Hồng Thy Võ Q1: Yes. Carol made the right decision because she was able to keep the customers happy (that the items are not out of stocks) and she aso maintained the sales NHƯ Ý TRẦN THỊ Q2: Dave's reaction will probably be either positive or negative depending on Carol's behavior. If Carol communicates positively, Dave will be happy and accept the leader's innovation; but if the attitude of Carol is bad, this leads to conflict. Nhung Nguyen Dave will be angry at first that Carol disobeyed his instructions. However, the increased sales figures should help him calm down Xuân Mai Trần Q2: I think Dave will change his mind and accept her action. Because of the increased revenue in sales, Carol can prove that selling more healthy food does not affect the total revenue of their restaurant. Therefore, he may let Carol continues sales more healthy food instead of running out of the new items, Hồng Thy Võ Q2: Dave's reaction depends on the way Carol approaches him. If she blame him/insult him and his ideas, then he will be angry and Carol made the mistakes that she didnt follow his instruction. If she approaches him politely and professionally, he may be happy and Carol can get a reward Question 3 Quynh Huong Duong The risk will be the loss of old and new customers. Loyal customers continue to purchase those items. New customers would be driven away when the restaurant was out of that item and offered something else instead. Hồng Thy Võ The risk is that they may lose both old and new customers. new customers won't go to the restaurant after some times because the restaurant can't offer them the items they wanted. Page 39 Question 2 NHƯ Ý TRẦN THỊ Q2: Hotels and convention centers desire to maximize profit However, personal Wi-Fi hotspots not only present security risks but also drain the performance of the network as a whole as multiple access points overwhelm the capacity of the system. Question 4 Instead of jamming the wifi and hotspots connection and offering expensive wifi packages, why dont they upgrade the systems and charge it directly to the room fees Question 6 Actually, I think no. FFC is an enforcement bureau so they have full responsibility with their position and protection customer's right. Imagining if they let things happen with no extreme punishment for violate case, customers would be the first who are affected directly.