Permit to Work System Presentation

20th February 2018
Duration :- 20 minutes
B.Com, IDipNEBOSH + EnvDipNEBOSH, Grad–
IMS - LA ISO 9001 + 14001 + OHSAS – 18001
LEEA – Appointed person for Lifting operation
Total Experience = + 30 years (Gulf = + 22 Yrs
Presently working at Qatar Steel +12 years -HSE Management System Supervisor
Safety Moment – Video
Objectives and Outcomes
What is a work permit
Features of Permit to Work System
When are PTW systems applicable
Types of Permit
Elements of a Permit to Work
Roles and Responsibilities
Validity of Work Permit
Preparation and Execution
1. Safety Moment
Piper Alpha
Safety Moment
Video: 3 : 47 min
2. Objectives and
Objectives and Outcomes
On successful completion of this presentation
Attendees will Gain knowledge and understanding of:
What is Permit to Work system and its requirements
Different types of work permits and applicability.
Roles and Responsibilities of the PTW signatories
How to complete the PTW form.
Full compliance of the system. … and to manage risk
3. What is a Work
Work Permit is a documented format that
authorizes certain people to carry out
specific work within a specified time frame
/ area. It sets out the precautions required
to complete the work safely, based on a
risk assessment.
4. Features of
Features of permit-to-work systems
A Standard Operating Procedure, job or method statement and information
The equipment and tools to be used
A hazard and risk assessment
Required precautions, mitigating actions and control measures
All PPE requirements
The permit issue, extension and withdrawal details
The names and signatures of those who are responsible for the job
A Tool Box Talk signed by all workmen
Features of permit-to-work systems
Safe system of work - Proper planning - manage the
risks for wide range of activities -- Prevent accidents
and conduct work in a safe and responsible manner
Written document of agreement signed &
Authorizes certain people Issuer / Executor / Field
operator / AGT / Isolator -- to carry out specific work
– Defined Scope --- link to supplemental or
simultaneous activity
Joint Risk assessment - to identify potential hazards
– Associated Risks, at a certain time and place, and
to take precautions / Prevention Controls – PPE /
Emergencies for mitigation
A work permit system consists Standard procedure essential –
Details of the necessary preparatory work Method
statement / JSA / RA
Clear definition of responsibilities
PTW is a formal recorded process --Completed -Return to normal
Permit Log sheet – Filing
Monitoring / Inspection and Auditing, Reviewed to
ensure that the system works as intended , Period
must be determined
Communicated-TBT - Display
Authorized persons / Training includes contractors /
Instruction in the issue, use and closure;
Provision of adequate safety equipment
Exception – Based on Risk Assessment – Planning
for Gray areas
5. When are PTW
systems applicable
When are PTW systems applicable?
Works which may adversely affect the safety
of personnel, the environment or the plant
High Risk / Non-routine activities which will
require some form of JSA / RA prior to work
It is not intended that PTW procedures be
applied to all activities as experience has
shown that their overall effectiveness may be
When are PTW systems applicable?
Non-production work
e.g. maintenance, repair, inspection,
testing, alteration, construction,
dismantling, adaptation, modification of
equipment or processes, cleaning etc
• Temporary or permanent changes,
• Jobs where two or more individuals or
groups need to co-ordinate activities to
complete the job safely;
Hot work
Hot work in explosive environment work
of any type where
1. Work which may generate sparks or
other sources of ignition;
2.Heat is used or generated (eg by
welding, flame cutting, grinding etc);
Work on high voltage electrical equipment;
Electrical troubleshooting or repair on live circuits
Work involving the use of hazardous / dangerous
substances, including radioactive materials and explosives
(e.g. blasting);
Diving, including onshore operations near water;
• Pressure testing;
• Complex machinery
• Evacuation near buried services /
• Escape or rescue systems;
• Temporary equipment, e.g. generators, welding
equipment etc;
• Critical Lifting, Use of mobile cranes
• Bypassing or removing / altering Safety devices
or equipment
Work at height; Elevated works
• Operational pipelines
• Other applications
Insulation or catalysts handling
Product conversion of stationary or mobile or portable
vessels and containers
Exposure to moving / rotating machinery
In proximity of vents, liquid of gas
On process lines with gas release
Entry and work
Confined spaces Potential
oxygen deficiency or enrichment
Potential flammable/explosive atmosphere
Potential high temperature/pressure
Potential hazardous chemicals, e.g.: toxic
Confined space entry, e.g.: tanks, cold box,
pit, normally closed vessels
Opening in Ground
Keep Out !
Confined Space Entry Permit
Location and description of confined space:
Reason for entry:
Permit issued to:
Supervisor’s Name:
Attendant’s name:
Permit issuer’s name:
% oxygen:
% lower explosive limit:
ppm CO:
Emergency Rescuer
Continuous Gas Monitor
Barrier for ground openings
Warning Signs
Safety Harness with life line
Tripod / Hoist / Pulley
Poorly planned excavations can result in damage to underground
services, such as electrical lines, natural gas lines, water lines,
sewers and drains.
The consequence of damaged service lines is often complete
shutdown of operations resulting in major business losses.
Excavations may expose hazardous materials / toxic
substances which have leaked and are contaminating the
soil. MS /JSA Procedures
The safety representative must verify
that all underground utilities have
been located and staked out.
Provisions must be made to barricade
the open trench, prevent collapse of
trench walls,
provide employees with a means of exit,
Reroute ground water,
all other requirements of excavating If
soil is contaminated,
safety and health plan.
Exposure to Traffic / Vehicles / Combustion
Internal combustion engines or vehicles with internal combustion
engines inside company buildings. produce poisonous gases
such as carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen.
Use of company owned equipment, such as personnel lifts, fork
trucks, vehicles, etc., by employees of a contractor
Prevent equipment emissions from contaminating air inside
buildings and confined spaces.
Unauthorized use of company
can result in lost production and
injury to untrained operators.
Require permission of area management, and
Require verification of equipment operator training.
Movement of large pieces of equipment,
Especially while other personnel
are working nearby, can result in
employee injury from falling
material, or being struck by
Hazardous vapors and gases
Abandoned tanks, pipe lines,
drums, and vessels may contain
hazardous vapors and gases.
Permits may be issued to prevent
toxic or corrosive exposures to workers
Many construction processes
create noise levels high enough
to cause hearing loss.
Boilers, High pressure vessels
Boilers, high pressure
vessels, tanks, and reactors
can undergo sudden failure
resulting in disastrous
Permits may be issued requiring
precautions and equipment to
prevent system failures not
covered by safe job procedures
or project safety plans.
Elevated Works
where the consequence
of noncompliance with
fall protection requirements is
severe, or
where falling objects may
other workers below.
Energized lines
Permits are required
before work begins near
energized lines which
cannot be shut off if
there is danger of fire,
shock or electrocution.
Non Routine / Routine work
Requiring special precautions must be clearly indicated
and communicated to workers, and their supervision.
Personal protective equipment and other safety
equipment required is specified.
For each hazard present at the work site, the
safety representative must specify a hazard
Where to Get Help?
Your supervisor is responsible for providing equipment
necessary to comply with Safe Work Permit
When is a PTW not required?
• Emergency
• Routine activity as per approved list authorized by Manager based on
Risk Assessment.
6. Definitions
Responsible Person
Field operator
Gas Testing AGT
Responsible Person - is a person authorized by Manager who will be
responsible for keeping his area and staff safe . His responsibility includes
Management of people, Processes, Materials, Equipment, Infrastructure,
Contractors, Sub Contractors, Visitors & Environment.
Issuer must be a person who is trained, competent and authorized to issue
a Permit to Work after ensuring that all the hazards, associated with the
work being done in that area, have been identified and all necessary safety
precautions are being implemented to ensure that the work can be
completed safely.
Executor must be a person who is trained, competent and authorized who
is responsible for the work being completed as described in the Permit to
Work. The Executor must ensure that the work being done has been
adequately described so that all associated hazards and risks can be
Field operator is a competent person and supports the Isolator at site –
checks the site compliance to permit conditions and signs the permit
Definitions continued
Gas Testing means the required Gas analysis like Oxygen content inside
vessels for confined space entries, LEL % for hot works, H2S and Carbon
Monoxide gas levels for confined space & hot works. It has to be done by a
trained, certified and authorized person from the Issuing Authority before
handing over the job to the Executing authority. Continuous gas monitoring
(when required) will be done by trained and authorized executing members.
Persons who are trained, competent and appointed in writing to carry out
isolation and lockout on equipment. Certain competencies may require
verification of competency by means of testing and/or assessment and may
require the person to be certified as competent. This may include
certification by an approved second or third party.
Authorized person isolates Electrical (breaker / fuse isolation and/or
racking out of switchgear) , Mechanical, Hydraulics, Pneumatic, (valves /
physical blinding / flanges ) / Operations, Isolation(closing of process
related air, gas or water piping manual valves.) Chemical, Gravity,
Thermal, Radiation / All others sources of energy and Process
7. Types of Permit
Types of Permit
Cold Work
Hot Work
Confined Space
Other Authorization –
Photography & Videography Permit,
Vehicle Entry Certificate,
Electrical Isolation Tag shall also be required as applicable.
Contractor Safety Management
Cold Work
Cold Work includes, but is not restricted to:
•Work on equipment or plant components that are under pressure or are
energized in some form (e.g. mechanical energy);
•Work on equipment or plant components that contain hazardous materials;
•Work on vessels (e.g. tanks, pressure vessels);
•Mechanical Isolations of pipe work, valves and associated vessels;
•General construction;
•Work on de-energised electrical circuits (shop bench work will not require a
•Work performed in the immediate vicinity of overhead power lines;
•Routine and Non-routine maintenance work.
•Visual inspection, laser temperature measuring and vibration monitoring do
not require a permit.
Cold Work Permit
A Cold Work Permit shall be obtained for all general work that does not
involve activities related to hot work, i.e. the tools and equipment used or the
work itself do not generate any spark.
•Routine maintenance, inspection and condition monitoring activities using
proper hand tools.
•Excavation by hand tools, erection of scaffolds & barricades, chemical
cleaning and use of air driven power tools which do not generate sparks
during use.
•Opening of process equipment such as, vessels, towers, pumps,
compressors, heat exchangers, filters, tanks, etc.
•Blinding (Spading), blanking, breaking of flanges and unions, tightening of
flanges, hot bolting, cold cutting, hot work preparations, etc.
•Industrial radiography using ionizing radiation source (excluding X-ray
Hot work
Hot work is any work that could create a source of ignition that could result
in a fire or explosion. Examples of hot work include, but are not restricted
•Welding and torch cutting;
•Spark producing tools such as grinders and chippers and power tools such
as electric drills;
•Use of explosives;
•Use of non-intrinsically safe electrical or electronic equipment in high risk
gas areas.
•Hammering in high risk gas areas - unless spark free tools are used.
Hot Work Permit (1/2)
by the Fire Marshal
A Hot Work Permit shall be obtained for all work that involves activities with
tools and equipment, or the work itself, that could generate spark or be a
source of ignition.
•The issuer of the Hot Work Permit is responsible for ensuring that the site
and the equipment (vessel, piping, etc) are properly prepared to prevent the
danger of fire & explosion involving flammable material.
•Issuer shall ensure that, the equipment is emptied, cleaned of flammable
materials and isolated from all sources by means of disconnection, blanking
or insertion of blinds. Isolation by closed valve only is allowed. if, there is no
other possible way of isolation and mechanical isolation has been done. This
must be approved by QS Safety.
•Issuer & executor shall ensure that, within 10 meters of a hot work site, any
sample point, drain, surface manhole cover or relief valve outlet are covered
to prevent the escape of flammable gas and vapors (sealed using flameretardant tarpaulin, wet rags or metal plate). They shall also ensure that,
these seals are maintained in good condition.
•If there are any open drains or ditches into which flammable liquid can
escape, the same shall be dammed and pumped dry. Outlets of all unit drains
shall be plugged to isolate them from the rest of the sewer system.
Hot Work Permit (2/2)
• Authorized Gas Tester (AGT) shall conduct the test for flammable gases
(%LEL). LEL test is mandatory for all hot work at DR, Gas Metering
Station, Gas Pipe line areas, as well as any area where the presence of
flammable gas is possible.
• Clear of heavy oil deposits, dried vegetation or other
• Working at Height - spread of sparks with fire-resisting/flame-retardant
tarpaulin or metal sheets. Proper ventilation/ air circulation for the welder
should be ensured. Barricade should also prevent direct eye contact of
others with welding arc.
• water for quenching / Firefighting equipment / extinguishers
• inform Emergency Station about critical hot work
• risk ranked based on a HIRA – Higher risk -- Competent
Confined Space, Excavation
Confined Space
OSHA defines a confined space as being made up of 3 main parts:
1)being large enough for an employee to enter and perform work;
2)has limited or restricted means for entry or exit; and
3)is not designed for continuous occupancy.
Confined Space Entry Authorization
Excavation means a process of moving earth, rocks or other materials with
tools, equipment or explosives. It includes earthworks, trenching, wall shafts,
tunneling and underground work, using manual or mechanised methods.
Excavation Authorization
For excavations more than 1.2 meters deep a Confined Space Entry
Authorization is also required.
8. Elements of a
Permit to Work
Elements of
Permit To Work System :
1. Issue
2. Receipt
3. Clearance / return to service
4. Cancellation
May also be an extension
1. Issue – Pre Job Checks
Description of work to be carried out
– Description of plant and location
– Assessment of hazards
– Identification of controls
Additional permits e.g. hot work
Isolation of services
Emergency procedures
2. Receipt – handover of permit
– Competent and authorised person issues
permit to workers
– Workers sign to say they accept controls
Work can now start
• Plant is now under the control of the
3. Clearance – hand back of
– Workers sign to say they have left the
job site and equipment can restart.
4. Cancellation
– Authorised person accepts plant back
and can remove isolations etc.
Plant is now returned to the control
of the “site”
The employer, site occupier or installation
duty holder (ie the installation owner or
operator) has overall responsibility for
ensuring proper permit-to-work systems are
developed and followed.
All workers / Contractors, subcontractors
has responsibilities and duties under a
permit-to-work system. It is important that
each person is adequately trained and knows
exactly what those responsibilities and duties
are if they are to be carried out properly.
10. Validity of Work
Validity of Work Permit
Maximum Validity
Work not performed for over 2
Change in Scope
Permit Renewal
The work permit shall be tracked
through the entire life cycle from
initiation to completion / close-out.
Suspension of Work Permit
• In case of an emergency, injury or dangerous occurrence, work shall be
suspended and validity of any work permit ceases.
• Fire if there is a general alarm
• if there are any changes in the agreed permit conditions
Nature or scope of the work; where there is conflict with another scope of work..
• Suspended permit remains live until it is cancelled, it should be kept on the permit
recording system. The work should not be restarted until the issuing authority has
verified that it is safe to do so, and has revalidated the permit or issued a new
• if the site conditions have changed for operational reasons,
eg when the permit is for hot work and process fluid or gas sampling must
be carried out at the same time, with the possibility of a release of a
dangerous substance
• a new hazardous situation appears.
• Safety Regulations are violated,
• Waiting for spares;
10. Preparation and
Permits must be reviewed and signed
by:the safety representative / workers’
supervisor / issuer / Executer, work area
• Workers must be informed of required
emergency procedures, location and
operation of emergency equipment and
area inherent hazards.
• Material Safety Data Sheets must be
supplied and special precautions
reviewed with workers and their
Copies of a permit-to-work should be
clearly displayed:
– at the work site, or in a recognized location
near to the work site.
– in the central or main control or permit coordination room,
– In addition, a copy of the permit should be
kept with the issuing authority, or with the
area authority
If work is carried over to another shift, eg the
job takes longer then expected, then a shift
handover procedure should be in place.
• ensure that the incoming shift is aware of any
outstanding permit-controlled jobs, the status
of those jobs / plant.
The hand-back procedure should
include obtaining answers to the
following questions:
– Has the work been completed?
– Has the plant or equipment been returned
to a safe condition,
– In particular by removing isolations?
Design of permit to work (1)
Permit Title
Permit Number
1) Job Location/Plant Identification
2) Description of work
3) Time limits
4) Description of hazards
5) Tests and checks prior to work
6) Further precautions: emergency procedures,
PPE, etc.
Design of permit to work (2)
7) Authorisation: Signature by competent person
confirming that isolations and precautions have been
carried out
8) Acceptance: Signature of person in charge of
work confirming understanding of work to be done,
hazards involved and precautions required
9) Time Extensions/Shift Change procedures
10) Hand Back: Confirming work completed
11) Cancellation: Confirming work satisfactorily
Note: All signatures to be legible
Elements of a Permit to Work
Gas Testing
Gas tests are required for hot work and confined space entry.
It may also be required for some cold work and excavations.
Gas Test of Work Permit shall be filled to record results of Flammable / Toxic
Gases and Oxygen concentration as applicable to the location of work.
Setting Requirement
Issuer shall determine the requirement of gasses to be measured and
frequency of repeating the test or the need for continuous monitoring.
Minimum requirement shall be once at the beginning of shift/work.
How it is Executed
Combustible gas is measured as a percentage of Lower Explosive Limit
For hot work, the reading at the point of work shall not exceed 1%,
preferably 0% of the LEL.
For cold work breathing area shall be less than 10% of the LEL.
Who will Execute
An Authorised Gas Tester (AGT), who has a valid Third Party certification,
shall carry out the gas test using an approved calibrated gas detector. He
shall check the meter in fresh air and keep it on before actual test. In cases
where the potential risk is very high, the AGT can test it with another
detector for confirmation.
Gas tester wearing SCBA or carrying an escape mask shall test for Toxic
gas, if the presence of toxic vapor or gases is known or suspected.
Your own safety is at
stake when your
neighbor's wall is ablaze.
5 min