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Stress Management & Academic Performance Research

A Research Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School, Hagonoy
National High School, Guihing, Hagonoy, Davao del Sur,
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in
Practical Research II
Hagonoy National High School
Hagonoy, Davao del Sur
March 2018
Chapter I
Background of the study
Stress management encompasses techniques to equip a person with effective
coping mechanisms for dealing with physiological stress (Siraj et al., 2014). It involves
self-management, conflict resolution, positive attitude, self-talk, breathing, meditation,
exercise, diet, and rest (Akande, Olowonirejuaro & Okwara-Kalu, 2014). According to
Rizvi, Ammar, Hussain & Virani (2013), stress is an unavoidable syndrome in students’
lives. They are expected to do well academically, and if the students are incapable of
doing this, it causes them a lot of stress. Additionally, students experienced a lot of
stress with regards to their academic performance in Practical Research I which is one
of the prerequisite subjects in Senior High School.
A study of Emmanuel, Adom & Solomon (2014) from Ghana states that majority
of the students experienced moderate stress levels and that, none of the students
experienced high stress levels. Their study also indicated that, there is no significant
correlation between the level of perceived stress and academic performance of the
students (Emmanuel, Adom & Solomon, 2014). In Malaysia, the findings of Siraj et al.
(2014) shows that Academic Related and Social-related Stressors caused for severe
and high stress in 84% and 49% respondents, with insignificant differences between
gender and residency. Respondents with a high and severe stress level were observed
to have higher Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).
In Tacloban, the findings of Mazo (2015) states that school requirements/projects
were the most common cause of stress and sleepless nights was the common effect of
stress. Their study observed that the causes and effects of stress between the male and
female respondents were not different. The result of their study states that listening to
music was the common stress coping mechanism (Mazo, 2015).
According to Algoet (2014) in Davao Region, the greatest number of student
problems that cause them stressed was found in the areas of adjustment, school life and
the future. Based from their counseling session with the students, they reported that
most of the first year students considered there subject instructors, peers, time schedule
and school policies as factors to their adjustment difficulty in college. These factors also
make the students become stress.
Nowadays, students in Senior High School perceived stress in Practical
Research I. They may be stressed as the subject is new to them and they are having
difficulty in adapting the nature of Practical Research especially for the students from
different strands in Senior High who have little background about it. In addition, they are
stressed in coping up in other subjects and personal problems.
The objective of this study is to determine the level of stress in Practical
Research I among Grade 12 students in Hagonoy National High School in terms of
Gender and Strand/Track. In addition, this study is also to determine if there is no
correlation between stress management and academic performance in Practical
Research I. Therefore, this study is ought to be conducted.
Research Question
This study will aim to determine the relationship between the variables Stress
Management and Academic Performance.
Specifically, it will seek to find answers to the following questions:
1. What is the demographic profile of the participants in Practical Research I in
terms of:
1.1 Gender; and
1.2 Strand/Track?
2. What is the level of stress management of Grade 12 Senior High students in
terms of:
2.1 Manages or reduces sources of stress;
2.2 Practices relaxation techniques;
2.3 Manages his or her thoughts; and
2.4 Practices higher-order stress management skills?
3. What is the level of academic performance of Senior High students in Practical
Research I?
4. Is there a significant relationship of the stress management of Senior High
School students with their academic performance in Practical Research I?
Null Hypothesis
The following hypothesis will be tested in the study:
H0: There is no significant relationship between Senior High School students’ Stress
Management and Academic Performance.
Conceptual Framework
Stress Management in terms
1. Manages or reduces
sources of stress;
Practices relaxation
Academic Performance
Manages his or her
thoughts; and
4. Practices higher-order
stress management skills
Figure 1. The conceptual framework used in the study.
Scope and Delimitation
This study focused on Senior High students’ stress management and academic
performance in Practical Research I. This study will be conducted within Hagonoy
National High School located at Guihing, Hagonoy, Davao del Sur. The subjects of the
study are 140 Grade 12 students.
Significance of the Study
This study is significantly helpful to the following:
Students. The results of this study will help the current and upcoming Senior
High students learn the sources and level of stress in Practical Research I, the possible
coping strategies to manage stress and its effect on their academic performance.
Parents. The findings of the study will help them become aware of the stress
levels of their children. Also, this study will encourage them to show their moral support
to their children.
School. The findings of this study will help the schools to learn the students
stress levels and will help them to make adjustments and improvements for the students’
physiological capability in Practical Research I.
Future Researchers. The implication of this study is to help the future
researchers to make it as their basis in conducting their study.
Definition of Terms
For better understanding of this study, the following are purposely defined either
theoretically or operationally:
Stress Management. It refers to the wide variety of techniques aimed at
controlling a person’s lifestyle, thoughts, emotions, level of stress and the way you deal
with problems. In this study, stress management refers to coping mechanisms of Senior
High students in dealing with Practical Research I.
Academic Performance. It refers to how students deal with their studies and
how they cope with or accomplish different tasks given to them by their teachers or
professors (Seligman, 2005). In this study, it is the performance of the Senior High
School students in Practical Research I that is considered as academic performance.
Practical Research. Is defined as the prerequisite subject in Senior High School
students and it is one of the contributing factors of stress.