BCRW LECTURE 4 IFTIKHAR AHMAD D.G AUDIT PART 1 Endorsement (continued): 1. This form should be used when: a. A copy of a communication is to be forwarded to others in addition to the original addressee e.g. a copy( with copy of the letter replied to) is forwarded to for information and guidance necessary action for compliance. b.Copies of orders issued from a department are sent to the other departments or offices for information and / or action.If any action is required, brief instructions regarding the action to be taken should be given. c.Copies of government sanction for expenditure or approval to schemes are to be endorsed to the audit officer concerned by way of authorisation of expenditure/ financial commitment. 2. Endorsement should normally be addressed by designation. It should be written in third person that should bear no salutation or subscription except the signature and designation of the officer signing it. 3. When the endorsees are more than one in number,the signature and designation of the officer signing the endorsement should appear at the end of the last endorsement and not after every individual endorsement. Notification An official notice relating to something already done or to be done by the government and published in the gazette of Pakistan for general information of the public is, in official language, called notification. The principal object of issuing a notification is to notify, through publication in the gazette of Pakistan, the promulgation of statutory orders and rules, delegation of powers, and appointments , promotions, transfer, retirement, resignation and many other service matters concerned with gazetted officers, and so on. It is in the fitness of things to state that they become effective and valid only after they have been published in the gazette of Pakistan. A notification should be couched in a lucid, concise and precise language. It is to be written in the third person and in such a style so that nothing can be twisted out of context. The following particulars should be mentioned in a notification in respect of appointments: a. The name of the officer who has been appointed. b. The date from which the appointment is effective. c. The nature of the appointment. d. The designation of the appointing authority. A notification consists of the following details: a. The name of the ministry or department or office. b. The title of the communication. c. The number and date of the communication. d. The text of the communication. e. The signature and designation of the authority issuing the notification. PART 2 PRECIS A certain miser died, and after being buried came to the banks of the river, over which the shades of the departed were ferried. When the ferryman saw the miser, he demanded his fare. But the miser, true to his nature, rather than then pay it, threw himself into the river and swam over to the other side, in spite of the clamour and opposition that arose. All the lower regions were in an uproar and each of the judge, of the dead were suggesting some punishment suitable to the crime of the miser. One said he should be chained to a rock, as” A”, who was being tortured for helping mankind. Another said that he should be condemned to eternal punishment in hell like” B”, who had to fill a sieve with water. And the third advised that he should suffer the same punishment as” C”, who had to push a large rock at the top of the hill, from which it always rolled down to the plains again . But the supreme judge said that they must invent some severe punishment for the miser. And he decreed that the miser should be sent back to earth, to see the use of his heirs were making of his riches. (214 words)