REFLECTION PAPER IN LIT 1 I. Introduction A. Background Information (description of the literary period of that time) B. Introduction of the chosen author and his writing (explain these two were chosen for the paper) C. Thesis Statement D. Transition sentence: a sentence that connects the thesis with the next paragraph II. First reason to support the thesis (Topic sentence) A. Supporting Idea 1 (Sample extract from the selection) B. Supporting Idea 2 (Explanation) III. Second reason to support the thesis (Topic sentence) A. Supporting Idea 1 (Sample extract from the selection) B. Supporting Idea 2 (Explanation) IV. Third (best) reason to support the thesis (Topic sentence) A. Supporting Idea 1 (Sample extract from the selection) B. Supporting Idea 2 (Explanation) V. Conclusions 5. 1-inch margin on all sides, Arial-12, 1.5 spacing, 1.5-2 pages long excluding reference page, APA format for in-text citation and reference page. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ RUBRIC FOR REFLECTION PAPER Criteria Thoroughness of discussion Use of terms, history, and background Use of specifics about 6 5 4 3 2 1 works of literature analyzed Execution (grammar, punctuation, syntax, spelling, etc.) Documentation Overall Response Total