MATHEMATICS 8 QUARTER 1 | WEEK 4 | M8AL-Ie-1 ONLINE CLASSROOM RULES Teacher Ace 8TH GRADE RECTANGULAR COORDINATE SYSTEM Quarter 1 | Lesson 4 WHAT WE HAVE ACHIEVED SO FAR? FACTORING POLYNOMIALS OPERATIONS ON RATIONAL ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS Week1 Week 3 Week 2 SIMPLIFYING RATIONAL ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSION 8th GRADE Let’s Play! 0 0 WORD 1 0 A L S H V F U R O I E Y WORD 1 1 H O U S A E V R I F L Y WORD 2 1 N L H M F G R O I I E C WORD 2 2 C E I L I H M F R O N G WORD 3 2 A L H V F C C R O I E A 3 WORD 3 C H A R C O A L V F I E WORD 4 3 A L S V F C S R M I E Y WORD 4 4 M E A L R S S Y V F C I WORD 5 4 N L H M F R G R O I E C WORD 5 5 C O R N E L G H M F I R 8th GRADE Story Retelling 8th GRADE RENÉ DESCARTES In the nineteenth century, algebra and analysis took precedence over geometry, the coordinate system of algebraic geometry came to be called “Cartesian coordinates” in honor of his discovery. Source: 8th GRADE RECTANGULAR COORDINATE SYSTEM Source: What are in store for us? What are in store for us? 1. Illustrate the rectangular coordinate system; 2. Determine of the coordinates of given points in the cartesian plane; 3. Plot the given points in the cartesian plane; What are in store for us? 4. Formulate a rule in plotting and identifying the quadrant of a given ordered pair; 5. Validate the answers of your classmates in a given activity; and 6. Construct a rectangular coordinate plane to solve real-world problem. LET’S EXPLORE! Class Seating Arrangement a. In what row does Maria sit? First row b. In what column you can find Pedro? Fifth column c. Who sits at the intersection of second row and fifth column? Matt T. Rosa Ace Maria Ben Lora Pedro Gina Carlos Mica Rye Cara Adonis Sue Juan Ana Carlos Karen Matt Nina Greg Nina Checkmate! a. What white piece must be moved in order to checkmate all the black kings? horse b. In what position you should move it? e5 Where in the World? a. What is the approximate coordinates of the Philippines relative to the world map presented? 10º North, 120º East Where in the World? b. What body of water lies at 20º South, 80º East? Indian Ocean Where in the World? c. What is the coordinates of the intersection of the prime meridian and equator? 0º North, 0º East the-geographical-oddity-of-nullisland/ THINK ABOUT THIS! What similarities or differences you can identify among the three situations based on the rule/system in identifying location/position? LET’S STUDY IT FURTHER! Get a sheet of graphing paper. How many creases were created after folding the paper? 1. Fold the paper in half, from How manyright to left partitions were created in your 2. Unfold the graphing paper? previous step to fold it again at top edge up to the bottom edge. Where does the intersection of the horizontal and vertical creases located? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 What numbers must line up on the right (left) side of zero? What numbers must line up above (below) of zero? 2 1 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 INHS SATELLITE MAP B A C D E J G F H I INHS SATELLITE MAP Building A B C H V 10 9 TLE Laboratory C Canteen Covered Court E Coop Building F Maliksi Building G SSC Building A 7 6 5 JICA Building D B 8 E 4 D 3 2 1 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 G -4 -3 -2 -1 J 1 -1 Flag Pole -3 -4 I Subj. Department Bldng. J Poultry I 3 4 5 6 7 -2 -5 H 2 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 F H 8 9 10 THINK ABOUT THIS! What position is relative to each of the building that we have identified? How did you able to locate the specified building? RECTANGULAR COORDINATE PLANE The x and y axes are just like the number line, with positive distances to the right and negative to the left in the x-axis, and positive distances measured upwards and negative down for the y-axis. y-axis x-axis RECTANGULAR COORDINATE PLANE Locations on the graph are measured relative to a fixed point, called the origin, and are measured according to the distance along the pair of axes. y-axis origin (0,0) x-axis THINK ABOUT THIS! How did we name the location of the building in the school? RECTANGULAR COORDINATE SYSTEM The location of a point is determined by first giving its x coordinate (abscissa), the left or right displacement from the origin, and then the y coordinate (ordinate), the up or down displacement from the origin. RECTANGULAR COORDINATE SYSTEM Thus, every point on the plane can be identified by a pair of numbers (x,y), called coordinates. EXAMINE THIS! Identify the points on each partition made by the intersecting x and y axes. EXAMINE THIS! List all the points that falls into: Upper Right Region: Upper Left Region: Lower Left Region: Lower Right Region: RECTANGULAR COORDINATE PLANE The axes divide the plane into quarters. We call these quadrants, and number them from one to four. The numbering begins in the upper right quadrant and continues around in the counter–clockwise direction. Quadrant II Quadrant I Quadrant III Quadrant IV RECTANGULAR COORDINATE PLANE Analyze the pair of signs exhibited by each point based on their quadrants. Quadrant II Quadrant I Quadrant III Quadrant IV RECTANGULAR COORDINATE PLANE Analyze the pair of signs exhibited by each point based on their quadrants. Quadrant II Quadrant I Quadrant III Quadrant IV MORE EXAMPLES Plot the following points and identify the quadrants. 1. 2. 3. (5, -4) 9 8 7 6 5 4 Quadrant II3 1 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 Quadrant I (-5/2, -6) Quadrant III Quadrant I 2 Quadrant IV (9, 5) 9TH GRADE 10 0 1 -1 (-3, 5) Quadrant II 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 4. Three units to the left of yaxis and 5 units above x-axis. 2 Quadrant III -7 -8 -9 -10 Quadrant IV 10 ONLINE GROUP ACTIVITY Each team will be assigned to a breakout room and will be given 10 minutes to complete the objective of an online game related to rectangular coordinate system. ONLINE GROUP ACTIVITY After completing the game, you must do the following: 1. Screen shot the game result; 2. Note all the coordinates used and identify their quadrants; and 3. Present you results and answers in class. ONLINE GROUP ACTIVITY The other groups will validate or correct the answers of the presenting group. ONLINE GROUP ACTIVITY Team 1: Boat Coordinates Team 2: Rocket Down Team 3: Graphing Puzzle BREAKOUT SESSIONS PRESENTATION OF RESULTS & ANSWERS KEY TAKEAWAYS In the rectangular coordinate system what do you call the two real number lines that intersect at a right angle? All positions in the rectangular coordinate system is relative to what point? What do you call a pair of numbers that identifies a position on the rectangular plane? x-axis & y-axis (0,0) origin coordinates KEY TAKEAWAYS What do you call the regions made by the intersecting axes? What are the signs of the coordinates in the following quadrants? How do you plot points in rectangular coordinate system? (open response) quadrants QI QII QIII QIV (+,+) (-,+) (-,-) (+,+) Did we hit the marks? Did we hit the marks? 1. Illustrate the rectangular coordinate system; 2. Determine of the coordinates of given points in the cartesian plane; 3. Plot the given points in the cartesian plane; Did we hit the marks? 4. Formulate a rule in plotting and identifying the quadrant of a given ordered pair; 5. Validate the answers of your classmates in a given activity; and 6. Construct a rectangular coordinate plane to solve real-world problem. PERFORMANCE TASKS Goal Situation Construct a rectangular coordinate plane to solve real-world problems. Distribution of modules for learners under modular modality. The school is expecting 30 parents per grade level every two hours to receive the modules Role Teacher/ School Floor Manager Audience Parents, learners, and school administrators Product Seating plan for parents during the module distribution of INHS. STANDARDS Deadline: Nov. 22 Categories Excellent Learners are able to clearly draw the rectangular coordinate Content system and Integration, represent the Representation, positions in the & Accuracy seating arrangement with appropriate symbols. Good Learners are able to appropriately draw the rectangular coordinate system and represent the positions in the seating arrangement with minor (1 – 2) flaw/s in using symbols. Satisfactory Learners are able to adequately draw the rectangular coordinate system and represent the positions in the seating arrangement with numerous (3 and above) flaws in using symbols. Unsatisfactory Learners did not illustrate appropriately the rectangular coordinate system and unclearly represent the positions in the seating arrangement with confusing symbols. 10-9 The seating plan is extremely neat, organized, and easy to understand by the audience. 8-6 The seating plan is, neat, organized, and could be understand by the audience. 5-3 The seating plan is organized with minor mess and may be hard to understand by the audience 2-1 The seating plan appears sloppy, unorganized, and hard to understand. 6-5 The illustration is exceptionally appealing in terms of layout and design. 4 4-3 The illustration is acceptable in terms of layout and design. 2 The illustration is acceptable though it may be a bit unappealing. 1 The illustration is distractingly messy and very poorly designed. Neatness and Organization Overall illustration Comments: 3 2 1 Score Total: ____/20 Let’s ponder about this. Some systems might be relative in terms of their usability and purpose. Can you think of any system that might not applicable to all people or groups of people? References: Larson, R., & Hostetler, R. P. (2012). The Rectangular Coordinate System and Graphs. In Algebra and Trigonometry (pp. 55–65). Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd. Oronce, O. A., Mendoza, M. O., & author. (2019). Rectangular Coordinate System. In E-math: Worktext in Mathematics 8 (pp. 112–119). Rex Book Store. Rectangular Coordinate System. TSI assessment preparation. (n.d.). Retrieved November 3, 2021, from Thank you! CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik. Teacher Ace