Uploaded by aleksandrovaea

E-Learning Course Development Agreement

E-Learning Course Development Agreement
Project Description & Objectives:
Course Name/ID:
Lead Course Developer:
Project Manager:
Project Sponsor:
[[Describe why the project was initiated, the business need it’s intended to fulfill, and the scope
of the work involved. For example: Diane Cooper, VP of HR, requested the Learning Services
team take on this project. The project’s purpose is to transform portions of the existing new-hire
orientation from ILT to online. About two-thirds of the current ILT course will be retooled and
redesigned to be deployed as e-learning.]]
Targeted learners:
[[Describe the learners to whom this course is directed. For example: This course targets all
non-exempt employees, at all manufacturing locations, on their first day at work.]]
Learning objectives:
This course will enable learners to:
Project Deliverables:
Components of this
Out-of-scope work:
Possible constraints:
[[Describe the instructional products to be developed. For example:
 A narrated, animated online course, estimated to be about 20 minutes long.
 A corresponding checklist and redesigned new-hire paperwork, to be included as
attachments to the course.
 A printable job aid describing how to use the online company benefits site.]]
[[Clarify any related items that are not part of this project. If possible, describe who’s
responsible for creating or supplying these items. For example: LMS testing is outside of the
scope of this agreement. This task will be covered by the Learning Technology group during
the pilot phase of this project, using the pilot version of the course and course completion data
from pilot trainees.]]
[[State any anticipated constraints that might impact the ability to successfully complete this
project. For example: Several on-site videos will be created as part of this course. Video shoots
will be scheduled at the convenience of Plant 72. If the shoots can’t be scheduled within a
reasonable timeframe without affecting the plant’s manufacturing schedule, target dates in this
agreement may need to be revised.]]
E-Learning Course Development Agreement, continued
Project Milestone Dates:
Project start:
completed for review:
Reviewers submit
Beta version completed
for review:
Reviewers submit final
Pilot implementation:
Final release:
[[List names of reviewers here. Indicate with an asterisk any
reviewer from whom final signoff on the project is required.]]
 [[Name]]*
 [[Name]]
 [[Name]]
*Final signoff is required from this reviewer.
Success Measures:
[[Describe the outcomes that will signify the project’s success. For example:
 The project is completed and deployed by the final release date noted above.
 A post-deployment evaluation conducted by Human Resources 90 days after project release indicates learner satisfaction
of 90% or better.
 The number of new-hire inquiries directed to Human Resources regarding benefits and policies remains static or
Additional Project Notes:
Key Stakeholder Signatures:
I agree to the project as described in this document and will support its development, completion, and deployment.
[[Name, title]]:
[[Name, title]]:
[[Name, title]]: