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Mental Health Policy: Workplace Support & Accommodation

Statement of Commitment
(Company)recognizes that supporting the mental health of our employees is important at an individual
and organizational level. We understand that mental health is impacted on by a range of factors, including
work environment, work culture and workplace relationships with others.
As such, we are committed to:
Proactively promote positive mental health
Support employees in developing and managing their own mental health
Building and maintaining work systems and culture that can positively impact mental health.
Support employees who are experiencing mental health challenges to recover.
Our Mental Health Policy and the (Name of Mental Health Program)as a whole is further
anchored to our organizational values of Employee First, Teamwork, Integrity and Respect,
Innovation and Service Excellence.
Policy Objectives
The objectives of this policy are to:
1. Outline how the company complies to the legal obligations contained in the Mental
Health Act (RA 11036).
2. Increase the awareness across functions and at all levels of the organization on the
importance of promoting mental health in the workplace.
3. Provide support and assistance for employees experiencing mental health difficulties.
4. Recognize that workplace stress is a health and safety issue, and acknowledge the importance of
identifying and reducing workplace stressors.
5. Equip supervisors, management and staff support with knowledge and skills to promote positive
mental health and assist employees who may be experiencing mental health difficulties.
6. Ensure that there shall be no discrimination in any form against employees who are at risk of
developing or who are found to have a mental health condition through implementation of the
company’s non-discriminatory policies and practices.
Establishing a Committee to Develop, Manage and Monitor the Policy
We support the formation of a workplace mental health working group or committee which
shall be led by Senior Management and with members from across levels.
The committee shall be provided with adequate training and shall be guided by the Human
Resource department to enable them to carry out their role effectively.
Legal Responsibilities
We are fully committed to complying with the responsibilities in accordance with the provisions
of Republic Act No. 11036 (Mental Health Act) Department Order No. 208, Series of 2020
(Guidelines for the Implementation of Mental Health Act Workplace Policies and Programs for
the Private Sector), Republic Act 11058 (An Act Strengthening Compliance with Occupational
Safety and Health Standards and Providing Penalties for Violations Thereof)
and Republic Act No. 7277 (The Magna Carta for Persons with Disability)
Disclosure and Confidentiality
We are committed to working positively with anyone disclosing information about their mental
health difficulties, so that we can identify what may help them to function productively in work.
We have developed a standard disclosure procedure should any of the employee wish or need
to disclose information about their mental health. Included in the procedure is the guideline on
how an employee may disclose and to who.
Further, the procedure is intended to provide clear steps on how to respond to an employee
disclosing information about mental health difficulties.
We are committed to respect for individual privacy and confidentiality. Information that is disclosed to
us will be stored in accordance with our legal responsibilities under the Data Privacy Act.
The company and its employees shall not be obliged to reveal to a third party any information
about an employee with mental health condition except in any of the following conditions:
1. unless it is required by law;
2. with consent from the employee with mental health condition;
3. life threatening emergency cases where such disclosure is necessary to prevent harm or
injury to himself/herself or to other persons; or
4. disclosure is required in connection with administrative, civil or criminal case against a
mental health professional or worker for negligence or a breach of professional ethics.
Work Accommodation and Work Arrangement
The Company shall support any of our employees experiencing mental health difficulty by exploring
reasonable work accommodation and work arrangement provided that such mental health condition
shall not prevent the employee from performing the requirements of the job or will endanger his/her
safety, or that of his/her co-workers, clients, customers or the general public.
Forms of work accommodation or work arrangement may be in the in the form of but not limited to
flexible leave arrangements and rescheduling of working hours.
Implementing the Policy
The company shall develop an action plan to ensure that the policy is fully implemented, and this will be
mainly driven by our workplace mental health committee.
Responsibility for the Policy
[Insert information here] will take responsibility for the implementation and review of this policy on an
annual basis.
Work Accommodation Guideline
The organization value all of our employee’s contributions including those who may be experiencing
mental health distress or may have an existing mental health condition. The goal of this policy and process
is to create a more inclusive environment where employees who may be experiencing mental health
distress or may have an existing mental health condition can readily and efficiently ask for and receive
reasonable accommodations necessary to reach their full potential at work.
The purpose of this document is to provide all employees with a detailed guide on the work
accommodation process. There are critical steps that must be taken to ensure work accommodations and
work arrangements are documented, communicated, and provided in a timely manner. These steps shall
ensure equal opportunity for employees who may be experiencing mental health distress or may have an
existing mental health condition as well as ensure that the company meets its legal obligations.
The company is committed to processing requests for work accommodation and will provide reasonable
accommodations where appropriate, in a prompt and efficient manner in accordance with the time
frames set forth in the following Procedures.
Who is covered by this guidance:
Employees with who may be experiencing mental health distress or may have an existing mental health
Mental Health Condition as defined in the Mental Health Act is neurologic or psychiatric condition
characterized by the existence of a recognizable, clinically-significant disturbance in an individual's
cognition, emotional regulation, or behavioral that reflects a genetic or acquired dysfunction in the
neurological, psychosocial, or developmental process underlying mental functioning. The determination
of neurologic and psychiatric conditions shall be based on scientifically-accepted medical nomenclature
and best available scientific and medical evidence.
What is work accommodation:
Work accommodations are any changes or adjustments in the workplace or the way job duties are
customarily performed that provides an equal employment opportunity to an employee who may be
experiencing mental health distress or may have an existing mental health condition. (This process does
not cover requests that would pose an undue hardship or fundamentally change the essential functions
of a job.)
Not All Accommodation Requests Can Be Honored:
Sometimes an employee may ask for an accommodation that is not reasonable or necessary, that poses
an “undue hardship” (i.e. too costly or disruptive to business) on the company or its employees or that
might threaten the safety of the individual who has made the request or of others. Even in those cases,
the company will discuss whether some other form of work accommodation may be effective.
What are the common types of accommodations?
Modifications in the physical workspace that may eliminate or reduce stress triggers.
Modifications of an individual’s work schedule while continuing to meet business requirements
Modifications in level of supervision and additional forms of communication. This might include
providing assignments and instructions in the employee's preferred learning style (written, verbal, email, demonstration) as well as written tools such as daily checklists and meeting notes.
Modifications in work duties and responsibilities that may support the employee in performing the
Availment of accrued leaves to allow time for recovery, therapy or treatment or other mental health
related appointments.
Note: Leave time and/or reassignment to another vacant position are accommodations of last resort.
The employee who may be experiencing mental health distress or may have an existing mental health
condition has the responsibility to request for work accommodation. A request for an accommodation
can also be made by an employee representative (family member, guardian, etc) if the employee is not
capable to do so due to the mental health condition.
The immediate manager/supervisor are responsible to receive, begin documentation for, and
communicate all accommodation requests to the Human Resource Department.
The Human Resource Department is responsible for initiating the Interactive Process with the person who
requests an accommodation, to involve only those who are necessarily involved to ensure an effective
and timely accommodation is provided. They also must inform the employee of the outcome of their
The interactive process is a collaborative effort between the employee, the immediate
manager/supervisor and the HR department to discuss the need for an accommodation as well as identify
effective accommodation solutions. A robust interactive process demonstrates good faith and promotes
a disability inclusive workplace.
Time Frame for Processing Requests and Providing Reasonable Accommodations
The Company will process requests and, where appropriate, provide accommodations in as short a period
as reasonably possible. The time frame for processing a request (including providing accommodation, if
approved) is as soon as possible but no later than 30 business days from the date the request is made.
Determination of Appropriate Work Accommodation:
Once all pertinent information is on hand, the appropriate work accommodation shall be determined and
HR shall facilitate the necessary approvals.
The employee requesting for an accommodation and the immediate manager/supervisor shall be
informed of the decision and the necessary steps for implementation.
The approved accommodation shall be documented and will require the sign off of the employee and the
immediate manager/supervisor.
Monitoring an Accommodation:
It is the responsibility of the immediate manager/supervisor to monitor the effectiveness of the
accommodation. While requesting employee must be able to perform essential functions of their job with
or without accommodation, it is also the responsibility of the manager to ensure an accommodation is
effective for the employee. If an accommodation is no longer effective, then the interactive process
should be revisited.
Accommodation Request Denial:
If in case the work accommodation is denied, Human Resource and the Immediate Manager/Supervisor
shall inform the employee and discuss the reason for the denial. The form will explain both the reasons
for the denial of the employee’s specific requested accommodation and the process or appealing this
Appeals Process:
The requesting employee who may find dissatisfaction with the resolution of a work accommodation
request may appeal for reconsideration within 10 business days of receiving the work accommodation