Uploaded by Miriam Contreras

The Euro: Currency, Usage, and Economic Impact

The €uro
As of 2021, there are 19
member countries of the
European Union that use the
euro as the official
currency.3 They are Austria,
Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg,
Malta, the Netherlands,
Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia,
and Spain.
Advantages and Disadvantages of the
More facts
• After the U.S. dollar, the euro is the second-most traded currency in the
• It is the official currency of 19 countries in the European Union, as well as
four non-EU territories.
• The euro was created to facilitate and integrate the European economy,
and it is managed by the ECB.
• The Greek debt crisis threatened other EU countries, showing that the
interdependency on currency does have a downside.
• Other European countries such as Denmark use their own currency. They
have opted to set their own interest rates and monetary policies and
maintain the independence of their own economies