00:20:17George Rodriguez:Hello 00:20:20Sean McGowan:Pumped for this!! 00:20:33Paul Grazulis:Glad to be here....Hi all! 00:20:34Andrew Campbell:Hello 00:20:36Crystal Moody:Hello everyone! 00:20:37Christopher neumiller:Afternoon 00:20:41Angie Smith:Hello everyone!! Welcome!! 00:20:43Chad Daigle:Hello 00:20:47James Matelski:Hey 00:20:50Diana Arancibia:Hello! 00:20:50Nicolas Cooley:Hello 00:20:50Rian Varner:Good Afternoon everyone! 00:20:51Joseph Gruen:good afternoon 00:20:51Dale Schmeltz:Greetings from the great state of Michigan. 00:20:52Carlos Cantillo:Afternoon 00:20:53Pete Hayden:hello friends 00:20:54Ahsan Malik:Afternoon 00:20:55Hannah Christopher:ur volume is too low 00:20:56Andrew Hamilton:Hello 00:20:56Wricky Antoine:Hello 00:21:00Tina Guddemi:good afternoon everyone! 00:21:01Mary Harris:Good afternoon! 00:21:02Kristom Parson:Hi everyone 00:21:03Mikola Zhmendak:hi 00:21:04Peter Raciti:Hi all! 00:21:06Crystal Moody:Greeting from sunny Florida 00:21:06brice lott:hello everyone 00:21:07Corey Mueller:Hey everyone!! 00:21:10Sina Deghati:Hello 00:21:10Helen Thomas:Hello 00:21:14Terenz Parker:Good Afternon. 00:21:24alejandro villalpando:hello 00:21:31Rafael Gutierrez:Hello all https://www.linkedin.com/in/rg-rafaelgutierrez/ 00:21:31Subathra Ram:Hello 00:21:45John Ruark:www.linkedin.com/in/johnruark 00:22:06Wricky Antoine:2020? 00:22:10Luciana Singleton:Hello! 00:22:14Angie Smith:Here is my LinkedIn profile if anyone wants to connect - www.linkedin.com/in/angelawsmith 00:22:21Joseph Sgambelluri:Copy paste probably won't work on links, post with the protocol 00:22:56Crystal Moody:https://www.linkedin.com/in/crystal-s-moody-55336710a/ - Lets Connect :-) 00:23:03John Ruark:https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnruark 00:23:32George Rodriguez:https://www.linkedin.com/in/george-rodriguez-0a749521a/ 00:23:36Dale Schmeltz:https://www.linkedin.com/in/schmeltzdale/ 00:23:40jon mauck:Im just trying to expand my network https://www.linkedin.com/in/jon-mauck-222779220/ 00:23:50William Lefler:Hello all. https://www.linkedin.com/in/william-gary-lefler 00:23:55Joseph Sgambelluri:https://www.linkedin.com/in/eggbrain/ 00:24:07Joseph Sgambelluri:Hey Gary! 00:24:17William Lefler:Hey pal 00:24:20Erika Alvarez:Hello everyone…. Https://www.linkedin.com/in/erika-alvarez-3595a51 00:24:21alejandro villalpando:https://www.linkedin.com/in/alejandro-villalpando-132962183/ 00:25:02Chad Daigle:https://www.linkedin.com/in/chad-w-daigle 00:25:15Bilkis Chowdhury:Good afternoon, everyone! Bilkis,C.New York. 00:25:20Tim Knapp:An ad popped up on my Instagram and I joined my program in the next ten minutes 00:25:43Archerie Calunod:Good afternoon, everyone! 00:26:11Messanh Goussi:Hi everybody! 00:27:24Crystal Moody:https://www.linkedin.com/in/crystal-s-moody-55336710a/ - Lets Connect :-) 00:28:11leonardo monge:https://www.linkedin.com/in/leonardo-monge/ 00:28:15Erica Wingo:https://www.linkedin.com/in/erica-wingo-604083226/ 00:28:22Jagdeep Sidhu:https://www.linkedin.com/in/jagdeep-k-sidhu 00:30:27Ahsan Malik:https://www.linkedin.com/in/ahsan-malik-94831a33 00:30:48Crystal Moody:That subnetting was difficult for me to learn at first 00:31:26jose carlos ramirez:if you're brain doesn't hurt it's not working... 00:31:56leonard brakefield:https://www.linkedin.com/in/leonard-brakefield-02437956/ 00:32:29Nicolas Cooley:I enjoy subnetting 00:32:57Shawn Taylor:Wait what's subnetting...� 00:33:03Crystal Moody:haha 00:33:09John Ruark:I felt guilty for how quickly and easily I understood subnetting while other struggled 00:33:30Stamen Nedev:https://www.linkedin.com/in/stamen-nedev-370b1a16a 00:33:30Lisa Fox:I hated subnetting! 00:33:41Crystal Moody:I feel you Lisa 00:34:03Crystal Moody:Still a like and dislike for me 00:34:08Shawn Taylor:I'm struggle city with it. We don't get along. 00:34:17Jacquelyn Hardrick:Subnetting is the devil's arithmetic 00:34:30Crystal Moody:lol its crazy 00:34:30Shawn Taylor:^^^YAASSS!! 00:34:37Ahsan Malik:I really liked the binary 00:35:36Shawn Taylor:I heard Adam Sandlers voice from Waterboy when I read the devil comment. lol 00:35:37Tim Knapp:When you're actually working, you get to use the subnet calculator...don't worry 00:35:44Lisa Fox:Exciting! I love fw's! 00:36:08Crystal Moody:Exactly Tim 00:36:12Kenneth Ukaegbu:Tech support specialist is definitely the way to go while waiting on the cyber security position 00:36:31Tim Knapp:Thx Crystal 00:36:35Mikola Zhmendak:statefull or statless firewalls? 00:36:36Tim Knapp:it's a real time saver 00:36:51Crystal Moody:You're welcome Tim 00:37:07Angie Smith:stateful firewalls 00:37:12Zita Cole:Hey guys what certifications did you start off with ? 00:37:26Shawn Taylor:Yes thanks Tim that's a relief. 00:37:51James Grantham:yes what certs do you recommend? I'm starting with Net+ 00:38:21Crystal Moody:Im going to start with Security + 00:38:22George Rodriguez:I just got my network + getting ready for security + 00:38:24Mikola Zhmendak:Net and Security + 00:38:46leonardo monge:Yes because CCNA I think its a bit more difficult right? 00:39:09Mikola Zhmendak:CCNA is Cisico related cert 00:39:15Kenneth Ukaegbu:MSP is really the way to go too!! That’s great 00:39:44leonardo monge:Do you recommend getting certified, I do not even know which field I want to work in? Do you recommend the Security + certification? 00:39:54Jacquelyn Hardrick:The CCNA test is very difficult to pass 00:40:15Jacquelyn Hardrick:Aimee is the best 00:40:28Crystal Moody:Ivan in the level ups reccomended me to start with the Security + since I want to go into Cyber Forensics 00:40:53Angie Smith:I actually don't have any certs yet. Many Cybersecurity companies will pay for your training and certifications. I am currently studying toward Security+ and AWS Cloud Practitioner. 00:41:04leonardo monge:I am in a bootcamp program I liked Cloud, Microsoft security so far. I still have a long way to go, I finish the bootcamp in August. I have been working on the labs as well. 00:41:18Oscar Rodriguez:Thanks crystal, I also want to go into cyber forensics 00:41:32Angie Smith:I had Ivan as an instructor! He is so great!! 00:41:35Jacquelyn Hardrick:I have Ivan for Ethical Hacking. He is a fun and patient teacher 00:41:45Tim Knapp:and be prepared to discuss those projects! 00:41:53Angie Smith:Same, Gillian!! That was scary! 00:42:02Crystal Moody:OMG! Yes Jacquelyn, he is AWESOME 00:42:14Chad Daigle:Has anybody taken the Security+ and if so, how would you rate the level of difficulty? 00:42:16Angie Smith:Remember you don't have to have ALL of the qualifications in order to apply. Many job postings are searching for unicorns. 00:42:58Crystal Moody:I also reccommend to everyone to join Professor Messer discord, they have study groups 00:43:13leonardo monge:Professor Messer on LinkedIn? 00:43:20Crystal Moody:No on discord 00:43:25Lisa Fox:I like Professor Messer too 00:43:27Angie Smith:I see a lot of folks asking which certifications to start with. Security+ was recommended to me. 00:43:29leonardo monge:Oh I see thank you 00:43:48Crystal Moody:He has a discord channel and they do study groups for Net +, Security + and A+ 00:43:54Angie Smith:Professor Messer is great! I also like Dion Training, and have done many of his classes on Udemy. 00:44:06William Lefler:https://discord.com/channels/524045675848269845/524047209214377985 00:44:10Martha Delgado:Does anyone have the link for the discord channel group? 00:44:13Jacquelyn Hardrick:I purchased the Prof Messer Network+ and Security+ materials 2 years ago. 00:44:17Crystal Moody:You're welcome Leonardo 00:44:38Shawn Taylor:How confident were you when started in CyberSec? 00:44:47JIJIN JOSE:CCNA is not that hard. Getting to know networking will be a good start. 00:44:53Crystal Moody:I need to purchase those books from him soon 00:45:16Jacquelyn Hardrick:I need to find some practice Network+ test questions 00:45:31Angie Smith:In my time at ADP, I took a little break from the course materials, so I felt a little rusty when I started with Compuquip. But I'm already feeling better a month in! 00:45:45George Rodriguez:I’ve used Udemy courses and they’ve helped me thru these courses as well 00:45:46Subathra Ram:examcompass.com have some practice questions 00:46:06Jacquelyn Hardrick:Thanks Subathera 00:46:24Shawn Taylor:Linkdn has some good resources as well. 00:46:26Crystal Moody:https://www.linkedin.com/in/crystal-s-moody-55336710a/ - Lets Connect 00:46:27James Grantham:I'm taking the Udemy Net+ prep. it was $20. they have practice tests 00:46:33Subathra Ram:and itexams.com too 00:47:04brice lott:wow! I love that work schedule. that is wonderful! 00:47:14Lisa Fox:That's not a bad schedule 00:47:18William Lefler:https://www.examcompass.com/comptia/security-plus-certification/free-security-plus-practice-tests 00:47:21Crystal Moody:Im going to try and get the free certs out the way that I was reccomended to take 00:47:25Walter Charney:That’s exactly what I wanna do 00:47:25Angie Smith:Google is my best friend for sure!! 00:47:55Chad Daigle:What free certs are those? 00:48:07AJ Ventura:Yeah, which free certs? 00:48:10Angie Smith:learn and practice Google Dorking 00:48:10William Lefler:^? 00:48:15AJ Ventura:Which free certs? 00:48:29Peter Raciti:www.linkedin.com/in/PeteRaciti 00:48:38John Ruark:Splunk and Qualys are free 00:48:42Lisa Fox:Hi Pete! 00:48:54Crystal Moody:https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/google-it-support - this one for example 00:49:02Nicolas Cooley:OCI is offering free cloud training and certs until the end of the month 00:49:05Jean Andre:https://www.linkedin.com/in/jean-samuel-andre-3900a93b/ 00:49:08Adrian Cabrera:https://www.linkedin.com/in/adrian-cabrera-945aa112b 00:49:18Crystal Moody:Hey Jean! :-) 00:49:23samuel estrada:Read McGraw Hill CompTIA certification prep twice through and you'll pass your Net +. If you need the PDF msg me. samaestrada3@gmail.com 00:49:38John Ruark:INE has free pentester training that is the official training for the eJPT - the cert is not free but the training is 00:49:47Jean Andre:Hey @Crystal. Just back from work 00:49:51Shawn Taylor:https://www.linkedin.com/in/shawn-j-taylor-8a506a48 00:49:54Walter Charney:I wouldn’t mind doing over shifts at a SOC 00:49:55Jean Andre:Happy to see you here as well. 00:50:19samuel estrada:Thanks Nicolas 00:50:38Crystal Moody:Im watching while at work currently @ Jean & good to see you too 00:50:38Chad Daigle:Thank yall 00:51:36Marcus Cylar:https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcusacylar 00:51:40Crystal Moody:https://dfirdiva.com/ - another good resource 00:51:55Nicolas Cooley:https://mylearn.oracle.com/home 00:51:59Marcus Cylar:Thanks for sharing all the links! 00:52:20Jean Andre:Team Oracle OCI @Nicolas 00:52:39Mohammad Yusep:Thank you all 00:53:24Christopher neumiller:haha 00:53:34Jacquelyn Hardrick:Thanks to all for the links 00:54:23leonardo monge:Do you recommend any internships while you are in the program? 00:54:42Joseph Sgambelluri:Ask in the Q & A 00:55:01Crystal Moody:Good question Leonardo 00:55:08Christopher neumiller:I used my bootcamp time to recertify for my Sec+ CE 00:55:20leonardo monge:Thank you Joseph I sent my question. 00:55:29Jean Andre:AWS + Sec+ this year for me 00:55:33Mohammad Shamim:CompTIA Security+ study time 00:55:59Shawn Scott:aws cloud practitioner is $100. 00:56:15leonardo monge:Nice I am interested in Cloud Practitioner too 00:56:19Walter Charney:My security+ is May 14 00:56:24John Ruark:Sec+ also counts as your DOD cert if you ever need it 00:56:34Mohammad Shamim:what you thing about this lineup : 1. CCNA2. AWS practitioner3. CompTIA Sec+4. eJPT5. CISSP 00:56:58Crystal Moody:Oh yes I need to do the AWS one too 00:57:26John Ruark:CCNA is hard and very hands on, it will take a while to study for it 00:58:08Jacquelyn Hardrick:Exactly @John Ruark 00:58:09James Matelski:Shows you are motivated 00:58:24Angie Smith:A couple resources...tryhackmehackthebox 00:58:45Christopher neumiller:CYSA is my next goal 00:59:02Nicolas Cooley:cloud foundation, cloud infrastructure security, net + and sec + 00:59:08Angie Smith:coursera is a great resource, too 01:00:04Angie Smith:You can get free Splunk training. Complete it within 30 days 01:00:08Christopher neumiller:ISC2 is a great org as is Owasp 01:00:10Marcel Monge:What about Palo Alto certifications? 01:00:28Angie Smith:Also Cybrary 01:00:47Crystal Moody:Thank you Gillian 01:01:52Crystal Moody:yes I love the level up sessions 01:01:54Gillian Deak:Cybrary is a great resource 01:02:05Val Lord:I find Cywar to be very buggy. 01:02:12Gillian Deak:Try Hack Me is a fav of mine too 01:02:19Mark Robinson:When did you both graduate? 01:02:40Jacquelyn Hardrick:I am already sleeping over at work in order to try to attend class and do the work. The amount of class work makes getting all of the classwork done is very very draining. 01:02:48Mark Robinson:Thank you Angie 01:02:49James Grantham:Ive found that when I get stuck on something is when I learn the most 01:02:52Jacquelyn Hardrick:No comment from your Lyle 01:02:59Angie Smith:Thank you, Shaina and Kellye!! 01:02:59Jacquelyn Hardrick:*you 01:03:00Crystal Moody:Thank you Angie 01:03:10Angie Smith:It has been great hearing your story, too, Gillian!! 01:03:26Mohammad Yusep:Thanks Gillian 01:03:28Richard Wallace:did you do any internship while in the course? 01:03:56Angie Smith:ALWAYS ask about learning when you interview. Ask what are the opportunities and if the company is supportive. Ask about certs and if they will pay for training and certs. 01:04:17Samantha Blair:Hi Students - Please drop questions in the Q &A box, not the chat box. Thank you! 01:04:24Samantha Blair:Hi Students - Please drop questions in the Q &A box, not the chat box. Thank you! 01:05:17Nicolas Cooley:CHUCK 01:05:18Paul Grazulis:NetChuck is great 01:05:23Angie Smith:LOVE NetworkChuck!! 01:05:26Crystal Moody:I will check that out! 01:05:26Jean Andre:Network Chuck is a great guy, great IT channel 01:05:43Rian Varner:John Hammond! 01:05:50Jean Andre:also freecodecapm.org YouTube channel 01:05:51Nicolas Cooley:got you coffee chuck 01:05:58Michael Lui-Kwan:What was the other resource mentioned after Chuck? 01:06:07Jean Andre:"freecodecamp.org" 01:06:07Angela Taylor:for the women, investigate & consider joining https://www.womenjutsu.org if you've got an .edu email address ($50 student). They also have study groups. Mari Galloway spoke at a December Career Services webinar AND is its CEO. 01:06:29Gillian Deak:David Bombal 01:06:32Angela Taylor:for the women, investigate & consider joining https://www.womenjutsu.org if you've got an .edu email address ($50 student). They also have study groups. Mari Galloway spoke at a December Career Services webinar AND is its CEO. 01:06:50Shawn Scott:cloud academy 01:06:52Andrew Campbell:Loi Laing Yang is also good as well 01:06:53Crystal Moody:I have Jasion Dion's Net+ practice tests 01:07:34Jean Andre:hacker loi yang, funny IT guy too, good content 01:07:35Shawn Taylor:I just found a bunch of useful resources on Quora as well which was a bit of a surprise to me. 01:07:41Crystal Moody:Thank you Angela 01:07:52Sina Deghati:How can we apply for internship ? 01:08:01Jacquelyn Hardrick:*waves at Angela* 01:08:03Shawn Taylor:@Andrew Laing is awesome. 01:08:23Andrew Campbell:@Shawn Yes, he is indeed. 01:08:56Crystal Moody:@Angela I clicked the link and the website cant be reached, can you message the correct website please? Thanks 01:09:25Shawn Taylor:You clicked the link??!! Uh oh... 01:09:37Crystal Moody:lol its okay.. nothign bad happened 01:09:38Laurel Moehring:lol 01:09:41Tayyaba Shahid:Please share the link again 01:09:43Crystal Moody:nothing* 01:09:50Shawn Taylor:Something's phishy.... 01:09:55Shawn Taylor:lol 01:09:55Crystal Moody:haha 01:10:51Angela Taylor:CORRECTION: https://womenscyberjutsu.org 01:11:13Crystal Moody:Thank you Angela 01:12:36Jacquelyn Hardrick:👍@Angela 01:12:54Mrs.Robot:common interview questions? 01:12:58Shawn Taylor:Transferable skills are the most important part of a resume when jumping industries. I didn't really give that aspect of the resume the respect it deserved until recently. 01:13:09Angela Taylor:🤦🏾‍♀️I'm listening on one phone and doing LinkedIn surfing on another device while trying to prepare lunch. 01:13:22Shawn Taylor:You're hired 01:13:42Crystal Moody:Oh wow Angela 01:13:48William Lefler:Once more https://www.linkedin.com/in/william-gary-lefler Let's connect! 01:14:52Crystal Moody:Yay to wanting more females 01:15:04Crystal Moody:https://www.linkedin.com/in/crystal-s-moody-55336710a/ - Once again 01:15:24George Rodriguez:Here’s mine - https://www.linkedin.com/in/george-rodriguez-0a749521a/ 01:15:41Angie Smith:I have felt zero discrimination for being female in this industry. To the contrary, I think they are happy to have a woman on the team. We all bring a different perspective. 01:16:07Shaina Tsupros:^^^Cybersecurity is one of the most inclusive professional communities I have ever seen! 01:17:32George Rodriguez:https://www.linkedin.com/in/george-rodriguez-0a749521a/ 01:17:51Crystal Moody:lol 01:18:30James Matelski:strategy 01:18:33Samantha Blair:Students - if we don't get to your questions - please schedule time with your career coaches. They are amazing resources! 01:18:55Angie Smith:NETWORKING!!! 01:19:20AJ Ventura:Thank you for taking the time to set this up and participate today!!! 01:19:35Maria Fabre:Thank you so much! This helped a lot 01:19:39Angie Smith:Thank you all for having us here! I hope it was helpful!! 01:19:52Angie Smith:Good luck to everyone and please feel free to reach out on LinkedIn! 01:20:18Jacquelyn Hardrick:👍 01:20:28Laurel Moehring:Am enjoying this discussion 🙂 01:20:44Crystal Moody:Thank you that was very helpful 01:20:52Michael Lui-Kwan:Thank you everyone! 01:20:53Lisa Fox:Excellent webinar! The hour flew by. Thank you for your time Gillian and Angie. Good luck to you both. 01:20:55Helen Thomas:Thank you 01:20:57JIJIN JOSE:Thank you! 01:21:02Rian Varner:Thank you! 01:21:03Mohammad Yusep:Thanks for this discussion 01:21:03Nicolas Cooley:Thank you for your time. 01:21:06Crystal Moody:Thank you! 01:21:06Jagdeep Sidhu:Thank you 01:21:07Paul Grazulis:Thanks guests and moderators....well done! 01:21:07Mikola Zhmendak:thank you for your time 01:21:08Mohammad Shamim:Thank you all 01:21:09Karen Fox:Thank you. 01:21:11Carlen Diaz-Wong:Thanks 01:21:12Mohammad Yusep:Thanks 01:21:12Mark Robinson:Two very impressive ladies who both worked while studying. Thank you both 01:21:13leonard brakefield:thank you 01:21:13James Matelski:Thank you all 01:21:13Tina Guddemi:thank you great information. thank you for sharing 01:21:14Jean Andre:Thank you, all. 01:21:15Marcus Cylar:Thanks! This was VERY helpful! 01:21:17Andrew Campbell:Thanks 01:21:21Mark Lehmer:Thanks to everybody for setting this up and making this possible! 01:21:24Archerie Calunod:Thank you. 01:21:26Maria Fabre:Thank you !! 01:21:26Matthew Hawker:thanks 01:21:27Carlos Cantillo:Yes. Thank you. 01:21:28Mary Harris:Thank you all! 01:21:31Tayyaba Shahid:Thanks 01:21:36Laurel Moehring:Thanks so much! 01:21:39Marcus Cylar:Thanks! This was VERY helpful! 01:21:40Dale Schmeltz:Thanks for the information Gillian and Angie. Thanks everyone. 01:21:40Wricky Antoine:Thank you all 01:21:41Crystal Moody:Thank you Kellye youre awesome 01:21:51Paul Grazulis:Thanks 01:21:52Edgar Rojas:Thank you 01:21:54Paul Grazulis:Bye 01:21:54George Rodriguez:Thank you 01:21:55Shawn Taylor:👌 01:21:56Andrew Hamilton:Thanks 01:21:56Stamen Nedev:thanks 01:21:57Antonio WILLIAMS:thanks 01:22:02Naira Khachaturyants:where is the link? 01:22:05Gary McDonald:Thank you 01:22:06Angela Taylor:thx