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Common General Knowledge Questions and Answers

Common General Knowledge Questions & Answers
Let us discuss few common general knowledge questions and answers that may really help kids.
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semantic memory
A type of memory containing organized, factual knowledge of
the world, including word meanings.
episodic memory
A category of long-term memory that involves the recollection
of specific events, situations and experiences.
A set of objects that belong together.
The mental representation of a category.
feature comparison model
A model proposing that items are categorized by matching the item's features to defining category
defining features
The set of traits necessary to make objects acceptable members of a category.
characteristic features
The set of traits that are descriptive of but not essential to objects in a given category.
sentence verification technique
An experimental procedure, used for studying memory, in which participants are given simple sentences
typicality effect
Finding that people reach judgments faster when an item is a typical member of a category, rather than
an unusual member (nonprototype).
A mental image or best example of a category, to which new items can be compared as a quick and easy
method for
including/excluding items from a category.
prototype approach
An approach to semantic memory in which a person decides whether an item belongs to a category by
comparing that item with a prototype
The degree to which a particular member of a category matches the prototype for that category.
graded structure
The fact that category members vary in how well they represent a category (some are more prototypical
than others).
semantic priming effect
The finding that people respond faster to an item if it was preceded by an item with similar meaning.
family resemblance
In the prototype approach, the concept that each example has at least one attribute in common with
some other example of the concept.
superordinate-level categories
Higher level, more general categories.
basic-level categories
Moderately specific categories.
subordinate-level categories
Lower level, more specific categories.
Consistently superior performance on a set of tasks for a domain, achieved by deliberate practice over a
period of atleast 10 years.
The specific examples of a concept stored in memory.
network models
A model of semantic memory that proposes a net-like organization of concepts in memory, with many
interconnections. The meaning of a particular concept depends on the concepts to which it is
Collins and Loftus network model
Semantic memory is organized in terms of net-like structures, with numerous interconnections. When
people retrieve information, activation spreads to related concepts.
In the parallel distributed processing approach, the location of each neural activity, interconnected in a
complex fashion with many other such locations.
The element that connects a particular concept node with another concept node.
spreading activation
The process through which activity in one node in a network flows outward to other nodes through
associative links.
ACT-R (Automated Components of Thought-Rational)
A series of network models that attempts to account for all of cognition, including memory, learning,
spatial cognition, language, reasoning, and decision-making.
declarative knowledge
One's knowledge about facts and things.
The smallest unit of knowledge that can be judged either true or false.