Uploaded by Juan Hondubrata

Instrumental Analysis Methods

Instrumental Analysis
• The course is designed to introduce the
student to modern methods of instrumental
• In modern analytical chemistry. The focus
of the course is in trace analysis, and
therefore methods for the identification,
separation and quantitation of trace
substances will be described.
Scope and Relevancy of
Instrumental Analysis
• Approximately 66% of all products and
services delivered in the US rely on
chemical analyses of one sort or another
• Approximately 250,000,000 chemical
determinations are performed in the US
each day
– NIST, 1991, from Managing the Modern Laboratory, 1(1), 1995, 1-9.
Instrumental Methods
Involve interactions of analyte with EMR
Radiant energy is either produced by the analyte
(eg., Auger) or changes in EMR are brought about
by its interaction with the sample (eg., NMR)
Other methods include measurement of electrical
properties (eg., potentiometry)
Converts information stored in the physical or
chemical characteristics of the analyte into useful
Require a source of energy to stimulate
measurable response from analyte
Data domains
Methods of encoding information electrically
Nonelectrical domains
Electrical domains
Analog, Time, Digital
Device that indicates a change in one
variable in its environment (eg.,
pressure, temp, particles)
Can be mechanical, electrical, or
Analytical device capable of
monitoring specific chemical species
continuously and reversibly
Devices that convert information in
nonelectrical domains to electrical
domains and the converse
Calibration Methods
Chapter 5
Method Validation
Limits of Detection and Quantitation
Method Validation - Specificity
How well an analytical method distinguishes the analyte from everything
else in the sample.
Baseline separation
Method Validation- Linearity
• How well a calibration curve follows a straight
• R2 (Square of the correlation coefficient)
Method Validation- Linearity
Method Validation- LOD and LOQ
• Limit of detection (LOD) – “the lowest content that can
be measured with reasonable statistical certainty.”
• Limit of quantitative measurement (LOQ) – “the lowest
concentration of an analyte that can be determined with
acceptable precision (repeatability) and accuracy under
the stated conditions of the test.”
• How low can you go?
Limit of Detection (LOD)
• Typically 3 times the signal-to-noise
(based on standard deviation of the noise)
Limit of Linear Response (LOL)
• Point of saturation for an instrument detector so that
higher amounts of analyte do not produce a linear
response in signal.
Useful Range of an Analytical Method
Dynamic range
LOL (Limit of linearity)
LOD = 3x SD of blank
LOQ = 10x SD of blank
LOQ (Limit of quantitation)
LOD (Limit of detection)
Method Validation- Linearity
Slope is related to the sensitivity
Method Validation- Accuracy and
• Accuracy – nearness to the truth
• Compare results from more than one analytical
• Analyze a blank spiked with known amounts
of analyte.
Precision - reproducibility
Method Validation- LOD and LOQ
Detection limit (lower limit of detection – smallest quantity of analyte that is “statistically”
different from the blank.
Measure signal from n replicate samples (n > 7)
Compute the standard deviation of the measurments
Signal detection limit: ydl = yblank + 3s
ysample - yblank = m . sample concentration
Detection limit: 3s/m
Lower limit of quantitation (LOQ) : 10s/m
Example: sample concentrations: 5.0, 5.0, 5.2, 4.2, 4.6, 6.0, 4.9 nA
Blanks: 1.4, 2.2, 1.7, 0.9, 0.4, 1.5, 0.7 nA
The slope of the calibration curve for high conc. m= 0.229 nA/mM
What is the signal detection limit and the minimum detectable concentration?
What is the lower limit of quantitation?
Standard Addition
• Standard addition is a method to determine the
amount of analyte in an unknown.
– In standard addition, known quantities of analyte are
added to an unknown.
– We determine the analyte concentration from the
increase in signal.
• Standard addition is often used when the
sample is unknown or complex and when
species other than the analyte affect the signal.
– The matrix is everything in the sample other than the
analyte and its affect on the response is called the
matrix effect
The Matrix Effect
• The matrix effect problem occurs when
the unknown sample contains many
• If impurities present in the unknown
interact with the analyte to change the
instrumental response or themselves
produce an instrumental response, then
a calibration curve based on pure
analyte samples will give an incorrect
Calibration Curve for Perchlorate
with Different Matrices
Perchlorate (ClO4-) in
drinking water affects
production of thyroid
hormone. ClO4- is usually
detected by mass
spectrometry (Ch. 22), but
the response of the analyte
is affected by other
species, so you can see
the response of calibration
standards is very different
from real samples.
Calculation of Standard Addition
• The formula for a standard addition is:
X i
Sf  X f
I S X
[X] is the concentration of analyte in the initial (i)
and final (f) solutions, [S] is the concentration of
standard in the final solution, and I is the response
of the detector to each solution.
• But,
 V0 
Xf  Xi   and
 Vf 
 Vs
Sf  Si 
 Vf
If we express the diluted concentration of analyte
in terms of the original concentration, we can solve
the problem because we know everything else.
Standard Addition Example
• Serum containing Na+ gave a signal of 4.27 mv in
an atomic emission analysis. 5.00 mL of 2.08 M
NaCl were added to 95.0 mL of serum. The
spiked serum gave a signal of 7.98 mV. How
much Na+ was in the original sample?
 95.0 mL 
Xf  Xi 
  0.950X i
 100.0 mL 
 Vs 
5.00 mL
Sf  Si    (2.08 M)
 0.104M
100.0 mL
 Vf 
Na 
Na   0.113 M
dari m 5 ml
2.08 M ke 100
0.104 M  0.950 Na
4.27 mV
7.98 mV
Konsnetrasi Na setelah
pengngenceran dari 95 ml
7.98x = 0.44408+4.0565x
7.98x-4.0565x = 0.44408
3.9235x = 0.44408
x = 0.44408/3.9235
x = 0.1131846566
Ingat konsentrasi Na
yang dicari juga
mengalami pengenceran
dari 95 ml menjadi 100
Standard Additions Graphically
XAMPLE 10 mL of sample is pipetted into each of four 50 mL
volumetric flasks. To these flasks is added, 0, 5, 10 and 20 mL
of 100 mg/L analyte. The flasks are made up the mark and the
absorbance measured.
This is in the solution
analysed, i.e. 50 mL of
diluted solution. This
equates to a
concentration of 20
mg/L. The dilution
factor was 10 to 50 (DF
= 5), so the original
sample was 100 mg/L.
Slope = 0.223/x
Slope = 0.227
Using the equation, the mass of analyte = 0.226 ÷ 0.227
= 1.00 mg.
Название диаграммы
y = 0,2268x + 0,2368
R² = 0,9969
Internal Standards
• An internal standard is a known amount of a
compound, different from the analyte, added to the
unknown sample.
• Internal standards are used when the detector response
varies slightly from run to run because of hard to control
– e.g. Flow rate in a chromatograph
• But even if absolute response varies, as long as the
relative response of analyte and standard is the same,
we can find the analyte concentration.
Response Factors
For an internal standard, we prepare a mixture
with a known amount of analyte and standard.
The detector usually has a different response
for each species, so we determine a response
factor for the analyte:
 AS 
 F 
X  S 
[X] and [S] are the concentrations of analyte
and standard after they have been mixed
Area of analyte signal
 area of standard signal 
 F
Concentrat ion of analyte
 Concentrat ion of standard 
Internal Standard Example
• In an experiment, a solution containing 0.0837 M Na+ and
0.0666 M K+ gave chromatographic peaks of 423 and 347
(arbitrary units) respectively. To analyze the unknown, 10.0
mL of 0.146 M K+ were added to 10.0 mL of unknown, and
diluted to 25.0 mL with a volumetric flask. The peaks
measured 553 and 582 units respectively. What is [Na+] in
the unknown?
• First find the response factor, F
 A Na
F  
A Na
 AK 
 F   
 K 
 
  AK 
 0.970
 /    
  K  0.0837 0.0666
  
Internal Standard Example (Cont.)
• Now, what is the concentration of K+ in the mixture of
unknown and standard?
 
 10 mL 
K  (0.146M) 
  0.05484 M
 25.0 mL 
• Now, you know the response factor, F, and you know
how much standard, K+ is in the mixture, so we can find
the concentration of Na+ in the mixture.
A Na
 AK 
 F   
 K 
 
 582 
 (0.970)
 0.0584 M 
Na   0.0572 M
• Na+ unknown was diluted in the mixture by K+, so the
Na+ concentration in the unknown was:
25 mL 
Na   (0.0572 M)  10.0
  0.143 M
 AS 
 F 
X  S 
• S in 10 ml is the dilution of 1 ml to 10 ml therefore 10x dilution = 1/10 x
• [X]f= [A]x x F [A][S]f = 5428/0.163 x0847/4431 =6.615
• S in the solution is the dilution of 5 ml to 10ml. Thus the original concentration
is 10/5 x 6.615mM = 13.3mM
5 mL aliquots of sample are pipetted into four
beakers, 0, 100, 200 and 300 uL of 500 mg/L
standard added. The absorbances are measured, and a
graph prepared (see below). The sample
absorbance was 0.118.
(a) Calculate the mass added in the 100 uL aliquot
(b) Use the value from (a) to complete the horizontal axis scale - each division is
equal to this
(c) Estimate the mass of analyte in the analysed sample from
the above graph. (d) The trendline slope was found to be
1.694. Calculate the exact mass of analyte. (e) Calculate the
concentration of analyte in the sample in mg/L. Assume the
added volumes do not cause a change in the volume from 25
mL. added (mg)
EXERCISE . 25 mL aliquots of sample are pipetted into four beakers, 0, 100,
200 and 300 uL of 500 mg/L standard added. The absorbances are measured,
and a graph prepared (see below). The sample absorbance was 0.118.
(a) Calculate the mass added in the 100 µL aliquot.
(b) Use the value from (a) to complete the horizontal axis scale - each division
is equal to this value.
c) Estimate the mass of analyte in the analysed sample from the above
(d) The trendline slope was found to be 1.694. Calculate the exact mass of
(e) (e) Calculate the concentration of analyte in the sample in mg/L. Assume
the added volumes do not cause a change in the volume from 25 mL.
0.6922 g of sample is dissolved and made up to 100 mL. 10 mL aliquots of this
solution are pipetted into four 100 mL vol. flasks, 0, 5, 10 & 20 mL of 250 mg/L
standard added. The solution are made up to the mark and analysed. The sample
absorbance was 0.205. (a) Calculate the mass added in the 5 mL aliquot of
(b) Use the value from (a) to complete the horizontal axis scale - each
division is equal to this value. (c) Estimate the mass of analyte in the analysed
sample from the above graph.
(d) The trendline slope was found to be 0.0964.
Calculate the exact mass of analyte.
(e) Calculate the mass of analyte in the
original sample.
(b) Calculate the concentration of analyte in the sample in %w/w.
0.6922 g of sample is dissolved and made up to 100 mL. 10 mL aliquots of this
solution are pipetted into four 100 mL vol. flasks, 0, 5, 10 & 20 mL of 250 mg/L
standard added. The solution are made up to the mark and analysed. The
sample absorbance was 0.205. (a) Calculate the mass added in the 5 mL aliquot
of standard.
(b) Use the value from (a) to complete the horizontal axis scale - each division is
equal to this value.
c) Estimate the mass of the anylate in the analysed from the above graph
d) The trendline slope was found to be 0.0964. Calculate the exact mass of the