAction, and then decompress the package to
obtain the public key file KEYS.
Step 2 Import the public key file.
Log in to the server on which the software package to be verified is stored, and enter the
command-line interface (CLI).
Go to the directory (for example, C:\Users\) for storing the KEYS file, and then import
the KEYS file.
> gpg --import "C:\Users\KEYS"
C:\Users\KEYS indicates the directory for storing the KEYS file. You need to rename
the directory based on site conditions.
The following information is displayed:
gpg: key 27A74824: public key "OpenPGP signature key for Huawei software (created
on 30th Dec,2013) <support@huawei.com>" imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: imported: 1 (RSA: 1)
Check whether the public key file is successfully imported.
> gpg --fingerprint
If the following information is displayed, the public key file is successfully imported:
pub 2048R/27A74824 2013-12-30
Key fingerprint = B100 0AC3 8C41 525A 19BD C087 99AD 81DF 27A7 4824
uid OpenPGP signature key for Huawei software (created on 30th
Dec,2013) <support@huawei.com>
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
Step 3 Verify the public key.
In normal cases, the validity of the OpenPGP public key needs to be verified according to the
ID, fingerprint, and user ID (uid) of the public key published by the involved entity. Huawei
publishes the following information about the OpenPGP public key:
Key ID: 27A74824
Key fingerprint: B100 0AC3 8C41 525A 19BD C087 99AD 81DF 27A7 4824
User ID (uid): OpenPGP signature key for Huawei software (created on 30th Dec,2013)
After the validity of the public key is verified, you can do as follows to set the trust level of
the public key:
Set the trust level of the public key.
# gpg --edit-key "OpenPGP signature key for Huawei" trust
When the system displays Your decision?, type 5. When the system displays Do you
really want to set this key to ultimate trust? (y/N), type y.
1 = I don't know or won't say
2 = I do NOT trust
3 = I trust marginally
4 = I trust fully
5 = I trust ultimately
m = back to the main menu
Your decision? 5
Do you really want to set this key to ultimate trust? (y/N) y
Run the following command to exit:
> quit
Step 4 Verify the signature.
> gpg --verify "C:\Users\iManager_NetEco_PowerEcho_V600R007C50SPC200.zip.asc"
C:\Users\ indicates the directory for storing the signature file. You need to rename the
directory based on site conditions.
iManager_NetEco_PowerEcho_V600R007C50SPC200.zip.asc indicates the name of the
signature file. You need to rename the file based on site conditions.
The following information is displayed, where the RSA key ID in bold is the same as the
public key ID (if no error message, such as WARNING, Key expired, Signature expired,
and Key is revoked is displayed for any other information, the signature is valid):
gpg: Signature made Thu Jan 9 15:29:06 2014 CST using RSA key ID 27A74824
gpg: Good signature from "OpenPGP signature key for Huawei software (created on
30th Dec,2013) <support@huawei.com>"
When signatures of multiple files need to be verified for a software package, the software package is
safe only when the verification results of all the files are PASS. If the verification result of any file is
WARNING or FAIL, the software package fails the verification, and security risks exist. If this occurs,
you need to re-download the software package.
Table 4-3 Examples of signature verification results
Verification Result
Issue 01 (2016-06-15)
Output Information Example
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iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
Verification Result
Output Information Example
The signature
verification is successful
without any exceptions.
gpg: Signature made Thu Jan 9 15:29:06
2014 CST using RSA key ID 27A74824
gpg: Good signature from "OpenPGP
signature key for Huawei software
(created on 30th Dec,2013)
The signature
verification fails.
gpg: Signature made Thu Jan 9 15:29:06
2014 CST using RSA key ID 27A74824
gpg: BAD signature from "OpenPGP
signature key for Huawei software
(created on 30th Dec,2013)
The public key cannot be
gpg: Signature made Thu Jan 9 15:20:01
2014 CST using RSA key ID 27A74824
gpg: Can't check signature: public key
not found
The signature
verification is successful
but the public key is not
set to ultimate trust.
gpg: Signature made Thu Jan 9 15:29:06
2014 CST using RSA key ID 27A74824
gpg: Good signature from "OpenPGP
signature key for Huawei software
(created on 30th Dec,2013)
<support@huawei.com>" gpg:
WARNING: This key is not certified
with a trusted signature! gpg: There is no
indication that the signature belongs to
the owner. Primary key fingerprint:
B100 0AC3 8C41 525A 19BD C087
99AD 81DF 27A7 4824
The corresponding
source file cannot be
gpg: no signed data gpg: can't hash
datafile: No data
The signature has
gpg: Signature made 04/24/13 10:50:29
CST using RSA key ID 133B64E5 gpg:
Expired signature from " OpenPGP
signature test key
<support@huawei.com>" gpg:
Signature expired 04/25/13 10:50:29
The signature
verification is successful
but the public key has
been revoked.
gpg: Signature made 06/13/13 11:14:49
CST using RSA key ID 133B64E5 gpg:
Good signature from " OpenPGP
signature test key
<support@huawei.com>" gpg:
WARNING: This key has been revoked
by its owner! gpg: This could mean that
the signature is forged. gpg: reason for
revocation: Key is no longer used gpg:
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iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
Verification Result
Output Information Example
revocation comment:
The corresponding
signature file cannot be
found for the source file.
4.5 How Do I Solve the Problem that the Layout of GUIs
Are Incorrect and Controls Overlap Each Other in the IE?
When the Internet Explorer is used to log in to the PowerEcho, certain GUIs are displayed
improperly after the login.
Possible Causes
The settings of Internet Explorer compatibility view for the PowerEcho are incorrect.
Step 1 Start Internet Explorer and choose Tools > Compatibility View Settings.
Step 2 In the displayed Compatibility View Settings dialog box, clear the check boxes of Indude
updated website lists from Microsoft, Display intranet sites in Compatibility View, and
Display all websites in Compatibility View.
4.6 What Do I Do If a Certificate Error Message or a
Security Alarm Is Displayed on Internet Explorer?
This section uses Internet Explorer as an example. The processing methods of other browsers
are similar.
Issue 01 (2016-06-15)
A certificate error message is displayed on Internet Explorer when you log in to the
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iManager NetEco
PowerEcho User Manual
Possible Cause
The security certificate of the PowerEcho is not issued by the trusted Certificate Authority
(CA). If the certificate is issued by the CA that Internet Explorer cannot identify, for example,
user-defined certificate, the certificate error message is displayed upon the login.
Apply for a certificate from the CA, including NEPL_PKI.cer and
Import the certificates.
Choose Tools > Internet Options on the menu bar of Internet Explorer.
In the displayed Internet Options, click Content.
In the content tab, click Certificate.
Click Import, import the certificate following the guide.
In the displayed Internet Options dialog box, click Advanced.
In the Setting area, clear Warn about certificate address mismatch under Security.
Click OK. The Internet Options dialog box is displayed.
Restart Internet Explorer and re-log in to the PowerEcho.
Services of the PowerEcho are not affected when the certificate expires. Internet Explorer,
however, displays a warning dialog box saying The security certificate expired or has
not taken effect. Are you sure you want to continue?. Select Continue. The website
starts running properly and the connection is proper.
This problem can be resolved by upgrading the PowerEcho.
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