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Mashaweer Case Study Analysis: Information System Management

Department of Software Engineering
Bahria University Islamabad Campus
Name: Zeeshan Ahmed
Enrollment: 01-246202-012
Class: MS(EM-3A)
EMG 617: Information System Management
Case Study Assignment-1
Read the CASE study “Mashaweer” and answer the following questions.
Q-1) List the applications mentioned in this case. How would you categorize them in
various Types of Information Systems; give your reasons for giving them a category?
The application mentioned in this case are given below
Enterprise Resource Management (ERP)
Mashaweer’s Server
Applications Programmers’ Interface
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
1. Enterprise Resource Management:
Enterprise is integrated enterprise-wide spread information management system that automate
business processes in all aspects. When a company’s business growing bigger than they need
enterprise planning system (ERP) to manage the business, however Mashaweer finds that
quotations are very high. So, Mashaweer build an IT company name as “Innov8” Innovate,
which have customized ERP systems. Mashaweer connected their PDAs through a cloud
computing which help rider to get their tasks including the GPS to run the errands at correct
direction. GPS system also used to track the location of riders ensuring they are delivering the
products on time.
Mashaweer started investing in CISCO and in contact center to provide customers services. It
supports 300IP phones which have reporting module and good recording system. It helped in
tracking the issues which customer service agents might face and to track the received calls.
The call center of Mashaweer is expected to generate a large revenue in term of sales and
3. Mashaweer’s Server:
Mashaweer decided that they will not outsource their company projects. so, they decided to
make their own IT company Innov8. Innov8 build their own software components which help
managers to manage the following things.
Route management and optimization
Dealing with clients
Track and record riders, PDAs and mobile printer
Packages tracking
Call Center
Satellite offices
Management reports
4. Application Program Interface:
API is a system to integrate the Mashaweer’s ordering system with third parties. This
application presents the information data in the readable way. API help the third parties to
automate the delivering system and integrate the Mashaweer into existing customers
relationship management system. By using API, a third party can website can directly post
Mashaweer products with updated price.
5. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA):
Supervisory control and data acquisition system is used to present an overall image of all the
operations and processes going on in a firm. It serves upper level of management. Mashaweer
put a big screen at headquarter to monitor the live orders and maintain all operational
activities of riders.
Q-2) Was it a good decision to expand the business to Cairo? How their information
systems helped in coming to this decision?
Yes, I think Mashaweer decision was good to expend the business in Cairo. In 2010, when
Mashaweer started their business in Egypt, it captured the hundred percent market share in this
field. The reason was, at that time it was the first company who was providing this type of
services. However, the market was not aware of these services because they have not used it
before. So, its growth was slow in Alexandria. When company started their services in Cairo it
had grown in fast pace. At the beginning people thought Mashaweer service would have very
high cost. But when they started using it, they get to know its very cheap and convenient. The
more customers started using this service as the information technology was getting more and
more advance with time. It creates the high demand for this service which helps the company
to grow and expand their business. When Mashaweer started to expand their business, they
adopted different strategy. Instead of covering the small area they covered the greater Cairo to
make a higher entry barrier for the competitors. So, they invested in higher technology to get
the competitive advantage. The technological advancement over time helps the company in
time and cost reduction and in making the successful.
Q-3) Do you think that Mashaweer will be able to accomplish their future strategy and
sustain its market share? Why?
As Mashaweer has invested largely in building a strong IT infrastructure, it is very easy for
them to enter new markets and accomplish their future strategies. Due to their already capable
distribution network, it is very easy for them to go for Mashaweer Market in future. Due to
their inhouse IT development and huge rider force, their time saving and cost reduction strategy
they can enter this supermarket business and will get succeed. Mashaweer Call centers are also
capable of handling the business of other companies. This will help the Mashaweer to generate
a high revenue. As a first mover and a high investment in IT sector Mashaweer set a high entry
barrier for other companies to enter in this market. It is very difficult for any other company to
compete Mashaweer in such type of service. Due to all these reasons, it is easy for Mashaweer
to sustain the market share in this field.