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Netflix Subscription Factors: Accessibility & Price Research

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature
2. Variables affecting Subscription to Streaming Services.
When one thinks of accessibility, they think of ways to access a certain service or ways in order to
procure something. Like many others, Netflix does not differ from such challenges. Netflix is available in
a wide range of different devices. This leads to Netflix being able to cater to a large number of people
with diverse of interest and a myriad of devices.
Of late, Netflix is not only available in Smart TV’s, computers, tablets and phones, but video game
consoles as well; such as PlayStation, Xbox and even in new hand-held consoles like the Nintendo
Switch. This broad scope allows Netflix to potentially integrate themselves into every aspect of a
person’s life and free time.
However, accessibility also means the ease of use and the layout design of the application. While Netflix
is accessible in different devices, if the app is hard to use, even with its vast number of media content
available, if it is not user friendly, the number of subscription will be affected as well.
Fortunately, such a problem was foreseen and handled by Netflix themselves as their design within the
app makes it easy for users to look at their selection and browse for specific ones that they enjoy. It is
these 2 factors of accessibility that the helps Netflix enjoy their right as one of; if not the, top spot within
the paid streaming services.
Without the 2 Accessibility factors of multi-platform availability and ease of usage, Netflix will have a
hard time gathering subscribers and potential customers.
Chapter 3: Methodology
A. Research Design
The Research Design that will be utilized for the duration of this study will be that of a descriptive
nature in order to fulfil the objectives of the research. This is due to the classification of the
Research Design. With regards to the Descriptive design, it does not focus on the ‘Why’ of the
research but rather the ‘What’, ‘When’, ‘Where’ and ‘How’.
Descriptive Research Design focuses on the analysis of data and which leads to the evaluation of a
product’s/service’s performance. Here, the research design will be used to gauge the performance
of Netflix based of the research objectives with the chosen variable of price and accessibility.
In order to facilitate this research design the data gathering will be of a quantitative nature; where
certain aspects of Netflix will come under scrutiny as the survey will revolve around specific qualities
of the service.
Unfortunately, due to the circumstance currently happening, there will be no face to face
interviews. In light of this, an online survey based on G-docs will be used in order to gather the data.
The target of this survey will fall within the age range of 18-25 years old within province of Rizal.